Supreme God King

Chapter 3034: Old acquaintance

The eleven holy lights created a spacious and bright road, heading straight to the country of Cangshu.

high speed.

The eleven sages are the eleven saints of the human world. The head of the sage is the sage of the six tribulation gods, and behind them are the sages of the law, the sage of the name, the sage of the Tao, and the sage of the deceive. Other than that, all of them are the Five Tribulations God King!

The Hundred Sages of Humanity, after the Central Emperor obtained all the orthodoxy, all became the God Kings of the Five Tribulations.

Hundred Five Tribulations God King!

This is the most powerful force in the human world.

At this moment, these eleven saints can be said to be the most powerful existence among the hundred saints.

They received the news about half an hour ago that it was a special order from the Divine Machine Department scattered throughout the primordial universe, and it was conveyed back in a humanitarian secret order to inform the Central Emperor that a group of black death army had poured into Cangshu Country.

The army of black deaths has been raging for a long time in the prehistoric universe. This kind of news is not worthy of attention.

However, the number of black death army that appeared this time exceeded any previous time!

Once, when the Black Death Army was the largest, there were three times in total. The first time was to destroy an Arcane Empire fleet and about ten to 20 million Black Death creatures appeared. The second time was to engulf the Phoenix Empire. More than 50 million black death creatures, more than 10,000 black death kings.

The third time was the Legion of Destroying Order. There were more than 30 million black death creatures, and about 11,000 black death kings.

And this time, how many black death kings there are still unclear, but there are at least 100 million black death creatures!

Among them, there have also been many Four Tribulations Black Death Kings, and even a special order suspected that they had seen a Five Tribulations Black Death King.

This matter is big.

It shows that after the destruction of the Legion of Order, those powerful **** kings who were swallowed by the torrent of black death have also become black death creatures.

The torrent of the black death is not a mass of scattered sand. Many forces have long known that the torrent of the black death has a leader, and the action is quite planned. This time hundreds of millions of black death creatures appeared, and they poured into the warehouse where the heaven and earth giant Night King sits. Shuguo is by no means reckless.

All forces are afraid that the black death catastrophe will once again grow stronger, swallowing the powerful **** kings of the night clan, especially if the night king is swallowed...

Then in the torrent of black death, there will be a black death king of the world giant level!

This is horrible.

In addition, according to the previous trajectory of the Black Death Army, it has been raging on the periphery of the monk civilization for many days, and has been in circles. This time the attack on Cangshu Country, the trajectory has changed.

Cangshuguo is located in the east of the monk civilization. After breaking through Cangshuguo, there will be no obstacles along the way, and it will directly rush to many great worlds!

Because of all these reasons, the various forces cannot underestimate the attack of this black death catastrophe, and the human world also did not dare to underestimate it, so the Central Emperor decisively ordered that the eleven saints immediately set off to Cangshu Country.

The Night King is a giant of heaven and earth.

In the bottom of my heart, the eleven saints all hope that the Night King can show his true qualities as a giant of heaven and earth, stop the impact of the black death catastrophe, and stop the black death catastrophe that has been expanding and has never stopped.

However, the eleven saints knew in their hearts that this opportunity was too slim.

Because Cang Shuguo is too weak.

After the opening of the new era, the power of the various avenues and worlds has never been stronger, and the intelligence network has also been spread out. The once mysterious Night Race has been unveiled a little bit. Although many things are still hidden, the various forces probably know about it. , Cangshu has a thousand gods.

The overall strength of Cang Shuguo cannot be compared with the Legion of Order.

The Legion of Order was destroyed, and there was also a Seven Tribulations God, the Dragon Emperor, led by the Dragon Emperor, and they were all beaten and unable to fight back.

And this time, the size of the Black Death Army was much larger than the size of the offensive Order Legion!

It was at the moment when the eleventh opened the broad road all the way and moved forward rapidly.

Suddenly, Confucian sage raised his brows, and a strong sense of crisis developed in his heart. He quickly stopped and reached out to stop the ten sages beside him.

The moment they stopped.

An emerald green rainbow light flashed in front of them.

The speed is so fast that it appears and disappears instantly.

Only one vacuum channel is left.

The eleven saints were taken aback.

What kind of power and speed, they disappeared without even seeing their appearance!

Confucian sage took a few breaths in the same place, suppressed the fear that had just risen in his heart, and glanced back.

"If the power just walked in a straight line and never shifted, then he is from the future heaven."

The ten saints were shocked: "The Lord of Heaven!"

The Confucian sage nodded: "It should be, in this cosmos, I am afraid that only he can have this speed. Even I can't see clearly, only vaguely see a back, Chaos Great Emperor, may not have this kind of speed. Just now, if we didn’t stop in time...the Hundred Sages of Humanity, we would instantly fall eleven."

Fa Sage recovered from the shock a little bit, and said angrily: "No matter how powerful the Lord of Heaven is, how dare to take action against the Hundred Saints of Humanity? He will offend the entire humanity!"

"Not hands." Rusheng shook his head: "It's just that when the Lord of Heaven was passing by, someone happened to be in front of him. If he stops or turns a corner, it's okay. If he doesn't bother to let go, he will go straight from us. If we run over, our souls may still be there, but our bodies will be turned into powder-destroying the Heavenly Dao Alliance with the power of one person, and beating the Dragon Emperor at Sunyue Peak. What can the Heavenly Dao Lord not dare to do? Unblocking, the Emperor Chaos returns, he dare to challenge."

The eleven saints fell silent, with lingering fears.

"It will take me at least three days to cross the journey from the heavenly court to the human world in the future. I don’t know when the Lord of the heavens set off. It will take four days to rush from the human world to Cangshu Country. Time waits for no one. We Coming soon."

As the Confucian sage said, with the ten sages, he continued to spread the broad road and moved forward quickly.

After half an hour.

Cang Shuguo.

An emerald green rainbow flickered.

Meng Fan, dressed in a green shirt, appeared in the sky above Cang Shuguo with a serious face.

He saw.

Hovering with hundreds of millions of black dead creatures.

These dark and dead creatures that have ravaged many worlds seem to be still, motionless at the moment.

Meng Fan blinked his eyes lightly and turned pale.

In an instant, all obstacles were penetrated.

He saw it.

In the center of those black dead beings hovering, there is a flesh body floating.

This body is like a spring of black death, and it is constantly gushing out black death, surging.

And this physical body seems to have lost consciousness at this moment. If you look closely, you can see a wound on its eyebrows, throat, chest, lower ribs, left leg, and right ankle.

Vaguely visible, it was a knife wound.

Both sides of the flesh.

There are also two powerful sources of black death. There are also faint knife wounds on their bodies, all surrounded by this unconscious body, watching quietly.

Meng Fan took a deep breath.

Then, the laws of heaven and earth began to vibrate.

All the dark creatures were awakened.

The sound of the sky falls like a drum, like a conch.

"Thirteen Lords!"

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