Supreme God King

Chapter 3016: Who is buddha


Mount Xumi.

Above a thousand feet, eight hundred arhats.

Since the nirvana and silence of the **** Xumi, life and death are unknown, but the flesh is still breathing. Sitting on the top of Mount Xumi, the Buddha world is violently shaken, relying on the virtuous **** Buddha and the root burial **** and Buddha to barely maintain the Buddha world.

The foundation of the Buddhist world is the three powers of the Three Dharma Seals, impermanence of cause and effect, and merit. When the cause and effect dissipate, the foundation will not exist. If the life and death of the **** Xumi is unclear, the three Dharma seals will lose the supreme authority.

The power of merit still exists, but it is slowly dissipating.

Under this situation, the Buddhist realm was struggling to find the heir of the **** Sumi in two months.

The root burial **** Buddha, the Xianjie **** Buddha, sits on the top of Mount Xumi, looking for a way to wake up the **** Xumi and fill his broken martial arts pillars, but they are of no avail.

Without cause and effect, this damage can never be made up.

The Buddhist world fell into a dead silence.

On this day, it was the first time in the Buddhist world in two months that a small wave was caused.

Several arhats brought back a **** king.

This is a God King of Two Tribulations. In the great world where the powerhouses are rampant, the God King of Two Tribulations is not worth mentioning. Those of the Five Tribulations God King and Six Tribulations God King of the hegemony level can crush one with a finger Two Tribulations God King, in front of them, there is no difference between Two Tribulations God King and Ants.

However, several arhats said that according to the various traces left by God Buddha Xumi during his lifetime, as well as the confirmation of the three seals, plus the causal clues, this two-caliber **** king is completely the heir of God Buddha Xumi!

As a result, this deity was sealed by several arhats and fell asleep, and was sent to the top of Mount Xumi, to the front of the Root Burial God and Xianjie God Buddha.

This incident should have been a major event for the Buddha world, which is slowly declining, but it only caused a small disturbance. The reason is that the two Buddhas are forbidden to spread the news.

Many arhats are somewhat incomprehensible. Now people in the Buddhist world are panicking. Whether or not the **** Xumi can wake up and tell the world that he has found a successor to the **** Xumi, it will calm people's hearts. Why not tell the world?

The summit of Mount Xumi.

The place where the **** Xumi Buddha Nirvana is silent.

The **** Xumi at this moment is like a stone statue, his breathing is getting weaker and weaker, and there is no sign of life.

The Root Burial God Buddha and the Xian Jie God Buddha, sitting cross-legged in front of the Xumi God and Buddha more than ten feet away, with solemn expressions.

Between them.

That is, from all indications, the God King of Two Tribulations who is the successor of God Xumi.

This two-tribulation **** king fell asleep, and his whole body exuded a disorderly smell, as if he had escaped from everything, life and death, cause and effect, there was no way to speak about him.

This two-tribulation **** king does not seem to exist.

The Root Burial God Buddha and the Xian Tribulation God Buddha looked at the Two Tribulations God King and were silent.

When I first learned that I had found the successor of the **** Xumi, the clouds on the faces of the two Buddhas also disappeared immediately, but I saw them with their own eyes and their expressions were more solemn than before.

This two-caliber **** king is not bystander.

It is the defeat of the battle with the **** Xumi that makes Buddhism and Taoism belong to the **** Xumi, and finally the power of merit is born and the Buddha world is established.

Impermanence King!

The confrontation between the **** Xumi and the impermanent immortal king, the two Buddhas are still vividly visible.

In that chaotic battle, Meng Fan, Jiuquan Demon Venerable, these giants of the heavens and all realms, were all present, the three Buddhas were in the light, the impermanence king was in the dark, secretly looking for opportunities to kill the **** Xumi, and renew Regain the power of cause and effect.

After the chaotic war, the three Buddhas flee, the impermanence immortal king followed closely, followed by steps, and pursued closely. At that time, the impermanence immortal king was so powerful that the **** Xumi was unable to contend and could not easily fight against its edge.

The impermanence immortal king has escaped the existence of cause and effect, and the **** Xumi cannot rely on the power of cause and effect to explore and calculate it.

God Buddha Xumi ran all the way, thinking about the way to fight the impermanence king, but he never found the answer.

This chase lasted for several months, until finally, the **** Xumi finally met the impermanence immortal king, and the battle that determined the future of Buddhism broke out.

The duel was fierce, and there was almost no victory or defeat between the two.

In the end, the God and Buddha Xumi won.

God and Buddha Sumi once said twice why he won.

It's because of heaven.

The **** Xumi controls the power of cause and effect. Before the establishment of the Buddhist path, the **** Xumi was a **** king who walked on the heavenly path.

The true meaning of the Great Dao is a powerful force and at the same time a shackle. The **** king who masters the true meaning of the Great Dao may become a slave and a puppet of the heaven.

In contrast, the impermanence Immortal King, a strong man who escaped the shackles of causality, was even more angry and intolerable by the way of heaven.

In the end, God and Buddha Xumi could win because of heaven let him win.

This is what the **** Xumi said himself.

God and Buddha Xumi hasn’t said what happened, and even the root-buried gods and goddesses who are watching with their own eyes can’t tell the truth.

In short, it was at the moment when both the **** Xumi and the impermanence immortal king were exhausted, the way of heaven lowered their power and gave the impermanence immortal king the most vicious blow.

At that time, the will of Heavenly Dao had become clearer and stronger, and it was not far from the arrival of the Heavenly Emperor.

The fall of the impermanent fairy king caused two causes and effects.

The first is that the **** Xumi has mastered the power of causality and permanence, and has obtained the martial tradition of impermanence in the impermanence of the impermanence fairy king. There is permanence and impermanence, which is the foundation of Buddhism.

All things have permanence. If you plant good causes, you will have good results. If you plant evil causes, you will have evil results. This superficial truth is the origin of the power of merit.

All things are impermanent, but joy, anger, sorrow, joy, sorrow and reunion are fixed numbers, unstoppable, and unpredictable, accepting frankly, everything is empty, confused and beautiful, all empty.

Permanence and impermanence.

The second cause and effect is that there is an indelible fear in the heart of God Buddha Xumi.

The battle between the **** Xumi and the immortal king of impermanence may not be able to tell the victory or defeat, or the **** Xumi should have lost to the impermanent immortal king.

It was the power descended from the heavens that allowed him to win and let the powerful **** king, the Immortal King, fall.

In other words, it is the "blessings" of the heavens that allowed the **** Xumi to rise up, become the Buddha, establish the Buddhist path, and establish the Buddhist realm.

Therefore, God and Buddha Xumi had a deep fear of heaven.

This is the reason why Xumi God and Buddha feared Meng Fan so much later, and why he and Meng Fan became enemies of the Great Dao.

After the impermanence of the immortal king fell, the **** Xumi took away all his martial arts power, leaving only a body without a soul, and was buried on a barren land.

The root-buried gods and gods and the gods and gods of sage did not expect that the impermanence immortal king will appear again today.

Not appearing physically.

The impermanence immortal king in front of him is alive! Although his soul is asleep, the two Buddhas can also feel it, and the martial arts brand in his body also exists!

Even though the two Buddhas have great wisdom, they can't figure out the reason for this.

How can the dead come back to life?

"The dead cannot be brought back to life."

Suddenly, a light and shadow flickered, and the King of Light Brain appeared silently on the summit of Mount Xumi.

Both the Root Burial God Buddha and the Xian Jie God Buddha were shocked, and suddenly got up, the surging mana and the power of merit radiated out, and immediately wrapped the entire summit of Mount Xumi.

"Don't be so nervous, this is just an incarnation, if you are not happy, it will be broken." The King of Light Brain stretched out his arms expressionlessly, as if he wanted to kill him casually.

With hundreds of millions of avatars, he really doesn't care about the life and death of an avatar.

Even if thousands of avatars were destroyed at once, the King of Light Brain wouldn't care.

The faces of the Root Burial God Buddha and the Xianjie God Buddha showed coldness, and they had guessed how the King of Light Brain appeared.

Before, the king of light brain was attached to the flesh of the impermanent immortal king.

There are many incarnations of the King of Light Brain, and it can be transformed into light and thunder. It can be hidden without being aware of it. Back then, the central emperor subverted the human world and the courts, including the generation of Ming master Bo Wu, did not discover this instant subversion of the human world. The most important reason for conspiracy is the King of Light Brain.

He transmits information among all the people who want to participate in the rebellion. He is everywhere and will not be discovered. Therefore, the families who participated in the rebellion did not need to meet each other, do not have parties, and did not even need to communicate with each other. You can know what the other person thinks.

The powerful human world can't guard against the King of Light Brain, but now it is declining, and a Buddha world that doesn't have a six-kalpa **** king can not do it.

"If the soul disperses and everything is empty, it is completely dead and no one can save it." said the King of Light Brain. "But if the soul does not disperse, this creature is not considered dead. Although the impermanence immortal king lost to the **** Xumi, his soul did not disperse, but fell to another place."

Xian Jie Shen Buddha frowned and woke up instantly.

"Heavenly Way, Heavenly Court, a long river of fate?"

"Not bad."

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