Supreme God King

Chapter 3023: justice

The kings were silent, watching this good show.

The central emperor, never said a word, watched quietly.

His eyes never left Meng Fan.

"Fairness." Devil Emperor Mo Feng said lightly. "This Xiao Lianxian seems to be very fair and righteous."

Six Demon King said: "It depends on how he upholds justice."

In the center of Riyue Peak.

Xiao Lianxian walked step by step, seeming to be strolling in a leisurely courtyard, but there were too many people with eyesight at the scene, and one could see that Xiao Lianxian's steps were secretive, and he stepped on the Star Dou secretly, meaning that he would burst out at any time.

Meng Fan finally moved his gaze away from Long Emperor and looked at Xiao Lianxian.

Xiao Lianxian is a true legend.

If you count the legends after the fall of the Dragon Elephant Valley, there is no doubt that the number of Hundred Step Immortals is the first. The subsequent ranking, Meng Fan can be said to be the legend second only to Hundred Step Immortal, then Xiao Slaughter, He will be behind Meng Fan.

Compared with Xiao Lianxian, who defeated the entire Demon Race with the power of one person to seal the demons with nine times, the others were a bit inferior.

Although there are too many legends present today.

Central Emperor, Qin Taichuan, Demon Emperor, these people all created a great world by themselves.

But in today's era, there are too many such things, and the young kings rise one after another, creating brilliance. With too much brilliance, those brilliance are not dazzling.

However, Xiao Lianxian's deeds of sealing demons at that time, looking at it horizontally, could not compare with him.

"Justice, justice, what everyone says is justice." Meng Fan nodded gently. "Senior Xiao is right. I can't take this Sun Moon Peak meeting as a future Heavenly Court meeting to host."

As soon as he said this, the alertness on Longdi's face eased slightly.

Many leaders also relaxed for a while.

Some people even whispered, it seems that Meng Fan is not as overbearing as the rumors between heaven and earth, but also aware of the current affairs, knowing that on this peak of the sun and the moon, there can be no chaos.

"The personal grievances, senior Xiao does not care about it?" Meng Fan suddenly said again.

Qilin Ruihuang, Lonely Proud, and Princess Yueyue all sneered.

Xiao Lianxian's gaze was stagnant, and he said, "Private grudges have nothing to do with others."

"Okay." Meng Fan smiled and looked at Long Di again. "If you pay attention to justice, you flee, abandon the legion of order, and cause the fall of thousands of gods. Those are the elites of all the great worlds. If you are punished, you should be severed. But if Senior Xiao presided over justice, he would not be able to cure your drunkenness. , I will only talk to you about personal grievances."

Meng Fan said, taking a step towards Dragon Emperor.

All of a sudden, many **** kings in the direction of the dragon world became vigilant!

Dongjun Shenlong, one of the four gods, immediately took a step forward and blocked the Dragon Emperor.

"In the future, the lives of the seven hundred and thirty-nine **** kings in the heavens will be exchanged for you. It's too cheap for you. It will take half your life!"

As Meng Fan said, one palm has been raised, and this palm of only four inches, after being raised, is like a sky, the entire Riyue Peak immediately plunged into darkness, and the world was covered!

The hand of the Lord of Heaven is the sky curtain!

Many **** kings in the Dragon Realm were shocked, with an aura of collapse, crushing their souls!

"Meng Fan, you are so presumptuous!"

After seeing what Meng Fan was going to do, Xiao Lianxian was extremely angry. He suddenly took three steps in a row, abandoning some mysteries and methods, and fisted boldly, showing the domineering of the ancient righteous king, and blasted Meng Fan!

At the moment when Xiao Lianxian shot.

From Meng Fan's back spine, a stone pillar suddenly emerged.

This stone pillar looks very simple, about a foot long and short, and has a square shape. When you look carefully, there are various lines and various imprints on the stone pillar. These lines and imprints have colors, but they are very faint. In fact, the stone pillars are colorful. of.

For a while, the **** king present did not see exactly what this stone pillar was.

The craftsman's eyes flickered lightly: "It's not a Taoist tool!"

The central emperor immediately lost his calm demeanor, and said in shock: "The pillar of martial arts!"

That's right, Meng Fan released the pillar of martial arts!

This hand is simply earth-shattering and terrifying.

Meng Fan’s pillar of martial art contains dozens of true meanings of the great Dao, as well as all the imprints he has since stepped into the martial art!

There has never been a **** king, who would do this and directly release his martial arts pillar.

Meng Fan did.

And Meng Fan’s martial arts pillar, the power hovering on it, made all the kings brows, the moment the martial arts pillar appeared, a rare heaven and earth storm blew up on the Sun Moon Peak, and there were lots of lotus flames and a long river of thunder. Many **** kings felt as if the horror of the catastrophe had come!

Meng Fan’s pillar of martial arts is the most powerful force of heaven.

Once it appeared, the situation changed suddenly.

The law of heaven must follow the martial arts.

After Xiao Lianxian saw it clearly, he felt bad in his heart, but it was too late.

The pillar of martial arts slammed into him. Immediately, the laws and defenses of his whole body were shattered, blood spurted from his mouth, flew out, and fell heavily to the ground, cracks appeared in the flesh of his whole body.

After the pillar of martial art hit Xiao Lianxian, it instantly returned to Meng Fan's body. During this period, there was only a one-percent pause, and Meng Fan's palm continued to cover the direction of the dragon world!

Xiao Lianxian only delayed Meng Fan for an instant.

The palm falls.

A group of dragon kings vomited blood one after another, Dongjun Shenlong did not vomit blood, but his face was pale, and his legs sank into the ground on the top of the peak.

Only when the dragon emperor turned into eight heavenly dragons at the very moment of his death, hovering around, dragged Meng Fan's fallen palm with his huge body, and saved the lives of many dragon kings.

But the Dragon Emperor was also struggling to support, his eyes were splitting.

Meng Fan still stood on the spot, holding one palm high.

His expression was indifferent.

Just hitting Xiao Lianxian, it consumed too much power of vows, and the original universe was mostly empty. So now, the pillar of martial arts in his body did not rotate. It was purely relying on the power of the flesh to crush the dragon .

"I said, Half-Life, said, did it."

Meng Fan said coldly.

In the original universe.

The gods and kings sat down cross-legged, with five hearts up to the sky, with their absolute faith in Meng Fan, they released the power of great vows and injected them into the pillar of martial arts.

The pillar of martial arts, in an instant, rotated three times!

Meng Fan's palm fell.

The flesh of the dragon emperor was peeled from the bones and spine one after another!


Riyuefeng shook violently.

The Dragon Emperor turned into a group of incomplete flesh and bones.

Meng Fan retracted his palm.

The kings were shocked.

After a while.

That group of flesh and bones reorganized laboriously and turned into a little dragon, also dying.

Meng Fan directly destroyed ninety-nine of the dragon emperor's physical bodies and severely damaged his origin. Although the dragon emperor was still the king of the seven calamities, his power was weakened by half.

Meng Fan turned his head and looked at Xiao Lianxian, who was also not slightly injured.

"Senior Xiao, I can't take too much into consideration when I make a move, so don't interfere with me when I make a move."

The words are cold.

In Xiao Lianxian's eyes, the flames loomed.

He is overbearing and has been seen by hundreds of sages in the human world. In the imperial city, he personally said that he would give the younger generation of gods, including Meng Fan, a lesson to teach them awe.

Did not expect.

Meng Fan's dominance is far above him!

In the face of many great worlds, a supreme leader was blatantly hit!

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