Supreme God King

Chapter 2970: sign

The top of Mount Xume.

Shen Buddha Sumi stood in front of a clear well, stretched out his hand, and shook it gently in the well.

The thousand virtual world in his hand fell into it and blended into it.

Immediately, infinite cause and effect, various stories, and many people, all appeared in the well, and each moved forward in it, creating their own cause and effect.

That is new cause and effect.

Everything has changed.

Because in the very center of the virtual world, the young man who should have stepped through the sky was in the corner shivering.

The Root Burial God Buddha and the Xianjie God Buddha appeared to the side. They looked at the well head together, their expressions were quite solemn. After a long time, the Xianjie God Buddha said, "Is this true or false."

"True and false are nothingness." God Buddha Xumi said indifferently: "Just as life and death are nothingness, just as humanity is nothingness, just as heaven is nothingness, everything is just created from nothing, there is no difference between true and false. It's another cause and effect, another cycle, another piece of the world."

The root burial **** frowned.

Xian Jie Shen Buddha's eyes changed slightly, and he bowed and said, "I understand."

"Yeah." God Buddha Xumi nodded gently: "Pay attention to everything in this well water day and night."



The future heaven.

Zai Fu Shenfu.

The ancestor Mingyi opened his eyes abruptly, gasping for breath, very painful.

Zhuge Zilan and Zhuge Ziyi, who were always waiting next to the ancestor Mingyi, quickly got up to help the ancestor Mingyi and became nervous.

"Meng Fan...Qiyun...Heavenly Way...the future heaven..."

The ancestor of Mingyi uttered four words one after another.

Then passed out!

This scene really scared Zhuge Ziluan and Zhuge Ziyi, and immediately spread the idea of ​​divine soul. Soon, the backbone of the Zhuge family came one after another, and the leader was Master Zhuge.

"Mingyi ancestor actually passed out?"

"Quickly, go and invite some gentlemen!"

"Go and invite Heavenly King Xuanyuan, the Great Cracking Heaven, Gu Daozi, Ruihuang Qilin, and Xie Jing!"

Jingyu Shrine, in the main shrine.

Gathered today is the most powerful group of young people in the heavens.

That is, the Heavenly Legion.

With the Dark Alliance and Era Alliance once led by Meng Fan as its core, the Heavenly Legion has selected five great palaces and some of the talented young kings. There are more than 400 **** kings, among which are the five calamities. Several statues, Master Zhuge, Gu Xinao, Princess Yueyue, Ramadan, Zhao Qilin, in addition to the ancient emperor, Meng Niuniu, and other gods who have just achieved the Four Tribulations, as well as Zhiweiyi, Tianxingcang, and Fairy Baixue. Waiting for the Three Tribulations God King.

This power was evaluated by Xuanyuan Jingzhe as "comparable to the highest heaven."

In other words, although the Heavenly Dao Legion is only a legion of the future Heavenly Court, and its power and class are completely incomparable to the five great gods, the Heavenly Dao Legion can attack a supreme celestial dynasty, take it out alone, or directly establish a supreme celestial dynasty.

Because the **** kings in the dark alliance and the era alliance are all young generation **** kings, full of vigor, strength and conviction. At the same time, they have experienced thousands of tempers, life and death, and have always followed Meng Fan. These people are very powerful. Later, the **** kings who joined the heavenly legion were also influenced by the dark alliance and the era alliance **** kings, and they swore vows, very tyrannical.

In contrast, the Anti-Heavenly Dao Legion in Hongwu Divine Mansion is too weak. There are only more than a hundred **** kings, and most of them are very low. There are only a few three-kilosis **** kings, and they can’t be in harmony with the gods. The Legion is on par.

At this time, the loneliness and arrogance who was retreating and purifying the spirit in the pure water condensed by Master Zhuge with the purifying intent, suddenly woke up, opened his eyes, his eyes pierced into the void, a kind of strong anxiety hit his heart.

Several figures also fell into the clean water, shockingly the Princess Yue, the empress, Meng Niuniu, and the ancient emperor.

Their eyes are very serious.

Gazed at each other a few times.

"I've never felt this way before." Lonely and proudly said: "This feeling is"

"Part of the memory was taken away." Gu Huang said, his voice still thick as before.

The female emperor took a deep breath: "I remember everything about Meng Fan, but I don’t know why. At that moment, it seemed that I and Meng Fan had never really met. I had only heard of him. It was just in the story, in the legend, and listened. Having said about him, he became unreal in an instant."

Meng Niuniu was full of daze, panting constantly, seemingly painful.

"Causality." Princess Yaoyue said coldly: "Someone disrupted Meng Fan's cause and effect, and it may even be the cause and effect that suppressed him."

"Causality?" Gu Huang was surprised.

"The way of heaven is immortal, and cause and effect are invincible." Princess Yueyue said leisurely: "While following Master's experience, Master said a lot of things to me, whether it was intentional or unintentional, but I remembered them all in my heart."

The master in the mouth of Princess Yingyue is Baibuxian.

Bai Buxian did not accept her as a disciple. In fact, according to some memories of Bai Buxian in Ramadan, it seems that the first legend in the universe has never accepted any disciples.

However, Princess Yueyue did experience some years with Baibuxian, and was brought to a very high dimension by Baibuxian. Under the crushing of many rules, she was reborn and reborn, her origins expanded, and the pillar of martial arts became very heavy, breaking through the realm. The meaning of the seal was practiced to the extreme.

Therefore, Princess Yingyue has always called Baibuxian the master, as overbearing as her, and only when he mentions Baibuxian, she is full of respect.

"Master said that there are too many causes and effects that Meng Fan is contaminated with. These causes and effects will be reflected on him. The most intuitive thing is that he has to fight for many people. The burden is too heavy and will hinder his progress, but Causality is a real force, not illusory, especially in the hands of God Xumi, Buddhism is established, cause and effect become the foundation, and cause and effect may become a powerful weapon against Meng Fan."

The faces of all the people were covered with clouds.

The empress bit her lip subconsciously, forcibly enduring the fear in her heart.

Princess Yingyue continued: "Something happened to Meng Fan, it must have happened."

The voice did not fall.

Another figure stepped into the clean water, Jingyu second god, Nangong Jingyu.

Tears were already swirling in her eyes.

"Meng Fan, is something wrong?"

Outside the gate of Zaifu Shenfu.

Master Zhuge walked out slowly.

At this moment, several giants of the heavenly court in the future will gather in the Zaifu Divine Mansion, trying to awaken the ancestors of Mingyi.

Xuanyuan Jingzhe said that since the establishment of the Heavenly Dao Alliance, the ancestors of Mingyi have been carrying out various calculations for the future heaven day and night. Many things done by the gods have been deduced by the ancestors of Mingyi. After the big giants shot the Heavenly Dao Alliance, the calculations done by the ancestors of Mingyi increased exponentially.

Just now, the ancestor Mingyi suddenly deduced something very messy, he couldn't bear it, but he forced the deduction, and the spirit couldn't bear it, and he passed out.

Master Zhuge had a vague premonition and answer in his heart.

But he did not say.

Just half an hour ago.

He felt that the inextricable connection with Meng Fan was broken.

Including the natal talisman that had been communicating with Meng Fan, it was broken.

Master Zhuge slowly raised his head.

A dark cloud appeared in the west of heaven in the future.

That dark cloud is getting bigger and bigger.

It began to rain heavily.

In the future, all the weather in the heaven will be controlled by the Zaifu Shenfu and Fuxue Shenfu. Spring, summer, autumn and winter, each division in March, there will be more reincarnations, spring is full of things, drizzle is continuous, summer is full of vitality, frost and snow are completely melted, and the weather is smooth. Spiritual water is also regularly dropped to water all things. In autumn, Aralia is ripe and vigorous, and the five gods will send priests to various places to teach people and improve the country. In winter, it is covered with snow and breeds various elves.

And Longcheng has a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, and it is like spring all year round.

At this moment, the dark cloud appeared very suddenly.

Master Zhuge narrowed his eyes and became more and more disturbed.

Suddenly, Qilin Ruihuang fell next to Master Zhuge and looked at the dark cloud.

"It's not a vision, it's... the army."

Qilin Ruihuang said solemnly.

When the King of Ten Thousand Dharma led the most powerful leaders of the six gods to besiege Meng Fan.

The army of the Heavenly Dao Alliance has slowly moved towards the future heaven.

Thousands of gods from the God Realm, thousands of **** kings from the Arcane Empire, and four prehistoric warships in the Infinite Realm gathered in them.

This is just the vanguard.

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