Supreme God King

Chapter 3050: Undead Legion

Deep in the long river of fate.

Wearing a blue shirt, Meng Fan woke up from the retreat and quietly watched the river flowing.

After nine months of meditation, Meng Fan, who had been blind to all kings of heaven and earth, became more and more blurred, and there was a celestial phenomenon flowing between his breath.

He quietly looked at the river of fate.

Suddenly, a faint spirit appeared in the long river of fate.

Meng Fan stretched out a finger, gently hooked the faint soul, exhaled, and immediately the breath turned into masses of flesh and blood, meridians, and bones, enveloping the faint soul, and soon it turned into A human figure.

After transforming into a human form, this body undulated in the long river of fate, opened his eyes violently, panted, and panicked.

"Calm." Meng Fan said lightly.

The figure immediately calmed down, and when he saw Meng Fan, a smile appeared on his face, very relieved.

"My Lord Heaven..."

"The battle is fierce?" Meng Fan asked.

"Yes, Lord Heaven. The coordinates you have given are a hall master, more than eight thousand black death kings. As the Lord Heaven said, there is an important stronghold for the black death army. Our heavenly army hunted down the black death. The army has found their stronghold for the first time for so long."

"How long has the battle lasted?"

"Before I died, just at the beginning, those black death creatures couldn't get close to our Dragon Gate Flying Armor at all, but those black death kings were stronger."

"Okay, recuperate right away. Your physical body was rebuilt by me. Although it is pure, its strength is too weak. Go to the Qiji Divine Mansion to get a deep repair token, the spring of the power of vows, you can swallow infinitely, about two After a month, you will return to your heyday."

"Thank you, Lord Heaven!" The young **** king gave his hand. "The Heavenly Dao Legion has fought for nine months, raging across the world, immortal and immortal, we will be invincible in the heaven in the future."

Meng Fan frowned: "You are wrong. In the future, the kings of the heavenly court will all sink and float in the long river of destiny. They are connected to each other with destiny, and are inextricably linked with the meaning of destiny. If you die, you will die. , The soul will immediately return to the long river of fate, even without me, your soul will sink and float in the long river of fate, it will not dissipate, and will always wake up.

But this is not to say that you are immortal. If you are infected by the black death air and you do not die immediately, then you will turn into black death creatures and will not return to the long river of fate until the soul is eaten by the black death air a little bit.

At the same time, in the prehistoric universe, the leaders of the great world are formulating their own order, their own rules, and resisting the law of heaven. They are all heroes and powerful beings. They may not be able to resist the long river of fate. But to cut the connection between you and the long river of destiny, you should be able to do it. Once the connection is cut, you will be beheaded again, and you will completely die.

Don't relax, don't rely on the power of the long river of fate, think that you are immortal, then you are not far from destruction. "

The young **** king listened and knew that this was Meng Fan's criticism. He couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive. He hurriedly bowed his hands and said, "I see."

This leaves.

Meng Fan waited quietly in the long river of fate.

Within an hour, there are constantly faint spirits returning to the long river of destiny, and there are a hundred.

This means that more than a hundred **** kings have fallen.

Obviously this is a tough battle.

These faint spirits were protected by Meng Fan, reshaped their bodies, and then sent away.

All the gods whose bodies are broken and the souls return will become very weak and even have some memory loss. However, relying on the power of the heavens today and the future, it will take about a few months to bring these gods back to their peak state. Qi Ji Shenfu can give blessings of various powers, allowing them to practice again, and Fuxue Shenfu can easily restore their memories through various filings and records.

After an hour, no soul will return to the future heaven.

The last returning soul told Meng Fan that the battle was nearing its end. More than half of the more than 8,000 Black Death Kings fell into the hands of the Heavenly Dao Legion. Today’s Heavenly Dao Legion is too powerful. Invite the Moon Princess and Lonely Heart. , These two six-fold **** kings are enough to establish victory, plus nearly a hundred five-fold **** kings, and the rest are four-fold **** kings.

The Heavenly Legion is the most powerful force of the Heavenly Court in the future. Looking at the entire universe, I am afraid that only the humane hundred saints of the human world can be compared with the Heavenly Legion. The thousand prehistoric warships of the Sun Moon Peak Alliance, and the thunder artillery that burst out in an instant, can also threaten the Heavenly Dao Army.

Except for these two forces, it seems that there is no other force that can threaten the Heavenly Legion.

And the palace master, although being chased by Gu Xinao and Princess Inviting Yue, still let him escape, but it is said that he was seriously injured.

The hall master left, thousands of black death kings fell, that stronghold was broken, and the remaining tens of millions of black death creatures collapsed silently.

After this battle, the black death catastrophe will become more wilting, and Meng Fan can take back his mind and consider other issues.

After nine months of retreat and retreat, Meng Fan’s power was further consolidated and improved, especially in the major divine palaces. From all over the cosmos, he collected 31 kinds of true meanings of great avenues, and successively joined the gods of the future heaven. Some others, who came with gifts, also had the Seven Great Dao true meanings. These were handed over to Meng Fan, and he was integrated into the pillar of martial art.

With the addition of these 38 great meanings, Meng Fan now has ninety-nine great meanings in his body!

Its majestic strength is beyond imagination.

As long as he is willing, he can usher in the catastrophe again at any time.

In other words, he can become the King of Eight Tribulations at any time!

Once he becomes the King of Eight Tribulations, he will sit more firmly in the position of the No. 1 giant in the universe.

But now, the universe has already undergone fusion.

Although many changes are hidden, Meng Fan can clearly feel it.

First of all, he has already sensed that the second generation of Buddha in the Buddha world, called the future **** and Buddha, is exactly the impermanence immortal king!

And in the far edge of the universe, in the infinite realm, the eleven small creators are getting stronger and stronger.

The Arcane Empire still obeys the infinite realm.

The King of Light Brain has a very large layout. The Sun Moon Peak Alliance was completely created by him. The Buddha Realm and Arcane Empire follow him, and Meng Fan can clearly feel that he has migrated to the edge of monk civilization. In the Protoss, there is also a vague foreshadowing of the King of Light Brain.

In addition, there are only eight years left before the Emperor of Heaven is unblocked.

There are also some other trends, such as the central emperor adhering to the humanity and luck, constantly rising, and it seems that he is not far away from the Eight Tribulations God King. Qin Taichuan and the Devil Emperor are getting closer and closer to the Seven Tribulations God King.

But now, the top priority is the Kun people.

No intelligence or any information is needed. On the edge of the monk civilization, Meng Fan can clearly see every move of the Kun people.

A few days later, the Kun tribe will invade.

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