Supreme God King

Chapter 2984: Lost

In that war, one of the most terrifying numbers in the cosmos has been created.

13,000 gods and kings have fallen!

Although most of them are the **** kings of the Heavenly Dao Alliance, the future loss of the Heavenly Court will be extremely serious.

the most important is.

Xuanyuan was shocked and died in battle.

In the melee, Ten Thousand Faith God Sovereign and Akduo simultaneously confronted the five great and six tribulation kings of the Heavenly Court. Ten Thousand Faith Divine Sovereign tore through Xuanyuan Jingzhe’s chest, took out his heart and origin, forcing Xuanyuan Jingzhe’s body to explode. Divine Soul was about to escape, but was suppressed by the spirit brand formed by a dozen Five Tribulations God Kings of the Arcane Empire, and was wiped out!

The Heavenly Dao Alliance thought that the fall of the Supreme Leader would turn the gods of the heavens into a mess of sand.

But they ignored the role of the first iron law.

All **** kings are fighting for the vows in their hearts, not for someone.

Xuanyuan Jingzhe was highly respected, and his death only stimulated the future Heavenly Court to fight more fiercely.

Emperor Cracking Sky was blasted by the thunder and artillery of several prehistoric warships in the Infinite Domain, and was seriously injured. Most of his body was turned into ashes. The Lord of Hongwu, Xie Jinghai, exploded and fell during the chaos. Gu Daozi was defeated by Akdor and crushed. Under a mountain.


The breath of death and dying in the chaotic battle actually made Gu Xin proud to break through the realm and become the God King of Six Tribulations!

Rui Baichuan, Gu Huang, Meng Niuniu and others also inspired a powerful vow in the melee, ushered in the catastrophe, and became the king of the five calamities.

Many people died in that fight.

But in the future heaven, there will also be many gods, who will break through the realm!

Fighting lasted for four days and four nights!

Fight until all the gods are exhausted!

At this moment, the ancestor of Mingyi woke up.

The frail ancestor of Mingyi, in the depths of the Dragon City, relying on his control and calculation ability of the vast future heaven, instantly spurred the already destroyed seven or eighty sky and earth formations. The Heavenly Dao Alliance was given a huge blow in an instant, but shortly afterwards, the Heavenly Blue Formation and the Earthly Formation were completely shattered, and the entire future heavenly ground began to fall apart, and Mingyi's ancestor passed out again.

At this time, Wanfa Divine Emperor finally shouted the word retreat.

Because Wanfa Divine Emperor realized that in this battle, if there must be a result, then the result must be tragic.

Protoss will suffer huge losses.

At that time, five thousand gods had fallen, and the lives of the gods were too precious, and they didn't want to suffer a small loss, let alone the fall of five thousand gods?

There are less than 30,000 Protoss in the vast universe.

Each of them survived all kinds of scourges, so precious.

The most important thing is that the Emperor of Ten Thousand Fas has achieved his goal.

Suppressing Meng Fan and severely injuring the future heaven, the spirit of the gods began to grow rapidly, and the gods would undoubtedly replace the authority of the heavens step by step and finally achieve their goals.

The army of the Heavenly Dao Alliance began to withdraw one after another.

This withdrawal process also lasted more than a day.

Because it is retreating while fighting.

In the end, when the Dao Alliance army left, only a deserted, shattered future heaven was left.

There is also a dead body.

Since then, the future heaven has declined.

The decline is very severe.

Also hide, no longer participate in any major events in the prehistoric universe.

After the meeting to fight against the black death catastrophe, the heavenly court will not participate in the future. The vast universe will be marginalized and there will be no figure in the future heavenly court.

The God Realm has also risen rapidly.

The new Protoss created by the King of Light Brain for the God Realm is born every day, and the number of Protoss begins to grow rapidly.

At the same time, the Protoss also released their killer features, that is, the ten replicas of Meng Fan.

The Protoss selected elites, shattered their bodies, seized their homes for rebirth, attached to these ten replicas of Meng Fan, and then used huge resources to train them. These elites grew very fast, and the Protoss would also plunder them. Many Dao true meanings were handed over to them. These ten elites, possessing the ability to have multiple Dao true meanings at the same time, began to stir the situation in the prehistoric cosmos and were called "little creators."

The most outstanding among them is an elite named Shen Zai Cheng, who actually controls the four great Dao true meanings at the same time, and has nurtured the original world in his body, which is called the "Little Heaven Dao."

The luck of the Protoss is prospering day by day.

Many things in the new era have also begun to take shape.

Many avenue worlds have become the mainstream of the new era. The two civilizations of Arcane civilization and technological civilization are also regarded as being comparable to the avenue world.

Because of the rapid rise of the Protoss, and the Protoss as the leader of the Heavenly Dao Alliance, and the Heavenly Dao Alliance has arcane civilization and technological civilization in it, the God Realm is regarded as the most powerful Dao world.

Secondly, there is the world of humanity and the world of Buddha.

The growth rate of the Buddhist world is also terrifying, with latecomers taking the lead, and gradually becoming equal to the human world.

The Dragon Realm, the Evil God Dynasty, and the Demon Realm are about to rank behind.

And the wasteland, the ranking, but also behind.

Because the Wild World and the Future Heavenly Court are solid allies, they have also been hit by the Heavenly Dao Alliance. Of course, this blow is far less intense than the Future Heavenly Court, but the God Realm is suppressing the waste world in all aspects. At first, it sent some gods. The king went to harass the wasteland, and afterwards, in various places, crowding out the wasteland and fighting against the black death catastrophe, there was no shadow of the wasteland, which was also the effort of the gods.

There are two reasons why the God Realm did not carry out a fierce blow to the Wild Realm. One is that the war in the heaven in the future will be too tragic, and the vitality of the God Realm will be greatly injured. The other is that the origin of the immortal emperor fights the sky giant and announced his abdication. , And then retired.

Zhan Tian Giant is the brother of Meng Fan Tie Da, this matter is well known in the universe, he announced his abdication, obviously to protect the wilderness and the ancient elephant clan, and he did.

No one knows where the Zhantian Giant is now.

In six months, the world changed drastically.


On a mountain covered with blood, a strange and gloomy red flower grew.

At the half-hill position, sitting alone.

Kill the **** champion Hou.

Once, he was used by the Heavenly Dao Alliance to deal with the future Heavenly Court. He knew it well. Although the champion Hou was murderous, he was also a generation of hegemony tycoons, Dao Dao Tong. He knew this was the conspiracy of the Heavenly Dao Alliance, but he didn't care. In order to be able to kill Meng Fan and complete his killing, he didn't care about anything.

In Long Live Mountain, he severely damaged Zhao Qilin in the month of Ramadan. After that, the whereabouts of the two Five Tribulations God Kings were unknown, because the decisive battle of the Heavenly Path broke out immediately. Whether the two Five Tribulations God Kings rushed back to the future heaven, no one Knowing that in the decisive battle of the heavens, they did not see their shadows.

In the hearts of champion Hou, they are already dead.

Because champion Hou left them with a deep killing imprint, and would wipe out their vitality and life span at all times. Even if they were alive, they were half-life.

During these six months, Champion Hou was still killing, confirming his own killing, and now, he has grown into the King of Six Tribulations!

However, there is always a hole in his heart.

Did not kill Meng Fan personally.

He raised his head and looked at the **** moon in the sky, feeling a little lost.


Sun Moon Peak.

This ancient world is now the place where various Dao Worlds hold meetings to discuss the fight against the black death catastrophe.

In a room with strict prescriptions at Riyuefeng, the Central Emperor, as always, wore his white plain robe, playing with a small Taoist jade pendant.

"It seems that it's time."

The Central Emperor said suddenly.

Beside him is the soldier saint, one of the hundred sages of humanity, with a black beard and white face like jade, very elegant, with the breath of ancient saints.

These new generations of humane Hundred Sages have also grown up and become an important part of the humanitarian luck. More than half of the Humane Hundred Sages have reached the realm of the Five Tribulations God King. They are very powerful and have become the strongest backbone of the human world. power.

"Yes, Your Majesty, the days are coming soon." Bingsheng spoke with masculinity. "The **** Xumi said that when Dao Mengfan's last few thoughts were obliterated that day, he would inform the world. If you want to come, it will be these few days."

The central emperor narrowed his eyes.

I don't know what I am thinking.

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