Supreme God King

Chapter 2975: Painter

On the side, there was an elegant and exquisite little house. At the moment, the door was bustling with people, and almost every household in the town came and looked out with their necks straight.

But everyone is quiet.

From a distance, Gu Xin'er pointed to the side and said to Meng Fan on the side: "That's it. Since several masters and stewards in the town said that there is a good charm in the painting, they have realized that they are very good at martial arts. After the benefit, people from the town come here every day from morning to night to ask for paintings, but the handsome big brother only paints three pictures a day, which makes everyone smash their heads. There are more than 1,000 households in Wuzhen. , More than four thousand people.

So on the first day, everyone almost smashed the house, it was noisy, and they were holding various things. Some even took out a few gold bars in their house to exchange for a painting, but the older brother said , Noisy, very annoying, he just wants to paint with peace of mind, a piece of painting requires a piece of meat, or a bucket of rice, enough for him to eat and drink, if it is noisy, he will not paint a picture.

There are also domineering ones, asking the eldest brother to paint immediately. The eldest brother is an ordinary person, but he doesn't even look at the domineering people. He directly speaks out the names of those people and says that they will never come to ask for painting again.

Since then, it has been much quieter here. The eldest brother draws and paints according to circumstances. After all, everybody can produce a piece of meat and a bucket of rice. So the eldest brother picks three people to paint at random, because he is afraid that the eldest brother will not be angry. It's not noisy anymore. "

Meng Fan stopped, but for some reason, he was a little frightened.

Seeing his appearance, Gu Xiner's smooth brows immediately frowned, and directly took his hand and walked forward.

Gu Xin'er was already at the fourth stage of body refining at this time. I heard that it was not far from the fifth stage. How could Meng Fan be able to hold her? He was quickly drawn into the crowd.

No one in Wuzhen didn't know Gu Xin'er. Seeing her coming, everyone was very acquainted to step aside, but then seeing Meng Fan behind Gu Xin'er, everyone's expressions immediately became full of disgust.

"Huh? Meng Fan, you sick child, lost star, why are you here!"

It was a dark-skinned, burly teenager who was speaking, and he was a thunder tiger.

The Lei family has a very high status in Wuzhen. Leihu’s father is the captain of the Wuzhen guard team, including Leihu, Lei Bao and Lei Tao. The three brothers are all very powerful young generations in Wuzhen. Domineering among the young people in the town.

He obviously came to ask for painting too, because his father Lei Li was the one who asked the artist to paint immediately before. The artist said lightly, Lei Li is not allowed to come here to ask for paintings. Lei Ligang, who is domineering and accustomed When it was about to happen, Gu Yuan, the mayor of Wuzhen who appeared suddenly, said something not to be presumptuous.

Lei Li couldn't come, so Lei Hu came to ask for a painting. He was a good student and he was very honest.

But Lei’s family is really used to being arrogant, so Leihu looked at the paintings that ordinary people in the two towns had already obtained, and felt sullen and angry, and couldn’t have any attacks. Seeing Meng Fan at this time, it seemed as if he had found one. The vent, one step over.

"What are you doing?" Gu Xiner immediately stopped in front of Meng Fan.

Seeing Gu Xin'er, Lei Hu's expression eased a bit, but Gu Xin'er has always had a good temper. Lei Hu smiled and said, "Miss Xin'er, it's better not to go too close to this kind of lost star. When he came, we all felt unlucky, too unlucky."

"You..." Gu Xin'er was about to get angry, but was stopped by someone.

"Xin'er, girls at home, men and women will not kiss each other, put your hands down."

The one who was talking was a very slender woman with a look similar to Gu Xin'er, but with many more enchanting and charming women.

She is also much taller than Gu Xin'er.

It is Gu Xin'er's sister, Gu Qing.

One of Wuzhen Shuanglian.

Two years ago, it was she who found Meng Fan in private to keep Meng Fan and Gu Xin'er away. Before that, Meng Fan and Gu Xin'er were very close.

Seeing her sister, Gu Xiner immediately calmed down, but she still held Meng Fan's hand and stubbornly did not let go.

Gu Qing frowned when she saw it, and walked towards Gu Xin'er step by step.

Invisible, it gave Gu Xin'er tremendous pressure.

Those long and swaying legs made many teenagers in Wuzhen admire and fear them.

Because Gu Qing has reached the eighth rank of body refining, he is the first person among the younger generation in Wuzhen!

"Xin'er, you should have practiced steadily. I know you have no intention of martial arts, but you are now in the critical period of breaking through from the fourth stage to the fifth stage, but you are still dealing with this kind of relationship, wasting your time and energy. , It seems that I want to teach this Meng Fan a lesson!"

Gu Qing's voice was cold.

Meng Fan, who had been walking and staggering, woke up suddenly, and his body involuntarily backed away.

This scene stunned Gu Qing instead.

Although Meng Fan is weak and small, among the younger generation in Wuzhen, it is hanging at the end, but Gu Qing knows Meng Fan's stubbornness and perseverance, as well as his permanent eyes.

In the bottom of my heart, Gu Qing admired Meng Fan's spirit very much.

But admiration is admiration. Facts are facts. Weak people like Meng Fan, who are very ostracized in the town, shouldn't have contact with the ancient family. This is a humiliation to the ancient family.

Now, Meng Fan's sudden cowardice made Gu Qing a little uncomfortable.

Thunder Tiger laughed: "You are as timid as a mouse."

"Yeah yeah."

Someone echoed.

"Meng Fan."

Suddenly, a voice came.

The voice is very gentle. Everyone who hears it seems to usher in a warm spring breeze after the severe winter. There is also a faint magnetism in the voice. If you don’t look at your face, just listen to this voice and it will make a lot of The woman was full of heart.

The dozens of people around, followed their voices and watched.

In that exquisite wooden house, there were a few stewards who had a face in Wuzhen. They came to visit the painter and chat with him while he was painting.

The painter is just an ordinary person. If he hasn't stepped into the martial arts, of course he can't talk about the martial arts, so I just talk about Fengyue, talk about the scenery, talk about food and drink, talk about all the irrelevant things, but there will always be something Something, let these stewards suddenly realize, making them more and more convinced that the painter is definitely not an ordinary person.

At this moment, these stewards all looked at Meng Fan.

Because the painter called his name.

The painter also came out step by step.

This painter, wearing a white brocade robe, is more than seven feet tall, has a slender and perfect body, and his face is as white as jade. As Gu Xiner said, he is very handsome.

At the same time, the painter's body still has a free and easy temperament, which makes people feel that all the suffering and troubles in this world will not affect him. He doesn't care at all.

This kind of temperament makes many people look obsessed.

Gu Qing couldn't help turning her head, looking at the painter, a little stunned, suddenly realizing that she was a gaffe, and a cold face, but still couldn't help peeking at the painter.

The painter walked in front of Meng Fan step by step, he was much taller than Meng Fan, so he squatted down, looked at Meng Fan, and smiled gently: "A man who has worked hard, failed, cried, and wanted to survive. When a person kneels and then struggles to stand up, his life will be full of glory, momentary cowardice, not permanent cowardice."

Meng Fan didn't understand.

But when he looked at the painter, he felt that he was very kind, and his heart was warm, and the haze of many days had disappeared.

Gu Xin'er looked at Meng Fan and then at the painter.

For some reason, Gu Xin'er always felt that they looked...something like?

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