Supreme God King

Chapter 2966: A thousand virtual world

Three major forces.

Buddhism, God Realm, Arcane Empire.

The top strong, gather together!

Protoss leader Ten Thousand Dharma God Emperor, Buddha World leader Sumi God Buddha, plus the arcane empire's guard knight commander, is known as the Arcdor of the Arcane Empire's right hand.

In addition, there are six leaders of the God Realm who are five five-five-caliber **** kings. Among them, the grand old man has broken through to the sixth calamity; the Arcane Empire has more than one hundred four-flight **** kings and six five-five calamity gods. king.

And after the Extraordinary Twins, he escaped from the control of the Great Chaos Emperor, swallowed Meng Fan’s Creator Body, reshaped his own foundation, and thus mastered the first son of Chaos with similar power to Meng Fan. Now, it has been renamed Chaotu The king.

This lineup, let alone this brand-new era of great avenues, is to go through all the history books throughout the ages, without records.

The monks are constantly stepping in the footsteps of their predecessors to climb higher ladders. In the era of Longxianggu, the Five Tribulations King was the absolute overlord, and the number was scarce. It was after the fall of the Longxianggu, when the era of the highest heaven came. , Some Six Tribulations Divine Kings gradually emerged, as well as the Seven Tribulations Divine Kings headed by Emperor Bo Wu and the Old Man Missing Moon.

Up to this moment, the prelude to the new era has already fallen, and at this moment when the Great Dao World has taken shape, in the vast universe, the Seven Tribulations God King is still the peak overlord.

No matter which corner of the universe appears, the Emperor of All Laws is a giant of heaven and earth. It is rare to meet an opponent. Generally, he has to retreat. There is no need to ask foreign affairs. Now he shows up to deal with Meng Fan, and he is not coming alone. So many people shot with him.

This is not an attitude to deal with a **** king at all.

Even if it is to destroy a supreme celestial dynasty, there is no such battle.

This is to attack a lineup of a great world!

"It takes such a big battle to deal with me!"

After Meng Fan made a big drink, he violently raised his leg and stepped on the ground under his feet.

He did not wait.

But start first!

Immediately, all the laws between the heaven and the earth quickly became condensed with his foot fall, turning into the sky of the sky, crushing in all directions.

The sky is falling.

All laws are collapsing!

At this moment, between the world and the earth, the light disappeared, but it did not sink into darkness, but entered a very mysterious, black and white situation, which is the result of the simultaneous collapse of the law of light and the law of darkness.

Cobweb-like cracks appeared in the void visible to the naked eye, and it was the law of space that was collapsing.

Those weak **** kings staying in the distance of the Arcane Empire felt the vitality passing by in an instant, which was the result of the messy laws of time.

All the laws were mobilized by Meng Fan's foot!

The Emperor Wanfa raised his head.

Several leaders also raised their heads.

In this kind of atmosphere, only the Ten Thousand Dharma God Emperor and the grand old man could not change their faces, and the other leaders felt immense pressure.

"Terror." The Emperor of Ten Thousand Laws said leisurely. Although he didn't change his face, his feet fell silently into the earth. Obviously, he was also under tremendous pressure.

The old man with the grand plan on the side, obviously as the Six-Tribulation God King, was much calmer than the Ten Thousand Tribulations God Emperor, and the power of the collapse of the sky had a smaller impact on him than the Ten Thousand Tribulations God Emperor.

Because this is the power of heaven.

Under this kind of power, all the Protoss must be restrained and oppressed. The grand old man has gone through countless rebirths and life and death catastrophes, and has escaped this restraint.

But even so, the clothes of the grand old man was still hunting, and the invisible armor formed by the power of the gods all over his body broke several times.

The other direction.

Akdo squinted her eyes, her face trembling slightly, and solemnly said: "The power of heaven."

"Hahaha..." The transcendent King sneered in the wind of law: "This is the power I have always wanted to get, the power of the Creator, the power of heaven. It has swallowed your body, although it has reshaped my foundation, it also makes I have the power of the Creator to achieve the Way of Heaven, but my fate is different from yours. You can achieve the Way of Heaven. There are countless chances and coincidences. I cannot obtain these chances. Therefore, I will defeat you again and devour you again. ..."

God and Buddha Xumi put his hands together and his face was calm.

"The big net of cause and effect has fallen. No matter how hard you struggle, there is no way to escape. There is absolutely no possibility. Only the path of dying can go. A thousand virtual worlds!"

Behind the **** Xumi.

A Buddha light unfolded.

In the Buddha's light, there is a phantom of the world, the world is full of peace and joy, all beings are alive safely, the expressions on their faces are calm and calm, and they have no worries.

In the center of the world, there is a golden peak. At the top of the peak there are many temples. Among them are countless Buddhists. They are called Arhats, Bodhisattvas, and Monks.

This is the realm of Buddhism and Taoism. The highest in Buddhism and Taoism is the Buddha, followed by the Arhat, after that, the Bodhisattva, and finally, the Sangha.

The Buddhas are the three gods of Xumi, the **** of roots, and the **** of sage.

Arhat is the eight hundred three-kata and four-kata **** kings.

Bodhisattva is a **** king of one and two calamities.

The so-called monks are selected from among the monks below the realm of the **** king and are called "wisdom roots." The so-called wisdom roots are aptitude, potential, and understanding of the Buddha and Tao.

The countless Buddhas gathered in the mountain all looked over and saw Meng Fan. Then, driven by the **** Xumi, they put their hands together and chanted.

These chants are uniform.

Hong Zhong Dalu.

In the singing, there are eight hundred powerful three-knack and four-knack **** kings, shining dazzling light, they are eight hundred arhats.

In the singing, invisible illusory worlds were born. In these worlds, all kinds of grievances, grievances, joys and sorrows, separation and reunion, continue to be staged, it looks very broken, there are thousands of illusory worlds, but then These illusory worlds are evolving, and the stories in them move forward quickly.

Meng Fan, who was crushing the world with one foot, was suddenly startled.

He saw the sights in those illusory worlds.

He saw a world of doomsday that was exhausted.

But in this world, some powerful "gods" appeared, that is, some monks. They discovered the power of the power of faith, gathered believers, replaced the vitality with the power of faith, continued to practice, and became the king of gods. There are many **** cities, and these **** cities gather to form the gods' realm.

In a **** city, a girl was born.

Girls are born with snowy skin and jade bones. After a few years, they will be beautiful.

As the girl grows up, her amazing talents are also revealed. At a very young age, she became the king of gods, known as the proud girl of heaven, known as the charm of heaven.

Afterwards, the girl began to retreat in order to realize the great road, but in the retreat, she entered a very deep meditation state, wandered away from her body, and traversed one after another in complete ignorance over the long years. One big thousand worlds, eventually, reached a place called the heavens and the world.

Here, the soul of the sky's charming is already weak, and has to be reborn. But after all, he has traveled through many worlds and dimensions with the soul. After the seizure, he experienced the mystery in the womb, and ninety-nine percent of his memories were lost.

After rebirth, Tian Zhimei had a new name, and she had forgotten her former identity, and even her own physical deity. She was in a place called God's Domain, panting slightly in a state of extreme sleep.

It's just that the soul and the physical body are still inextricably linked.

After rebirth, Tianzhimei has a new name.

Ruo Shui Yi.

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