Supreme God King

Chapter 3035: Goodbye

Meng Fan's voice fell into the torrent of black death like a stone.

It is a single stone that caused a thousand waves!

Countless black creatures wailed and roared.

That was the fear of Meng Fan.

In other words, the fear of heaven.

The qi of black death comes from the reversal of the vitality of the heavens. In the process of creation, countless true meanings of the dao were used to finally create the greatest catastrophe and the greatest plague in this universe.

Heavenly Dao is the parents of the black spirit.

It's just that even if it's the Dao of Heaven, it doesn't have the ability to completely control the Qi of Black Death.

The relationship between heaven and black death is like a master who creates a beast. The master has a rope in his hand, which can restrain the beast, but once the master accidentally loosens the rope, he will never catch it again. Don't return to the fierce beast.

The fierce beast will be unconstrained and unconstrained, without any restrictions, horizontally and horizontally.

When the Way of Heaven creates the aura of black death, it hopes to create a powerful catastrophe that has never been seen before. This is a dilemma. If the created catastrophe Heavenly Way can be controlled, it will certainly not be strong enough, although it will bring a blow to all beings. , But in the end, sentient beings will still find a way out.

This is the experience of ten billion years of confrontation between heaven and kings.

Heavenly Tribulation, Era Great Tribulation, Heavenly Scourge, and so on, these powers are all under the control of Heavenly Dao. Therefore, these powers have instead made sentient beings and made the sentient beings who survived these disasters become stronger.

The power that can't kill you will make you stronger.

For this reason, Heavenly Dao created the power of black death that is difficult for Heavenly Dao to control.

If the way of heaven is in full bloom, the aura of black death is in the hands of heaven.

But the way of heaven declined, the emperor of heaven was sealed, and the rope was released.

However, the fear of the true meaning of the Great Dao and the fear of the Dao of Heaven still existed by the dark dead.

The reason why the Dragon Gate Flying Armor can resist the aura of black death is because the Dragon Gate Flying Armor possesses the power of four great Dao true meanings.

The true meaning of the Great Dao in the Flying Armor of the Dragon Gate is like a drop of water in the eye of a fountain, which can even resist the air of black death.

And Meng Fan is the spring eye.

Moreover, he is the fountain of the true meaning of dozens of great avenues!

He is the way of heaven.

Hundreds of millions of black dead creatures wailed, and suddenly became messy, like headless flies, running around everywhere.

Who said that the dark creatures are walking dead, without emotions?

Today, Meng Fan proves that they will also be afraid!

The center of the torrent of black death.

The bodies of the two sources of black death raised their heads and looked at Meng Fan.

In the eyes of Meng Fan's creation, deducing cause and effect, one can clearly see what happened here before.

Cang Shuguo was invaded by a black army, and the Ye Clan was defeated, and even unable to fight back. In the end, the Night King slashed through the void and sent away the remaining hundreds of powerful Ye Clan, alone, driving six swords. Dao Qi, brazenly broke into the torrent of black death.

There is a kind of Tao on the night king.

That's... the way of the assassin!

Therefore, in the melee, the Night King seized the fleeting fighter opportunity, found the core of this torrent of black death, and saw three sources of black death.

He brazenly entered, exerting his life's faculty on these three sources of black death, and in the end, he hit one of them severely. The body of the source of black death was greatly damaged, and he passed out completely and was alive. The remaining two sources of black death were also injured to varying degrees, but even minor injuries.

The Night King’s methods are indeed powerful, but after displaying his lifelong fascination, he was also completely exhausted, and there was no more power to fight. At this moment, the night king’s body flashed with cold light, and this cold light broke the night king’s body. The corpse was broken into thousands of pieces, and even the origin of the night king, the soul of the night, and the pillars of martial arts were cut.

Being able to cut the Night King so easily, on the one hand, is because the night King's energy and strength are almost exhausted because of the lore, and he is very fragile, but this is not enough. After all, he is the King of Seven Tribulations. The main reason is that the Night King unlocked all the defenses of the body, and even exploded everything.

The Night King will be broken into pieces, mainly because he chose to explode, and that Han Mang is just a support.

After the self-destruction of the Night King, the vortex formed immediately swept in the three sources of black death, and millions of black dead creatures were also swept in, forming a black desert without any light, which weathered these. The creatures involved.

Among the three sources of black death, two were slightly injured, carrying the body of the source of black death that was unconscious and rushed out, and the injuries were even more serious.

At the same time, brought out by the two sources of black death, there is also a silver-black knife carved with various humane characters.

It is a high-grade Taoist device!

The knowledge in Meng Fan’s mind is amazing. He has learned many secrets of the world before and after, and is able to perform deductions and infer other things. After becoming the lord of the heavens, he can clearly understand many things that happened in the prehistoric universe. see.

Therefore, Meng Fan immediately recognized the identity of this high-grade Taoist implement.

Surprisingly a sacred humanity, the Great Black Blade of the Book of Songs!

The Great Black Blade of the Book of Songs and the other five knives carried by the Night King are all masters and very powerful. Except for the Great Black Blade of the Book of Songs, the other five knives are in the realm of the Four Tribulations God King. The six knives complement each other. , Fused together by the Night King with a set of unique swordsmanship, the Night King and the six swords are almost a whole.

Together, the power they formed, even, has been infinitely close to the King of Eight Tribulations!

But still lost to the impact of the vast army of black death, and most importantly, the infection of black death.

The Qi of the Black Death can infect all vitality in the world, no matter how high you are, as long as you are displaying the vitality, once you come into contact with the Qi of the Black Death, you will be infected.

This is the reason why every Dao World nowadays is not afraid of the aura of black death, because almost all Dao Worlds except the waste world have their own power, like the future heaven, where the vitality is transformed into the power of vows. The dragon world is the dragon. Breath, the human world is a world of great power, the devil world is a sea of ​​demons, and so on.

These powers are the metamorphosis of vitality, will not be easily infected by the black death, and have "immunity".

Although the Night King was powerful, and the six knives were also powerful, he was eventually infected by the aura of the black death. After the battle, the night king blew himself up, and the other five knives all sank and almost turned into black death creatures, but These five knives all have a strong will. Before they completely fell, they all chose to blew themselves, making the black desert vortex created by the Night King even larger. This is quite admirable.

The same is true for the Great Black Blade of the Book of Songs, but he has fallen too deep.

Different from the other five knives, those five knives are equivalent to auxiliary, the Great Black Blade of the Book of Songs, itself is a high-grade Taoist weapon, it is also the Seven Tribulations God King, fighting side by side with the Night King, and the power used is very large and unleashed. The vitality is also amazing, so there are so many black death auras that are infected. Like the Night King, at the last moment, they almost turned into black death creatures.

If the cold light dagger in the night king's body was not used to cut the flesh, the night king might not be able to explode smoothly.

In the end, the Great Black Blade of the Book of Songs did not explode. At the moment when he exploded, his soul was completely corroded by the air of black death, almost turned into a walking dead.

However, the Great Black Blade of the Book of Songs did not directly become a black dead creature.

The high-grade Taoist artifact, the Seven Tribulations God King, should not be underestimated. Even if it became a walking corpse, the Great Black Blade of the Book of Songs still has a trace of will, resisting the black death.

But also fainted.

The Big Black Blade of the Book of Songs is now pinched in the hand by a fountain of black death.

Of the two sources of black death, one of them is thinking of a way to heal the source of black death that was seriously injured and on the verge of death. The other source of black death, holding the **** blade of the Book of Songs, frantically injects the black death energy in his body. Among them, it is necessary to completely turn the Big Black Blade of the Book of Songs into black dead creatures.

At this moment, Meng Fan appeared.

That's right.

Three sources of black death.

It is the lord of the thirteen halls.

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