Supreme God King

Chapter 2974: Big brother

At the corner of Wuzhen, near the dense forests of the mountains, there is a simple wooden house. The top of the wooden house is paved with thatch, soil and blue stones. After years of exposure to the sun, it has become compacted and become very tough and dense. The rain can't get in.

Although the wooden house is simple and sturdy, it is tied with ropes on wooden stakes around it. Because the wooden house is located on a slope, a small path was paved with cobblestones leading to the road.

Around the wooden house, there are a few old willow trees planted. According to legend, these old willow trees are quite old. They seem to have been planted in the generation of the mayor’s great-grandfather in Wuzhen. Later, the number of households in Wuzhen increased and expanded outward. The old willow trees of that generation were all cut down to make room to build a house. There are only a few left because it is really remote and no one wants to live here.

It was noon, a middle-aged woman walked out of the wooden house. Her long hair was randomly tied behind her head with a bamboo stick. Years and fatigue had carved marks on her body. The lines in her eyes were dense and deep, but Can see her gentle appearance when she was young.

She walked out all the way, poured some rice-washing water next to several trees, coughed a few times along the way, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and sighed without knowing what was wrong.


A lovely and smart call came. It was a 14-to-five-year-old girl wearing a plain white robe and delicate features. This is the mayor's daughter, Gu Xin'er.

Aniang is a unique name in Wuzhen, generally used to address women of elders.

Gu Xin'er had a worried look on her face, holding some fruits in her hand.

The middle-aged woman turned to see Gu Xin'er, and immediately smiled softly: "Xin'er."

In Wuzhen, the middle-aged woman and her only son are being bullied and excluded. Only the mayor’s attitude towards their mother and son is relatively friendly, and the mayor’s daughter Gu Xiner has always been with the mother and son. It's relatively recent, and come to visit from time to time.

"A-niang's cold disease, you must remember to take medicine, if the medicine is not enough, tell Xin'er, Xin'er will prepare for A-niang."

The middle-aged woman nodded with a smile, but how dare she open her mouth as she thought? If the people in Wuzhen find out, they will have to poke the backbones of their mother and son, and I am afraid it will make the mayor unhappy.

The middle-aged woman stretched out her hand and pointed to the wooden house: "Fan'er is still inside."

The worry on Gu Xin'er's face became heavier and heavier: "It's been many days, Brother Meng Fan, what is going on?"

With that, Gu Xin'er walked into the wooden house, her posture astray, like a butterfly.

After stepping into the wooden house, Gu Xiner finally saw Meng Fan.

He was lying in the corner of the bed, wrapped in a quilt, as if he was sick and afraid of the cold, but it was obviously summer.

His eyes are all helpless and fearful.

Meng Fan glanced at his heart, then quickly retracted his gaze, as if he had been punctured by a needle, and quickly closed it.

Seeing this scene, Gu Xin'er wanted to speak but stopped talking, turned and walked out of the wooden house, and came to Mengmu's side.

Mother Meng was still watering the old willow trees with her back facing Gu Xin'er, but she could still vaguely see the tears gleaming in the corner of her eyes.

Gu Xin'er waited for a moment sensibly, really didn't know what to say.

In the past, Meng Fan was squeezed out in Wuzhen, and his martial arts talents were always average. He was just second-tier physical training, but he was very hardworking and had a stubbornness to resist defeat, although he did not have all kinds of talents. Bao’s nourishment, but the time he spends on practicing is many times that of other peers in Wuzhen.

No matter how many times Meng Fan was bullied, how many times he was defeated, he would always stand up, and Gu Xin'er also knew that Meng Fan had been sneaking into the mountains to gather medicine for his mother, and the mountains came to them as teenagers. It is very dangerous, and it is not allowed to step in easily. Gu Xin'er knows it, but does not pretend not to know.

These are the reasons that Gu Xiner secretly admires Meng Fan.

Gu Xin'er and her sister are called Wuzhen Shuanglian. They are the mayor’s daughter. They are beautiful and full of youth and have good martial arts talents. There are many people who secretly admire Gu Xin'er, but Gu Xin'er just looks at Meng Fan is the most pleasing to the eye and has always been called Brother Meng Fan.

What happened to Meng Fan now?

In the past, Meng Fan would always fight against the National People’s Congress because he couldn’t stand the blinding eyes of the people in the village. Tolerate and avoid.

But now, Gu Xin'er would rather Meng Fan go out and fight with others instead of being so conscientious.

It seems too pitiful.

But poor people must be hateful.

Anger is not contentious.

Meng Fan now has no anger.

This was a few days ago, when Meng Fan was practicing boxing in front of his house, he suddenly sat on the ground in pain, even wailing. He clutched his head, shook his head desperately, shouting no, no.

Since then, in the past few days, Meng Fan has no intention of practicing boxing. He has been lying in bed every day, shrinking, and having difficulty sleeping. Just after falling asleep, he woke up and screamed in his dream, not knowing what he had dreamed of.

Good things do not go out, bad things spread for thousands of miles, and soon people in the village will know. Some people say that Meng Fan was cursed by his father Meng Cang and was caught by evil. Their line is a natural miserable life and will affect it. Every day, people around me and other rumors and rumors spread.

Mother Meng didn't care about these rumors, she just hoped that Meng Fan would get better.

For this reason, Mengmu has decided to pack up her bags these days, leave Wuzhen, go to some larger cities, and ask those powerful monks, no matter what the price, she must heal Meng Fan.

Mother Meng is very strong and doesn't want anyone to see her pain and helplessness, including Meng Fan, so she keeps hiding.

Gu Xin'er was young but already very sensible. Knowing Mengmu's mood, after opening her mouth several times without speaking, she decided to turn around and leave.

But as soon as she turned around, she was summoned by Mengmu.

"Xin'er, you take Meng Fan out... go out for a stroll, go for a walk."

Gu Xin'er turned her head and saw Mengmu's helpless eyes, and immediately nodded, "Okay."

Gu Xin'er and Meng Mu used a lot of strength to get Meng Fan out of bed, and they barely drank a few porridges before they followed Gu Xin'er and walked towards Wuzhen.

Although Meng Fan staggered along the way, he hadn't slept well for a few days, didn't eat well, his body was already weak, and his eyes were dull, occasionally a little look, and very trance.

After several inexplicable mistakes, Gu Xiner held Meng Fan's hand without hesitation.

At this moment, Meng Fan was full of spirits, and finally there was some color on his face.

Gu Xin'er's hands are very slender, soft, and warm.

For the first time, Meng Fan held Gu Xin'er's hand.

I am afraid that the entire Wuzhen, except for the mayor and his wife, has never shook Gu Xin'er's hand. In this scene, I don't know how many Wuzhen teenagers will be envied to die.

A faint red color appeared on Meng Fan's face, and he was a little nervous, and his previous fears had also dissipated a little bit, but it was just a little bit.

"In the past few days, many things have happened in the town." Although Gu Xin'er was full of worries, her face was still full of smiles: "Uncle Lei Ze's medicine has been opened, and a theater troupe has been invited from the neighboring town of Hu Xiang. , I sing very well. There are a few corners in the troupe. They are all beautiful. It turns out that there are so many beautiful women in the world.

Lei Tao and others did it. Because of hurting someone, he was confined for a few days. Now we are going to see him through the window, laughing to death.

Zhou Baishu will leave in a few days. I heard that he is going to take the big exams in the towns next door. I am really envious. I can go out and have a look.


Gu Xin'er kept talking.

Meng Fan suddenly said leisurely: "Outside, it's big, big... or, don't go out..."

Gu Xin'er was startled.

This was actually said from Meng Fan's mouth?

It took a long time for Gu Xin'er to calm down, hold back her lack of anger, and continue: "There is a new master in the town. He is a very handsome big brother. It seems that he is very decent and must be a big place. He came, claiming to be a pedant who sells paintings for a living. He casually used a bit of mud and well water to draw a picture on a wall. Father, as well as many great uncles and aunts in the town, watched them. Very serious, saying that there is a very powerful charm in the painting, as well as the essence of martial arts. It is too profound, and my father said that it is not easy to understand, but if you can understand it, it will definitely be of great benefit.

The father also said that the handsome elder brother is an ordinary person. He did not step into the martial arts at all, but he has this kind of painter. It shows that he must be talented, or he has opened his eyes, so he loaned him a house. Now this elder brother I paint for free for the people in the town every day. Let me show you. "

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