Supreme God King

Chapter 2969: New sky


The gods of the three major forces, the God Realm, the Buddha Realm, and the Arcane Empire, silently looked at the mountain.

That strange rock is rugged and jagged, and the mountains point to the sky, like a twisted hand, opening its palm to the sky, trying to hold something that doesn't exist.

Above the earth, the veins stretched out one by one, which were the ground veins formed by the power of many gods.

The world is quiet and barren.

Amazing power has been gathered in this mountain. It comes from one **** king of seven calamities, two **** kings of six calamities, eleven **** kings of five calories, hundreds of **** kings of four calamities, and thousands of three gods and two gods. The power of the tribulation, one tribulation **** king.

Concentrated the power of two great worlds and one civilization.

At this time.

In the air, it began to drizzle.

The rain slapped on the ground, slapped on a **** king.

God Buddha Xumi raised his head to look at the sky, lost his merits and light, let the rain fall on his cheeks, muttering: "Does the sky cry too?"

"He is not dead." Akdo frowned.

"Meng Fan upholds the authority of the Heavenly Dao and continues to accept the power of the Heavenly Dao. He has reached the state of'Shou and Tianqi'. It may be more difficult to kill him than to kill Baibuxian, but he is over. , Completely abolished, falling into cause and effect forever, being suppressed by our power forever, there is no possibility of anyone turning over." The Emperor Wanfa said lightly, facing the **** Xumi: "I said Right?"

God Buddha Xumi put his hands together and bowed his head slightly: "Yes. I have done what I should do. Meng Fan has what you want in his body. Beyond the Dharma King wants Meng Fan's body, God Realm thinks I want the true meaning of Meng Fan’s Great Dao, his origin, universe, soul, and even every drop of blood, but I don’t need these anymore. Starting today, the Buddha Realm will withdraw from the Heavenly Dao Alliance."

The Emperor of Ten Thousand Faith and Akduo narrowed their eyes.

The **** Xumi retreated step by step and walked into Mount Xumi peacefully: "In the realm of Buddhism, as long as you get rid of Meng Fan, it is enough. Our luck is prosperous, and there is no force to stop it. Heaven is weak. , It means that Buddhism is prosperous, fate does not come out, it means cause and effect are invincible, this is enough, and the methods that the Buddha world displays today will make you jealous and make you full of doubts about the Buddha world. It is better to be wary of each other Getting together and scattered is also a fate."

God Buddha Sumi waved his hand.

In the air, those more than a thousand imaginary realms all fell into his hands, but they did not dissipate as Meng Fan was suppressed, but became more real. Each imaginary realm brewed infinite cause and effect, like an egg. There are endless possibilities for life.

He took this endless cause and effect, and disappeared with Mount Xumi.

The Emperor Wanfa and Akduo waited until the God Buddha Xumi left.

The God and Buddha Xumi shows the realm of seeing through all things, and the ultimate free and easy.

He joined the Heavenly Dao Alliance only to suppress Meng Fan.

Knowing more clearly that the methods displayed today will make the gods and arcane empires feel jealous of the Buddha world.

Cause and effect are invincible, really invincible.

Without Meng Fan's "heaven" pressing on top of his head, the Buddha realm would grow rapidly, and its brewing energy would explode.

Just like the rise of Meng Fan when the Emperor of Heaven fell, with Meng Fan in the future, the heavenly court will be prosperous. There is no force in the universe that can surpass the heavenly court in the future. Only the Buddha realm can be compared with the heavenly court in the future. It should be the Buddhist realm that rose rapidly.

The Emperor Wanfa Divine Sovereign said in a very soft voice: "From today onwards, see you Buddha again, see one, kill one."

The surrounding leaders were silent.

They agree.

The horror of Buddhism has been revealed.

The first moment was an ally, the next moment was an enemy, and the Ten Thousand Magic God Emperor also showed enough cruelty and skill.

He looked at the detached Karmapa.

"It's your turn."

The detachment King smiled slightly: "Yes, it's me, neither the Protoss nor the Arcane Empire can really kill Meng Fan, but I can."

Only he can kill Meng Fan.

Because of him, he is the second Meng Fan.

In comparison, the twenty-one replicas of Meng Fan mastered by the God Realm and the King of Light Brain are very crude.

These twenty-one replicas were created from twenty-one drops of Meng Fan's essence and blood, and these twenty-one drops of essence and blood were all given by the transcendent Dharma King.

The Dharma King abandoned the original body that was bestowed by Chaos Great Emperor and was reborn, and obtained the body of Meng Fan's Creator. In all respects, he possessed Meng Fan's aptitude, potential, and talent.

This allowed the Dharma King to escape from the control of the Chaos Great Emperor, and it also carried Meng Fan's luck.

That's why he is able to hold the three major realities at the same time. As long as he is given some time to continue to make progress, he will become the second creator throughout the ages.

Moreover, as long as Meng Fan is dead, he may be able to uphold the Taoism of Heaven!

At this point, both the Dharma King and the Protoss know that one day, the Dharma King will become the enemy of the Gods. Before that day, the God Clan will do its best to kill the Dharma King, and the Dharma King will also Make every effort to become strong and attack the Protoss.

The Alliance of Heaven and Path is the most powerful alliance born in the new era, and it is destined to be the alliance with the shortest existence time, because of mutual jealousy, mutual suspicion, and mutual enemy.

It's like jackals, tigers, leopards, brown bears, crocodiles, forming allies to control a jungle together, because they are all too powerful and the food in the jungle is limited. One day, they will show off their minions.

And these beasts are also very smart, knowing that this day will come, and they all hope to destroy each other before this day.

But this day has not yet arrived.

Today, they all need to rely on each other to deal with Meng Fan together.

There are no eternal friends, no eternal enemies, only eternal interests, for the sake of profit, you can form alliances, or you can tear your skin at any time.

The detached Dharma King walked towards the mountains and rivers step by step.

As he walked, he raised his head, watching the drizzle falling in the sky.

"The Emperor of Heaven was sealed, and Meng Fan was suppressed."

The detached Karmapa laughed.

"The destiny of the Heavenly Dao continuously decays, but in the future of the universe, will it really be like the God Buddha Xumi said that the existence of the heavenly path is not needed?

The universe cannot accept a vacuum.

Once a force falls, it will inevitably be born to fill the vacancy.

Just as the Emperor of Heaven was sealed and Meng Fan rose.

I can feel that at this moment, Meng Fan is suppressed, and my luck is growing rapidly.

This will be a whole new sky.

I dominate the sky. "

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