Supreme God King

Chapter 2767: Gather people's hearts

"This is the cornerstone of Fengshui Longzhou, and also the cornerstone of my Zhuge family. Today, this is the cornerstone of the future heaven."

Zhuge Zijian's voice was rounded, more serious, and clearly conveyed to everyone's ears, as thick as the teacher's teachings.

"From today, this cornerstone is a monument to the future. All **** kings who are willing to join the heavenly court in the future can sign on it. After signing, they are eligible to vote and choose the leader of the heavenly court in the future!

Three days later, at noon, the person with the most votes will become the leader of the heavenly court in the future, leading the kings into the future.

Everyone present, the Shao family, the Xie family, the Wang family, the Xuanyuan family, the Supreme Heaven, the King’s Sanctuary, and the Ancient Way, can each launch one person to participate in the election, and all the lone **** kings present can participate in the election individually. .

When the future leaders of the heavenly court are elected, we will formally construct the future heavenly court system, set up the government, establish the gate, and divide powers and responsibilities. "

Zhuge Ziyan finished.

With the support of Master Zhuge, he stepped towards the future monument step by step. Using his fingers as a pen and vitality as the ink, he wrote his name on the future monument, strong and powerful.

The future monument flashed a dull luster immediately.

Zhugezi became the first person to join the future heaven.

In Zhiyang Music Field, it was very quiet, and all the gods were staring at the future monument.

After Zhuge Ziyan finished writing his name, he turned around and looked at the side where the forty lone **** kings were.

Then, under the gaze of the kings, Meng Fan got up and walked towards the future monument.

Meng Fan wrote the second name.

Zhuge Ziyi stepped forward and wrote the third name.

Master Zhuge wrote the fourth name.

The **** kings of various Zhuge families came from everywhere and signed.

Everything went on quietly.

When hundreds of names appeared on the future monument, Xie Jinghai finally got up, and many children of the Xie family followed him.

"Xie family, Xie Jingyi, will run for the leader of the heavenly court in the future."

Xie Jinghai said in a loud voice.

"The Shao family, Shao fails, and will run for the leader of the future heaven."

A representative of the Shao family walked to the future monument and wrote his name.

In this aristocratic family meeting, the Shao family was the least to come. Only three three triumphal **** kings came. The attitude was very vague. No one could see the purpose of the Shao family's visit.

However, when the Shao family uttered the three words "Shao defeated", the kings still understood that the Shao family still attached great importance to the family meeting.

I really want to build the future heaven together with the kings.

The family of the ancient emperor is very proud, strong in character, and will not act indiscriminately. Since they can write the name of their patron, it proves their attitude.

"The Wang Family, Wang Haicheng, will run for the future leader of Heavenly Court."

As soon as he said this, he immediately attracted a lot of attention. Wang Haicheng was the only leader among the various forces to come to the Family Conference in person. He also wrote his name by hand and said his name himself.

"The King's Sanctuary, the One Holy King, will run for the leader of the heavenly court in the future."

"Ancient Dao, Dao Sect Qi Xuanzhen, will run for the leader of the heavenly court in the future."

Taiyi Holy King is the title of the leaders of the King’s Sanctuary. It’s just that the King’s Sanctuary has always been mysterious, especially the leader. It is unique, and it is single from generation to generation. It is more mysterious and unpredictable. Only the Taiyi Holy King in the King’s Sanctuary can truly master the unique knowledge The secret, the true meaning of the Orthodoxy, other people, even if they are second only to the Taiyi Holy King, can't touch the core of this power at all.

Qi Xuanzhen, the Taoist school of the ancient way, is different. He is a **** king of the Five Tribulations, and his reputation is not small. There is also one in the pinnacle book. The most important thing is that the ancient way is a very powerful, supreme and humane heaven. , The establishment time is much older than the Faxiangtian Dynasty, the **** king is like a cloud.

By this time, there were hundreds of names on the future monument.

That is hundreds of **** kings.

On the Zhiyang Music Field, Law trembling violently, this is because there are too many gods appearing at the same time, the heavens and the earth are a little unbearable, and even some collapses have occurred.

And the future monument, from gray to black, becomes brighter and whiter, seems to be undergoing a certain transformation.

At this time, Yin Qi arrived.

Many **** kings all looked over.

Even Meng Fan is very curious about who will be the leader of the Heavenly Court in the Supreme Heavenly Congress. The Lord of the Heavenly Kingdom is definitely not good enough. It is just a four-fold God King, and in the legend, it is extremely old, and now it is lingering. , Should have fallen a long time ago, for some reason, life has been extended to this day.

And the most powerful **** king in the kingdom of heaven is Yin Qi.

However, Yin Qi is not the leader of the Supreme Kingdom, and she is too young. In terms of fame, although it can be said that she is the king of gods present, there are only a few women in the top 50 of the peak book. Shuangbi, but Yin Qi had no deeds except for the first battle between the Great Qin Empire and Ramadan.

The most important thing is that most of the **** kings present are the **** kings of humanity. They come from various families. Humanity pays more attention to one order and one rule. Yin Qi is not a leader of a power. If she runs for the future king, she is always given to others. A feeling of surpassing etiquette, not justified.

Under the watchful eyes of the kings, Yin Qi wrote her name.

"Shangjue Heavenly Kingdom, like the Zhuge family, joins the future heavenly court, but does not run for the leader."

Yin Qi said with a smile.


The demon Ji Siyu, who has been watching from a distance and did not write down the meaning of her name, chuckled, "It seems that it is not only Zhuge's family who wants to advance by retreating."

Among those present, it was not just Demon Ji Siyu who did not write down his name.

Many lone **** kings present, more than half, were watching.

Just as Meng Fan said, there are many people who just come to watch. As to whether they want to join the future heaven, they all hold a wait-and-see attitude.

Because too many people doubted whether heaven could be established in the future.

"Xuanyuan family, Xuanyuan Jingzhe, will run for the future king."

A young **** king in Xuanyuan's family said.

The Xuanyuan family was very mysterious, and among the few big families present, it was the most mysterious. No one knew who this Xuanyuan Jingzhe was.

Almost all the kings who signed their signatures signed one after another. Few kings signed their names at the same time, and they all used their own handwritten names instead of engraving their names from a distance.

Therefore, this process is very long.

From early morning until dusk.

There are already more than 1,900 signatures on the future monument.

That is more than one thousand nine hundred **** kings!

More than 60% of them are the gods of the Zhuge family.

Master Zhuge and Meng Fan stood side by side, standing on the edge of the Zhiyang Music Arena, silently watching the more and more names on the future monument.

Meng Fan closed his eyes, feeling the flow of Qi in the dark.

"In three days, there will be many **** kings who participated in the election of Shao Family, Wang Family, Xie Family, Xuanyuan Family, Gu Zhi Dao, and Wang Zhi Sanctuary to sign and vote."

As Meng Fan spoke, he opened his eyes: "When the qi gathers together, when the chance gathers together, when the hearts gather together, when the power gathers together, there will be a general trend. We must contribute to the general trend."

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