Supreme God King

Chapter 3015: Ancestor body

None of the three saints could answer this question raised by the Central Emperor.

Even the wise Confucian sage has many answers in his mind, and seems to have some conclusions, but if you think deeply, you will be overthrown by yourself.

The Central Emperor looked at the pond and the young dragons swimming in it.

"I saw Meng Fan for the first time. I swept with the wind, and Meng Fan’s dark alliance could not be resisted. At that time, Meng Fan was in my eyes just like the worlds that the Purple Light Empire conquered in the past years and the strong in the world. , Without the slightest difference, I drove him and his forces out of the Ten Thousand Realms, and made a plan to punish the heart. I thought the matter was understood, even though he was still alive, it was lingering, but I did not expect that he would be able to kill back. .

At the moment he came back, I knew that he must be cut and rooted, and all traces of him in the world must be erased, because Meng Fan, even if there is a little chance, he can rise again.

He has gone through too much life and death, too much suffering, too much sorrow, which is completely different from my frank fate.

A heavy catastrophe may destroy me, but it will not destroy him, because he is used to it.

In the first battle of Wanyu, I drew a draw with him. He left with a smile. There were countless loyal people beside me. As the leader of Ziguang, I was lonely.

Soon after, the impermanent fairy king appeared.

In Wanyu, many legendary kings have been born. These kings may seem weak in today's era and world, but they have all created their own legends. The Immortal King is just a powerful one-kage god, but he first understood cause and effect, controlled cause and effect, and escaped from cause and effect.

After the impermanence fairy king appeared, he didn't know whether it was true or false, and said the famous prophecy.

With Meng Fan, one person will die in one life, and the one who is born will also die, sooner or later.

When Meng Fan traveled horizontally and horizontally in the cosmos, I was in control of the world, unifying humanity, each with its own brilliance. In my heart, the confrontation between us and the words of the impermanent fairy king took root and sprouted, and regarded each other as the enemy of fate.

And the battle between me and Meng Fan in the Ten Thousand Territories, inadvertently spread throughout the entire universe, so the word "enemy" has always surrounded me and Meng Fan.

After Meng Fan was suppressed, the world thought that he was dead, and at that moment, I also began to think about the prophecy of the impermanence king and my relationship with Meng Fan's destined enemy.

At the same time, I am also considering cause and effect.

Is it because I and Meng Fan are enemies in the dark that I have the prophecy of the impermanence king, or is it because the impermanence king uttered the prophecy when I was confronting Meng Fan, and these things grew in our hearts and imperceptibly Influenced us, so we have a relationship with the enemy of fate? "

The central emperor finished speaking.

The three saints were silent.

These words, and the thoughts of the Central Emperor, seem to be chatty, but their significance is very profound.

Meng Fan, as if the first giant in the universe, the Central Emperor, is the leader of humanity, the order of the new era has not yet formed, and the relationship between the two will affect the appearance of the entire new era.

The central emperor was thinking about the connection with Meng Fan, just thinking about the order of the new era.

Confucian sage thought for a moment, and then said anxiously: "Your Majesty...Is it the hope to live in peace with Meng Fan?"

This sentence is quite interesting.

The Central Emperor was wondering whether he and Meng Fan were fateful enemies, which meant that the Central Emperor no longer wanted to be enemies with Meng Fan.

If the central emperor and Meng Fan coexist peacefully, then the entire universe will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Central Emperor, noncommittal, spoke softly.

"As the first world of the Great Dao, the human world was established first and has the strongest foundation. Although the human world has stopped its rapid rise after the subversion of authority, it has become stronger and stronger, and the gods and the future heaven will take turns to be the hegemon. Location, the human world is still a giant second only to the gods and the future heaven, and cannot be ignored.

All this stems from the strength of humanity and the prosperity of human race.

Since the era of the era, based on the civilization established by the ancestors of humanity, all kinds of humanity gods have blossomed, and the humanity has been strengthened from generation to generation, and humanity has also radiated to every corner of the universe.

In every era, there are the ancient emperors who are standing and expanding humanity.

Every time the world turns, there is the shadow of the **** of humanity.

By the end of the Era of Era, that is, in the last 30 million years, all worlds, whether human forces or not, were imitating the humane system.

Fa Xiang Tianchao is an example.

There are countless similar examples.

Over the past tens of billions of years, all races have been experiencing ups and downs, and countless more races have perished. Only the human race has been growing and rising.

Even in this brand-new era of avenues, the old rules are overturned, and humanity still shines.

The system of the Cthulhu dynasty is a humane system, and the Cthulhu Qin Taichuan is himself a human **** king.

The foundation for the establishment of the heavenly court in the future is the humane aristocratic families, and the leaders of the heavenly court in the future, including Meng Fan, are the **** kings of the human race.

Other avenues of the world also have the shadow of humanity in terms of system. "

The Central Emperor raised his head and looked at the sky of the Imperial City.

"Today, Meng Fan is firmly seated as the No. 1 giant in the prehistoric universe. The Great Primal Chaos does not appear. He is the overlord. I am still wandering at the bottleneck of the Six Tribulations God King. His opponent, his current strength, and his current realm are beyond the imagination of kings.

If he rises all the way and finally establishes the order of the new era and becomes the ruler of the new era, then this sky is still the sky of the past tens of billions of years.

The highest point of the universe is still heaven.

If there is a great avenue in this world that can truly replace the heavenly way, what avenue is it? "

The Central Emperor turned his head once again, and raised questions to the three saints.

In fact, he has already said the answer.

The three saints, with their originally worried expressions, all showed some excitement at this moment.

"Only human beings." The Central Emperor narrowed his eyes. "Meng Fan and I are the enemies of fate. Whether to change the world, or as always, the future of the universe will be in the middle of the battle between me and him!"

After that, the Central Emperor waved his hand fiercely.

The pond in front of him immediately boiled and turned into billowing steam.

"For the past two months, I have been thinking constantly, and I have been thinking every moment, only to finally understand what exactly is the meaning of these four words, the enemy of fate!"

The pond evaporates.

The heavenly dragons followed the evaporating breath to rise to the sky.

Expose the bottom of the pond.

The bottom of the pond is not soil, vegetation, fish or shrimp.

It is an earth paved with emerald green natural spar.

Sitting on top of it is a physical body.

This flesh body is very old and perfect, in line with all the descriptions of saints in the humane legends. There are lines of human characters branding on the skin, and each character branding exudes a humane aura.

When the three saints saw this body, their eyes shone with fiery light.

This body seems to be a collection of the entire humane culture, history, origin, and various humane martial arts and spirits.

Beyond the ancient years, the flesh of all the past sages.

can only be.

The ancestor of humanity.

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