Supreme God King

Chapter 3022: Big One

At the Riyue Peak meeting, the leaders of various forces gathered together, and the trendy players of the new era gathered here, all with their own minds, and each one was calm to the extreme.

But at this moment, murderous intent appeared, and Yin Qi of the Supreme Heaven turned into a thread, concentrating her power to the extreme, and approaching Qin Taichuan!

After a brief period of surprise, Qin Taichuan sneered. He raised a palm indifferently. In the center of his palm, there was a big mouth in the blood basin. The sharp fangs were jagged. In the mouth, there were stars, sun, moon, and each other. The corpse of a creature, with the momentum of devouring the world, grabbed the oncoming Yin Qi!

"This blow, I don't know how long you have been brewing, and you are also a generation of heroines. What a pity, what a pity!"

Qin Taichuan sighed.

The palm has enveloped Yin Qi!

Many leaders, brows beating, they didn't intend to stop them. The hatred of the kingdom of heaven and the evil way is nothing in their eyes, but they want to take this opportunity to take a look at the doorway of the evil emperor.

Just when Yin Qi could not escape the palm of her hand!

Qin Taichuan's eyes flashed with panic, and he had no time to react in the future. His arm had fallen off his body!

Falling on the ground, it looks like a living thing, like a snake, twisting and struggling.

Qin Taichuan, whose arm was immediately broken off, had cold eyes, but still smiled. Looking at Yin Qi, who was surrounded and taken away by a group of laws, with no backhand strength, he sneered: "It's finally here."

After speaking, he called out, and the broken arm flew to his side automatically, reconnected his body, and recovered as before.

The flesh and blood are derived, and the good fortune is endless, which is vividly displayed in him.

Xiao Lianxian, Central Emperor, Dragon Emperor, Magic Maple, Root Burial God Buddha, Akto, and other power leaders all looked over.

Yin Qi was wrapped in the law and fell in the direction of the future heaven.

He wore a green shirt and fell quietly.

Now the first giant of the universe, Meng Fan, finally appeared.

After falling, he turned a blind eye to all his gazes. He just understated that he cut off Qin Taichuan's arm, as if drinking water were common, he didn't care.

Trapped in the law vortex, Yin Qi's eyes were full of hysterical madness, looking at Meng Fan, angrily.


Yin Qi shouted.

Meng Fan said lightly: "If you die, the kingdom of heaven will be dead, it's a pity."

"My life, I have the final say!" Yin Qi roared.

Meng Fan chuckled, "It doesn't count if you say it, it counts if you have a big fist. At the top of Riyue Peak, your fist is too small to even ask for death. If I didn't see it, you die. I will die, but if I see it, I will stop you once, which is kind, and the next time I see it, I will ignore it.

With a wave of his hand, the law vortex dissipated, Yin Qi fell to the ground, looking pitiful, but the madness in her eyes made her heart chilling. Immediately, a thin old man came to Yin Qi's side and lifted her up. Tiansuan Zhou Jin.

"Sad, sigh." Gu Daozi said softly: "Shang Jue Heaven should have fallen, but a double-walled Yin Qi, with extraordinary talent, became the Five Tribulations God King at a young age, and supported the Supreme Heaven with difficulty. I wanted to find a way out, but in the end, it failed to save the Kingdom of Heaven."

Lonely proud and expressionless, said: "In the prehistoric universe, there are countless people who perish, and there is not one more heavenly kingdom."

Gu Daozi retracted his gaze, not looking at the arrogant heart, and whispered: "Really cruel."

"Interlude." Qilin Ruihuang said nonchalantly: "The main event has just begun. It's time for our heavenly king to slap Fang Qiu."

Meng Fan put his hands behind his back, quietly walked a few steps forward, and came to the center of Riyue Peak.

Attracted the eyes of all the gods present.

He was once a legend.

That was after the start of the new era, he used his own power to prop up the future heaven, stepped into the heaven, and gradually became the lord of the heaven, swept the world, swallowed the sun and moon emperor, forced the dragon emperor, stirred the situation, without him, Without today's future heavenly court, without him, the Heavenly Dao Alliance would not fall apart.

Once, he was a legend.

Now, he is no longer a legend. He has become the number one giant in the universe. Except for the Chaos Emperor who doesn’t know where he is, it seems that he is the number one.

Therefore, his current identity is not a legend, but the cosmos, the first giant, the leader of the future heaven, and the third generation of the future king.

But no matter how big his name is now, at the peak of Riyue Peak, many Dao Worlds just observe him, spy on him, and want to see some of his doorways, but there is no fear, whether it is an enemy or a friend. , There is no fear of him.

Because at the peak of Sun Moon Peak, the strong are like clouds.

In addition to Meng Fan, the Seven Tribulations God King also has three statues, the Night King, the Dragon Emperor, and the Xiao Lianxian.

And even those Six Tribulations Overlords, such as Qin Taichuan, looked at Meng Fan with a smile on his face. He was so powerful that he broke Qin Taichuan's arm silently, but how many years is it after all? For Qin Taichuan, it was no different from being bitten by a small bug, and there was no fear in the confrontation too many times.

It is recognized that Meng Fan is powerful now, but there are three Seven-Tribulation God Kings present, and the leaders of the various Dao Worlds, the leaders of civilization, even if they are not the Seven Tribulations God King, have endless methods. In their view, here, Meng Fan couldn't afford any waves.

Even, some people began to secretly estimate that if they can disturb the situation and intensify the contradictions, let the night king, the dragon emperor, and the Xiao Lianxian three seven tribulation gods brazenly attack and besie Meng Fan, causing Meng Fan to fall. .

At the moment when many gods and kings have their own minds.

Meng Fan spoke first.

"The Legion of Order was destroyed, and the kings sent by all parties suffered heavy losses. Brothers and sisters were buried in the darkness. If the commander also died in battle, it would be glorious. But the commander flees and uses the soldiers as bait in exchange for his own stability. This is What a shame."

Meng Fan looked in the direction of the Dragon Realm, and his eyes met the Dragon Emperor.

"The destruction of the Legion of Order was due to your command error. How should you be punished?"

Dragon Emperor frowned.

The Sun-Moon Summit established a Legion of Order, but it was not an alliance, and there was no way to speak of it.

To unite many Dao Worlds is simply wishful thinking. It is already the biggest concession to build a legion together. Do you still want to establish laws to restrain many Dao Worlds?

This improvised corps, once a danger arises, and the disaster is approaching, they will fly separately, and it seems natural to consider protecting themselves first.

Although the various forces were a little angry at what the Dragon Emperor did, it was not a big deal for these heroes and heroes to lose some of their subordinates.

No one wants to hold Dragon Emperor accountable.

Unexpectedly, Meng Fan directly opened his mouth for accountability.

Longdi was silent for a moment, and said coldly: "Meng Tianwang, what do you want?"

Meng Fan tilted his head, looked at Emperor Long, tapped his chin and said, "How about breaking your arm?"

Qin Taichuan laughed.

He had just got off his arm, there was really nothing, it was just a skin injury, and it was picked up all at once.

However, it was just a small confrontation. Now, in front of the kings, Meng Fan will first account and humiliate the Dragon Emperor. If he cuts off the Dragon Emperor's arm, then the face of the Dragon Realm in many great worlds, No guarantee.

As the King of Seven Tribulations, Longdi couldn't be restrained by Meng Fan with a few words, letting Meng Fan cut off his arm, it was a joke.

All are the leaders of Dadao World, and no one will give in.

So, there is a good show.

The Dragon Emperor sneered: "Meng Tianwang, it seems that you like to break the arm of a man. Before people show up, he broke the arm of the evil emperor. Are these leaders of the great world so unbearable in your eyes? Evil emperor, you There is nothing to say?"

"It doesn't matter." Qin Taichuan smiled brightly: "First solve your problem of escape from the battle."

Long Di was startled.

Many leaders have different expressions.

Qilin Ruihuang sneered and whispered: "It's really shameless."

Gu Daozi squinted his eyes: "This Qin Taichuan is a human being."

But Meng Fan didn't look away from the beginning to the end, he was always on Longdi's body.

"I said to break your arm, you must break your arm." Meng Fan said, raising a hand.

Longdi's expression immediately became solemn, as if he was facing an enemy!

At Jianchengguan that year, the Dragon Emperor, who appeared in the posture of the Seven Tribulations God King, fought against the Six Tribulations God King Meng Fan, and was forced to retreat.

Now Meng Fan, who has become the King of Seven Tribulations, is in control of cause and effect, and is the Lord of the Way of Heaven. There are countless great ways in his body. He is more than twice as powerful as Meng Fan of the year?

Even though the realm and foundation of Dragon Emperor have grown rapidly in these years, it is also clear that there is still a huge gap between him and Meng Fan.

Meng Fan raised his palm, and Dragon Emperor's scalp began to numb!

"Dragon Dao, the longing avenue for all living beings, among the humanity, there are also many shadows of the dragon Dao. Since ancient times, the emperors of the humanity have called themselves the emperor of the true dragon and hope that everyone is like a dragon."

A voice sounded.

In the direction of the human world.

The voice is strong and strong.

Xiao Lianxian walked out step by step.

"King Meng Tian, ​​as soon as you appear, you must cut off the evil emperor's arm first, and then attack the leader of the dragon clan. The parties involved in the Sun-Moon Summit talks on an equal footing, regardless of level. You act like this is to take the Sun Moon Summit Meeting , Regarded it as your own meeting of the heavenly court in the future?"

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