Supreme God King

Chapter 2983: I have the final say

In the new era of the future, Heavenly Court can be regarded as a temporary situation, gathering many forces, many heroes, and more than 30,000 gods.

When the Heavenly Blue Array was still intact, the future Heavenly Court immediately started its plan, and directly moved a large number of cities and fortresses to the vicinity of the Dragon City, connecting the formations into one piece, forming a solid defense, the **** of the future Heavenly Court Wang, more than 70%, were all concentrated near the Dragon City, and the rest would control the formation of the formation in the future Heavenly Court, suppressing the eyes of the formation.

These divine kings scattered outside, according to the plan, should have rushed back to the Dragon City immediately when the heavenly formation was broken, but the momentum of the Heavenly Dao Alliance's attack was too strong, and some were caught off guard. These seven or eight thousand divine kings did not arrive in time. Near Longcheng, guerrillas began.

The Heavenly Dao Alliance forces surrounding the Dragon City have fought hundreds of times with the future Heavenly Court outside the Dragon City. It was quite fierce. The two sides lost more than four thousand **** kings in those ten days, of which 80% were He is the **** king of the Heavenly Dao Alliance.

After all, the Heavenly Dao Alliance is not a solid force. It was formed by the four forces because of temporary interests. After Meng Fan was suppressed, the Buddhist world withdrew again, very loosely.

Therefore, in the process of siege of Dragon City, there will always be cases of untimely coordination, especially in the process of breaking through the barriers and destroying the heavenly formation. There are too many gods lost, and the Arcane Empire appears negative. They have lost too many kings, and they have gradually lost the desire to fight.

In a meeting, the arcane empire's guard knight Aktor told the Emperor Wanfa that she had come this time only to kill Meng Fan and rescue Shi Weifu, the king's hand.

This sentence has already expressed his attitude. If it weren't for Shi Weifu's spirit to be suppressed in Dragon City, Akdor would not participate in this battle at all.

At the same time, the seven or eight thousand **** kings scattered throughout the heavens in the future, relying on geographical advantages and understanding of various secret formations, will continue to attack the Tiandao Alliance army around the Dragon City. The Tiandao Alliance will every day All **** kings have fallen.

These divine kings scattered outside did not have a real leader. Most of them were ordinary priests, but they didn't need someone to command them. They all knew what they were going to do and who their enemies were.

This is the terrible aspect of the heaven in the future. There is no absolute authority. The **** king and the little monk who has just stepped into the martial arts will have the same rights and status in the heaven in the future. The first iron law guarantees the interests of everyone. , This makes the **** king of the heavenly court very independent in the future. Every **** king does not fight for a certain authority or for someone’s personal purpose. They are all protecting their homeland and for their own sake. While fighting.

The strength of the Dragon City made the Heavenly Dao Alliance unable to attack for a long time. In addition, the guerrilla warfare of seven or eight thousand God Kings. After a stalemate for more than ten days, the Ten Thousand Magic God Emperor changed his strategy and no longer focused on the Dragon City. It was the scorched earth tactics.

Crazy destruction of the future heaven!

Every day, there will be a few leaders of the Protoss, or the Five Tribulations Arcane King of the Arcane Empire, leading a few new forces, starting from the Dragon City, killing out in all directions, seeing any city, any field of Long Gum, and directly destroying it , Incineration.

Destroy ground veins, dams, canals, destroy mountains and rivers, and mess up Feng Shui.

For the Li people in the heavens in the future, they will also be merciless. No matter what race, men, women, old or young, they will kill them, leaving none.

In the next twenty days, the sky will be full of wolves and fireworks in the future.

However, the scorched earth tactics of the Heavenly Dao Alliance army did not proceed smoothly. The future Heavenly God Kings scattered everywhere also immediately organized to block the destructive forces.

The two sides fought very hard.

In the Dragon City at that time, several major gods had been discussing that they wanted to kill them.

But the form at that time is really unfavorable for the future heaven.

After Meng Fan was suppressed, many tycoons of the Six Tribulations felt that the future of heaven's luck began to decay rapidly.

Just as after the emperor was sealed, the luck of the heavens began to decay and the river of fate dried up.

Meng Fan is the place of Heaven’s Taoism, because he is here, and the future heaven’s luck will flourish. Countless gods and kings will join the future heaven because of the future heaven’s righteousness and reputation, and the reputation of Heaven’s Dao Meng Fan. Now Meng Fan is gone, everything is changed.

Since the ancestor of Mingyi passed out, his breath is weak and he has not regained consciousness.

Without the ancestor of Mingyi, the most powerful calculus of the heavenly court in the future, and without Meng Fan, the strength of the heavenly court in the future has suddenly fallen a lot, leaving only Xuanyuan Jingzhe, the emperor of the sky, the Qilin Ruihuang, and the ancient Daozi. , Xie Jing, a five **** king of six calamities.

However, the luck of the God Realm is growing rapidly. The strength of the Ten Thousand Magic God Emperor and the power of the Protoss are getting stronger day by day. All the God Kings in Dragon City can clearly feel this.

With the help of Dragon City's many advantages, they can still hold on. The Heavenly Dao Alliance will have to pay a huge price if it wants to break through. This is actually a question of who can handle it. If you rush out, there will be no good results.

The most important thing is that there are still some strong players in the Heavenly Dao Alliance who are not present.

For example, the old man of the Six Tribulations King Hongtu, the war leader, and the mysterious detachment of the King, did not appear.

The incarnation of the King of Light Brain has never appeared.

Xuanyuan Jingzhe guessed that these characters were all waiting at the place where Meng Fan was suppressed. Day and night, they were trying to destroy Meng Fan, especially to completely refine all his power.

Until the King of Ten Thousand Laws made another move, the battle was completely changed.

On that day, an army of the Heavenly Dao Alliance with scorched earth tactics met with a group of future guerrillas in the heavens. The two sides fought very tragically. In the end, the Ten Thousand Dharma God Emperor arrived silently, breaking the balance of the battle and beheaded. One thousand seven hundred **** kings of the future heaven have captured three hundred alive!

This is the first time since the beginning of the war that the Heavenly Dao Alliance has captured the prisoners of the future Heavenly Court.

The Heavenly Dao Alliance brought these more than 300 prisoners to the Dragon City and gave many conditions. As long as the defense of the Dragon City can be opened, and the future Heavenly Court declares surrender, then within four months, the new king of the future Heavenly Court will be added. Release, leave safely, the veteran **** king will be imprisoned in the great prison of the gods, but he can guarantee his life.

However, the future heavenly leaders headed by Xuanyuan Jingzhe, that is, many main gods and secondary gods, must accept the judgment of the Heavenly Dao Alliance, life and death cannot be guaranteed.

If they don't accept it, the Emperor of Ten Thousand Fas declares that every hour, ten prisoners will be killed.

For this reason, there was a small controversy in Longcheng.

It is true that some people have proposed to protect oneself beforehand. As long as the heavenly court will solve the urgent need in the future, the heavenly alliance will not dare to do anything extraordinary to the leaders. The so-called trial is only a form. After all, there will be a large number of heavenly kings in the future, and the heavenly alliance will not. Hope to kill a lot, and then bear evil results, erect too many enemies.

The people who proposed were almost all the **** kings of the Xie family, plus a few lone **** kings.

In the future, the first iron law of the heavenly court guarantees the power of all **** kings to speak, allowing them to make any suggestions.

Then Xie Jing did one thing.

As the head of the family, all the Xie family who proposed to protect their lives were beheaded.

After killing people, Xie Jing said that he had violated the laws of the future heaven and could be judged by the Divine Mansion of Justice.

But after this incident, no one in Longcheng made similar suggestions.

And the Emperor of Ten Thousand Laws also decisively began to kill.

In one hour, ten prisoners were killed.

One day later, the corpses of one hundred and twenty future heavenly kings lay in the wilderness outside Dragon City.

Then, the thing that changed the whole battle happened.

When the law enforcement team was about to behead ten prisoners again, a future king of heaven shivered before his death. He was not a hero. He was also afraid of death. It seemed to be just to comfort himself. He said Meng Any word that has been accidentally said.

"Life, heaven has the final say, death, has the final say, between life and death, I have the final say."

After that, the remaining one hundred and eighty **** kings said this sentence at the same time.

"Life, heaven has the final say, death, has the final say, between life and death, I have the final say."

The voice reached Dragon City.

In the depths of Jingyu Divine Mansion, in the main temple, four hundred young **** kings suddenly rushed out of Dragon City, regardless of their orders.

Those four hundred young **** kings are the heavenly army of the heavenly court in the future.

Headed by the powerful young **** kings of the younger generation, such as Princess Yueyue, Gu Xinao, Gu Huang, Meng Niuniu, Empress, Zhuge Shi, Zhiweiyi, Tianxingcang, Baixue Fairy, etc., like a sharp blade, it pierced into the endless bounds. The Tiandao coalition army is in the center.

As if suicide.

At the head of Dragon City, countless future **** kings of Heavenly Court watched this scene silently, no one spoke, but something that had been suppressed in his heart was about to explode.

The detonator was Xuanyuan Jingzhe.

He used the power of the heavenly king to unlock the defenses of the Dragon City, but instead of surrendering, he rushed straight to the Ten Thousand Magic God Emperor.

The Emperor Cracking Heaven, Xie Jingyi, Gu Daozi, and Qilin Ruihuang followed closely.

The five great six tribulation **** kings confront the **** king of ten thousand laws and Akduo!

The Dragon City is like a broken dam, and more than 19,000 gods and kings rushed to the heavenly alliance army like a flood, facing an enemy that was twice as large as his own!

At that moment, in the tide of the future Heavenly Court God King's army, a kind of tough and pure power permeated, covering the world like a cloud.

That is the power of vow.

In the future, heaven has never bred such a powerful vow power.

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