Supreme God King

Chapter 2971: Big Dream Spring and Autumn



Meng Fan was in a prison that seemed endless and far-reaching.

He took off a blue shirt, dressed in a white lining robe, and under his feet was a gray stone brick road leading to the front.

On both sides of the avenue, there are one virtual world after another.

In each virtual world, their own stories and their own causes and effects are being staged.

Most of these stories and cause and effect are very strange to Meng Fan.

Meng Fan has never seen the characters in it.

Here, he didn't have any magical methods, it seemed that he was just a mortal walking forward barefoot, and it took a long time to see a story unfolding in a virtual world, and he knew the protagonist in the story.

It was in the dark alliance, a small dark alliance fighter.

Back then, there were countless fighters in the Dark Alliance. Of course, it was impossible for Meng Fan to know the names of these fighters.

But this little dark alliance warrior, Meng Fan recognized, because when the world of purple light attacked Wanyu, the Promise Sect Master died for this warrior by blocking the thunder blow.

Meng Fan suddenly realized.

It turned out that he didn't know the stories and causes and effects that were played in these virtual worlds.

These stories are still his stories.

These causes and effects are still his cause and effect.

It's just that the virtual world is multiplying.

That's right.

Meng Fan looked up and looked out.

He saw that in every virtual world, he really wanted to think of a huge bubble. What was staged in the bubble was a single story and cause and effect, and each virtual world was constantly deriving more virtual worlds, two virtual worlds. When worlds collide with each other, new virtual worlds will also multiply.

One is divided into two, two is divided into three, and three is divided into infinity.

The first thousand virtual worlds created by the **** Xumi were a thousand people who had a strong causal connection with Meng Fan.

For example, the female emperor, such as Meng Niuniu, such as lonely and proud, such as the ancient emperor, such as the central emperor, and so on.

Among these thousand worlds, those who were born first were those closest to Meng Fan.

Whether it is a friend, an enemy, or an enemy or a friend.

Among the thousand worlds, those who were born afterwards were those who had relatively shallow causal connections with Meng Fan.

Yes, there is only one side.

For example, the Forty Thieves of Jianchengguan.

Or Chang Xi.

Or the three leaders of the Protoss who were killed by Meng Fan in the Chaos World.

and many more.

Following the causal connection with Meng Fan, they were born successively.

Their past, present, and even future are all vaguely revealed in those virtual worlds.

After a thousand virtual worlds, each virtual world is almost half an hour away, and a new virtual world is derived.

When different virtual worlds collide with each other, a new virtual world will also be derived.

In this way, within half an hour, the number of virtual worlds will more than double!

The current Meng Fan is just a mortal child with naked eyes. His eyes can only see two or three hundred imaginary realms. He can't see the more distant imaginary realms, but after all, he is a giant of heaven and earth and can still perform some simple tasks. It has been three or four hours since he woke up to the present, so there are at least tens of thousands of virtual realms here!

Everything has cause and effect.

The old man Toutuobudu once said that even if an ant gently lifts its feet and pushes a small grain of sand, it may change the world.

A small butterfly, flapping its wings, may cause a hurricane.

This is cause and effect.

A little cause, I don’t know how huge a result it can produce, and this fruit itself will become the cause, and it will produce more results.

A seed can shape a forest.

A forest can nourish all beasts.

Among all the beasts, there will be spirits and wisdom, and a small civilization will be established.

A small civilization will evolve into the stars, step into the cosmos, and become a powerful civilization.

In a powerful civilization, legendary monks and overlords will be born.

The legendary monk overlord will change the whole world.

Everything comes from a seed.

So when these imaginary realms grew into tens of thousands, some people who might have only met Meng Fan but didn't remember at all appeared.

Even Meng Fan had never seen him, but when he swept one side, the monks who looked up to him hundreds of millions would also appear, because these monks who looked up to him also got his cause, because they saw him , And changed.

He saw many people who had no impression of him.

I even saw some little beasts, some elves, and some animals that hadn't turned on wisdom, and became the protagonists, wandering in their own virtual world.

If it evolves like this, a few hours later, millions of virtual worlds will appear here.

Even tens of millions of virtual worlds!

Then, many people who are not directly causally related to Meng Fan will also appear.

For example, when Meng Fan planted a seed, he and the seed had direct cause and effect.

But this seed turned into a forest, and a king of beasts was born in the forest. This king of beasts accidentally ate some kind of spiritual grass and became a monk. He gave birth to many descendants and established a dynasty. The daughter of the last emperor of this dynasty, the kingfisher raised by her side, will also appear.

This kingfisher has indirect cause and effect with Meng Fan.

The first virtual world to appear was of course the seed planted by Meng Fan.

But this seed will gradually give rise to a second virtual world, which is a forest.

The resulting virtual world is a tiger in the forest.

The virtual world that was derived later is the descendant of this tiger, and the king of beasts appeared.

It continued to derive, and the last thing that appeared was the kingfisher.

Meng Fan gradually understood.

His physical body, the pillar of martial arts, and everything, were suppressed under the lofty mountains of the tooth and claws.

However, his soul was trapped in the imaginary realm created by the **** Xumi.

This imaginary world is a maze.

A maze that is constantly evolving, and every hour is several times more complicated.

Half an hour, one becomes two, one hour, two becomes four.

Two hours, it becomes sixteen.

In three hours, it became sixty-four.

Keep going.

Never ending.

Even the gods and Buddhas of Xumi have no ability to create such a maze.

Meng Fan knew that this was only the cause and effect of God and Buddha Xumi who had let go of a virtual world, and then let it grow on its own.

In the end, this imaginary realm will grow to the size of the entire universe.

The power of cause and effect is terrifying.

This imaginary world seems to be false, but even if it is a nihilistic causal world, it can be created to the size of the universe, or even bigger, and the creatures living in the causal world do not know that they are nihil.

They will still work hard to survive and fight.

Meng Fan is already a mortal with naked eyes.

He has exhausted his whole life, and it is impossible for him to go out of this imaginary world.

His soul will be exhausted here.

His physical body will be destroyed by the Heavenly Alliance faster.

There is only silence in Meng Fan's heart.

He did not go outside.

Instead, he walked towards the center of the Void World.

He wanted to see his immature, stupid, impulsive, and helpless self when he was young.

This nihil world.

It's like a dream.

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