Supreme God King

Chapter 3049: Kun Nationality Clouds

After the establishment of the heaven in the future, there will be twists and turns.

Wang Haicheng, who was once a powerful force, gradually began to retreat behind the scenes in the future Heavenly Court. As the king of the Five Tribulations, he was not very comfortable with the position of studying and writing books like the master of the husband. When the heavenly court is established in the future, it will be divided into fruits and given positions. The leader of each faction must have an identity, so he will become the master **** of the husband.

As time went by, he accepted it safely.

In the past year, Wang Haicheng has compiled thousands of books, especially the great history created by many priests. It has also been completed. It is the largest and most complete history book in the universe, from the Hongmeng primordial era to the present day. In the era, all the major events that happened were clearly written, and many of the details that had been submerged in the dust of history were also dug out to form a main line. The subsequent work was to continue to add branches to it.

In the future heaven, Wang Haicheng is also regarded as a legend. Not only because he is the leader, but also one of the creators of the future heaven, especially in the Chaos World War, he fought side by side with Meng Fan, and the Chaos World War was where Meng Fan rose.

Zhao Qilin and Ramadan waited quietly. In the future, the heavenly court will not be so strict. While waiting, Zhao Qilin and Ramadan looked through the surrounding books at will.

Although he belongs to the same line of Meng Fan, Zhao Qilin's reputation in the future heaven is really not that big. Although he is a powerful young king, he is even more commented by Meng Fan as "like a hundred steps immortal, he was born with him." Any martial artist who has seen it will be able to comprehend it. It belongs to a little bit of adventure and can ride the clouds and fog. Even if there is no adventure, only relying on their own understanding will have a certain role to achieve.

But his reputation is still too small. What he once did was to help the Epoch Alliance kill a group of thieves in Jianchengguan. It was considered a great feat at the time. Today, he has experienced many storms in the face of the future heaven. , This is drizzle, not worth mentioning.

In contrast, the reputation of Ramadan is much greater, but just as Ramadan himself said, her reputation is mainly due to her father. In the Great Qin Empire, Yin Qi was called the legend of the double wall, which is already the old yellow calendar.

"Where is the master of Shangjue Kingdom?" Wang Haicheng asked suddenly, without looking back. "Shangjue Heavenly Kingdom has been on the fringe of monk civilization for the past tens of thousands of years. After the new era, it was destroyed by the hands of Qin Taichuan and the Black Death. There are very few materials. However, there are some similarities between Shangjue Heavenly Kingdom and the future heaven. It means that regardless of race or faction, all gods and kings are mixed together. The difference is that the heavens in the future are peaceful and the hearts are connected, but there are various problems in the heavens. The history of the heavens is very important to the future heavens. Important, I hope I can talk to the Lord of the Kingdom."

The so-called Supreme Lord is Yin Qi.

Shangjue Heavenly Kingdom has been destroyed, only Yin Qi and Zhou Jin are left.

At the Riyue Peak meeting, Yin Qi concealed for a long time and brewed for a long time, and broke out a blow to Qin Taichuan, but unfortunately it had no effect. She was almost killed by Qin Taichuan. She was saved by Meng Fan. After being saved, Yin Qi's heart was the flame. Gradually extinguished, she calmed down and asked Meng Fan to join the future heaven.

Everyone knows that Yin Qi has only one obsession to kill Qin Taichuan!

And Yin Qi is not a stupid person. On the contrary, Yin Qi can be regarded as a very intelligent existence among the goddess kings. It is she who supports the kingdom of Jue heaven with one arm, and it has allowed this long-overdue country to survive for millions of years.

Because Yin Qi is not stupid, knowing that with her current ability, it is absolutely impossible to kill Qin Taichuan, maybe not at all, so she has to wait, and the best wait is to wait in the future heaven.

Meng Fan and Qin Taichuan were also rivals and enemies.

"After Yin Qi entered the Future Heavenly Court, she only met and chatted with me once." Ramadan replied lightly. "I just recalled the battle in the Great Qin Empire that year, but things are not humans. Both of us don’t like the sadness of the spring and the autumn, so we separated. Since then, Yin Qi has been quiet in the depths of the heavens in the future. Xiu, it hasn't come out for nine months."

Zhao Qilin smiled: "Daqin Shuangbi, once the best among the female **** kings, it's a pity that the fate is different, and father and father can't be compared."

For Zhao Qilin's words, Ramadan is noncommittal.

Indeed, the fate of Yin Qi and Ramadan is too far apart because of the father of the two.

Yin Qi's father, with limited talents, only achieved the Four Tribulations God King with the power of the whole country. It can be said that he was the weakest generation of kings in the short history of the Kingdom of Heaven, and he was also weak and incompetent.

In order to protect himself, the lord of the country sent Yin Qi, who was very young and only the king of the Three Tribulations, to the Daqin Empire to "study". In fact, he was taken as a hostage to show that the kingdom of heaven was surrendered to Daqin and found a backer to maintain the kingdom. The fortune of heaven.

It was in this situation that Yin Qi wanted to make some merits for the Great Qin Empire, whether it was to fight for some speech rights for the Kingdom of Heaven, or for some freedom for herself, she took action against Ramadan.

And Ramadan has never been restrained. She broke into the Great Qin Empire and killed people and left safely because of her father.

This Da Qin Shuangbi's father was too far behind, and the fate of the two was too far behind.

Yin Qi needs to be strong, with heavy obsessions in her heart, and some paranoia. Ramadan is light and windy, I don’t care.

Just like the first goddess king of heaven in the future, Princess Invite Moon, it is vaguely the height that Yin Qi wants to reach, and Ramadan doesn't care about it.

"When she leaves the customs, I will invite her." Wang Haicheng said, closing the scroll in his hand, turning around and saying, "Is it for the Kun nationality to come to me?"

"Yes." Zhao Qilin nodded and took out a secret scroll from his cuff. "This is the fact that Jingyu Shenfu has been in the marginal area for a few days, investigating the information of the Siyuan Dynasty. According to the rules, this information must be sorted in Jingyu Shenfu, and then sent to the various temples for analysis, and finally, enter the Fuxue Shenfu files."

"Okay." Wang Haicheng grabbed the palm of his hand, and the secret scroll fell into his hand. As soon as he opened it, there were tens of millions of words hidden in the small secret scroll. He flipped through it quickly, taking a few breaths. "The Kun people are very cautious about the various avenue worlds, but no matter how careful they are, they will sooner or later take action. I want to come. Now the Kun people have begun to move in the various avenue worlds and bury some foreshadowing and chess pieces."

"The Kun people seem to be bad at this." Ramadan said softly.

Wang Haicheng looked at the secret scroll and nodded gently: "Since ancient times, the wisdom of the Kun people has been rather low. According to the information collected over the past six months, the reason why the Kun people can be unified seems to be the emergence of the'mother emperor'. A very powerful **** king with very high wisdom. She has unified the various tribes of the Kun nationality for tens of millions of years and established the foundation of the returnees’ civilization. However, judging from this information, the Kun nationality should have more than one female emperor. , And no matter how high the wisdom of the mother emperor is, intrigue, and plant seeds for foreshadowing, she can't do it well, let alone compare with the king of light brain, it is inferior to those layout masters in various worlds. many.

You see, the pioneer spies of the Kun nationality sneaked into various avenue worlds, and they were all caught and killed. No one could hide them. "

Wang Haicheng shook his head: "However, the most terrifying thing about the Kun nationality is its number. In the past five or six months, there have been news of the Kun nationality appearing in various road worlds. After counting, the Kun nationality has sent at least one or two. Although the thousands of pioneer **** kings have been beheaded, the Kun people obviously don't care. It is the most terrifying thing that the lives of these **** kings are exchanged for information on the various worlds."

"According to the king's opinion, when will the Kun people take action?" Zhao Qilin asked.

Wang Haicheng said without hesitation: "Within a month. All kinds of information collected will eventually be archived in the Fuxue Shenfu, and the priests of the Fuxue Shenfu will make analysis. In the past month, the Kun people have been acting more and more frequently, even There has been some Kunzu legions plundering the borders of monk civilization, and there are other movements, no matter how you look at it, they are all within a month."

Ramadan said: "We should plan early."

"The King of Heaven has already made a plan." Wang Haicheng collected the secret scroll. "For nine months, the heavenly king has been in retreat and only issued two secret orders. One of them is to give all kinds of assistance to the Lord of the Kingdom to help her grow up, and the second is to give the Heavenly Dao Army a coordinate to let her When the Heavenly Path Legion went to that coordinate, it seemed that the King of Heaven had calculated a certain joint of the Black Death Catastrophe. He wanted to inflict a heavy blow on the Black Death Catastrophe and completely knock it down. Obviously, he hoped that the Heavenly Path Legion would withdraw from the Black Death Catastrophe as soon as possible. , Began to deal with the coming Kun people."

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