Supreme God King

Chapter 3033: Lord of the Black Death

Only a hundred or so night clan **** kings, the elites of the night clan, rushed to the channel cut by the night king.

The black death army immediately seemed to have received some kind of order, regardless of the vacuum zone cut by the night king, frantically gathered in the direction of the passage, and besieged the **** kings, but to no avail, they were torn to pieces by Han Mang.

The night king sits firmly in the void, with six knives, cold light flashes.

The knife in the hand is silver and black. The back of the knife is embroidered with sixty-six human characters, exquisite and delicate, and the pen and ink extends to the blade.

The head of the night king's six-blade, high-grade Taoist implement, the Great Black Blade of the Book of Songs, impressively, is a humane sacred object!

In addition, the five knives on the waist and back of the Night King are as small as daggers, and the ones with tuanlong and golden phoenix tattoos are Chengfeng.

Straight seems like a sharp sword, but only one side is bladed. It is still a white weapon with a knife, it is Yuehua.

The blade is wide, the handle is slender, and it is full of heaviness.

The whole body is a single ink color, and the blade and the handle cannot be distinguished, which is muddy.

The last simple broad knife, behind him, is a cymbal.

The six knives vibrated violently and flickered.

"Night King, if you don't leave, you will fall here." The Great Black Blade of the Book of Songs said, "I can feel that there is a very powerful existence hidden in the vast army of black death, even if that powerful existence does not take action, Only hundreds of millions of black dead creatures are enough to swallow you."

"Not only will it swallow me, but also your brothers." The Night King said calmly.

The Middle Grade Dao Qi Jiuzhen said with majesty: "For thirty million years, you have traveled the prehistoric times of the universe, tempered your way of assassins, six-edged swordsmanship, joined us, walked with you successively, because of the six-edged swordsmanship, we complement each other. , Also benefited a lot, and later became brothers, the Book of Songs Big Black Blade is the eldest brother, the night king, you are the second brother, if you do not retreat, we will not retreat, life and death together."

"Good." The Night King responded softly: "Chengfeng."

The tiny dagger said: "Yeah."

"It doesn't make sense to kill how many black death creatures you have. I want to find a point, pierce into the depths of the black death army, and find the powerful existence mentioned by the Great Black Blade of the Book of Songs. I suspect that it is the catastrophe of the black death. Leader, I want to find him and perform the strongest blow, and then, regardless of victory or defeat, I want you to promise me one thing."

"You said."

"kill me."

Chengfeng said again: "Ten thousand pieces of broken corpses?"

"Yes!" The night king's eyes widened sharply, "Never leave the body of the Seven Tribulations God King to the black death army!"

"Okay!" Chengfeng said, suddenly the blade of the blade flashed and disappeared, it was hidden in the body of the night king.

The Night King looked at the passage he opened for the Night Clan, and gradually closed.

In Cang Shuguo, only more than one hundred Ye Clan escaped.

However, these night races who fled were all elites, among them there were a few Six Tribulations God King and Five Tribulations God King.

They are enough to continue the blood of the night clan.

The Night King stood up from the void and looked at the black and dead beings gathering again.

"The Ye Clan, because of being abandoned by the law of light, has always lived in the dark, and has endured huge criticisms over the long years.

Even in the era of Xiao Lianxian, the Righteous Dao Alliance almost called us the Night Clan and the Demon Clan together, thinking that the Night Clan is a shame to humanity, is also a school of demons, and is incompatible with the righteous Dao.

In a more distant era, 30 million years ago, Dragon Elephant Valley grew stronger and swept across the prehistoric universe. All races that resisted Dragon Elephant Valley, but were not exterminated, were vilified by Dragon Elephant Valley. At that time, our Ye Clan was vilified. , Is described as a small, cowardly, and despicable race.

After the destruction of Dragon Elephant Valley, those powerful races rose again, and the ugliness of Dragon Elephant Valley, and those rumors, were all self-defeating.

But our night clan, too few, do not have the influence of other races, so this kind of ugly still exists to this day.

We can't blame the heavens and the earth, all beings want to live in the sun, naturally, they will hate the night race abandoned by the light.

Thirty-one million years ago, during the strongest period of Longxiang Valley, a wanted order was issued to me. It was the highest wanted order among all the rewards offered in Longxiang Valley.

It was at that time that I met the Great Black Blade of the Book of Songs. "

The Night King smiled and squeezed the **** blade.

"At that time, I also hated you." The Book of Songs Da Hei Blade also laughed. "A man abandoned by the light."

"We don't know each other if we don't fight. After we met, we exploded with killing intent. We faced off for several days and nights, regardless of top and bottom." The Night King recalled.

The Big Black Blade of the Book of Songs also seemed to fall into memory.

The Big Black Blade of the Book of Songs is a high-grade Dao implement. All high-grade Dao implements, including their spirits, must be at least five calamities, and relying on the power of the Dao implement itself, a high-grade Dao implement is enough to fight a six-kata **** king.

However, the Great Black Blade of the Book of Songs, after becoming a high-grade Taoist implement, has endured two more tribulations.

His realm is no different from the Night King.

The universe is predominant, and I am afraid that no one knows it. Except for one Night King among the Night Clan, who is a giant of heaven and earth, he is also a God King of Seven Tribulations!

Heaven and Earth Taoist tools, one calamity is a low-grade Tao device, three calamities are a middle-grade Tao device, and five calamities are a high-grade Tao device. The legendary superb Taoist device is recorded in history books, but no one has seen it.

The Big Black Blade of the Book of Songs has actually been infinitely close to the peculiar Taoist artifact, but, looking through the history books, the Big Black Blade of the Book of Songs cannot find any further precedents and methods.

"But at the moment of your confrontation with me, Longxianggu's three major protectors appeared. They have been following you for a long time and want to capture you and behead your head." The Book of Songs Da Hei Blade laughed.

The night king's gaze was soft: "Yes, to confront you, I was already exhausted. The three major guardians appeared and killed me. I was damned at that time."

"But I helped you." Shijing Dahei said.

"I haven't asked why you helped me at the time. You were originally a humane family, a humane sacred artifact lost by the Xuanyuan family tens of millions of years ago. The **** king of the Xuanyuan family who was with you at that time, After the death, you became a weapon of no master, wandering the world, looking for freedom, but at that moment, because you helped me, you were also chased by Dragon Elephant Valley, helplessly, walk with me, why?"

"Because you said a word." Dahei Blade said: "When the three major guardians hurt you seriously while you are not prepared, you will be chained to the immortal at the moment, you are bleeding in your mouth, but smiling, you said that sentence words.

‘Dragon Elephant Valley, you have swept the world, no one is invincible, and you will kill all those who do not submit, but the Ye Clan does not know how to surrender. The Ye Clan does not believe in power. The Ye Clan is angry and the emperor bleeds.

Because you don't surrender, you regard the Ye Clan as a rebellious, Xiaoxiao, ugly Ye Clan.

Caught me back, but also killed me in the name of a sinner in order to behave like you.

You won.

Just behead me in front of thousands of people.

Preach me in the name of a sinner or hero.

Success or failure is left to future generations. ’"

Having said that, Da Hei Blade of the Book of Songs exhaled a long breath, seeming to be savoring these words.


The Night King smiled.


"it is good!"

The Night King, with six knives, brazenly entered the army of black death!

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