Supreme God King

Chapter 3055: Not surprising

Cuidi couldn't help but feel cold when she heard the man's voice.

In an instant, the torrent of souls with a radius of one hundred meters seemed to have entered the winter, and all the power was crystallized by freezing.

Here is a torrent of souls, showing the spiritual power of men, which is very terrifying.

But Cuidi also has a lot of background. After a short trance, he calmed down again, smiled greasyly, and saluted: "Under the Siyuan Dynasty messenger, Cuidi. I don't know your Excellency, is it the future Lord of Heaven?"

The man said indifferently: "I am lonely and proud."

Cui Di was startled: "Ah! Meet the Lord of the Division Master."

Lonely took two steps forward, and the ice crystals in the sky melted little by little.

"There is a torrent of soul, there is no difference, all beings are swimming in it. You can see ignorant children here, and you can also see the overlord of heaven and earth. You don't need to be polite. But it is impossible to see the future king here. "

Listening to the words of loneliness, the cold and cold surroundings disappeared, and the spring breeze was blowing, very comfortable, Cui Di also relaxed.

"The future king, isn't it in the torrent of souls?" Cui Di asked.

"He has been there all the time." Lonely replied. "It's just that you can't see him with ordinary eyes."

"Can't you see the Lord Master of Law?" Cui Di asked again.

Gu Xin proud shook his head: "Invisible."

Cuidi said, "Is the law chief also an ordinary person?"

Lonely smiled and said: "Compared with the future kings, the gods of the world are all ordinary people."

Cuidi raised her clean brows: "I don't understand."

Lonely arrogant stepped forward step by step, getting closer and closer to Cuidi, he was about a head taller than Cuidi, not because Lonely arrogant and tall, but because Cuidi was petite and exquisite.

"For example, at this moment, the face of the mysterious and unpredictable Siyuan Dynasty, the future king has already seen clearly, including some secrets, he knows it."

Cuidi frowned: "How can he know?"

"Because you have stepped into the torrent of mind, all sentient beings in the torrent of mind will be known to the heavenly king." Gu Xin proudly said, grabbing Cui Di's wrist. "Before you came here, the masters of the Siwon Dynasty must have left many restraints on your body and soul. This makes you feel confident. I can feel that there is a barrier and defense on your body, which is blocking me. Spy, but this kind of defense is pediatric in front of the king, and it's not worth mentioning."

After solitary and proud, his eyes flashed suddenly, and he looked around: "There is a flicker in the torrent of the soul, indicating that the king is out of the gate, and you should return to your companion."

Reaching out and pushing, Cui Di fell backwards out of a torrent of soul, before she had time to exclaim, she had appeared on the streets of Longcheng.

After landing, with a moment of surprise, Cuidi immediately turned and walked back to the Jinke Hall.

When she returned to the quiet west courtyard of Jinkedian, she saw a man.

This man looks like a young man. He is more than seven feet tall. He is not too tall. He is well-proportioned. He wears a blue shirt. The shirt looks very simple, except that the neckline and cuffs are embroidered with gilt dragons. The boots under his feet are dark green. of.

In Cuidi's view, the man is really nothing good, but he looks very clean and his skin also has a faint glow.

The man was holding a cup of tea and took a sip, without looking at Cui Di.

Hei Ling and Yao Zhu looked at the man with solemn eyes.

"The messenger of the Siyuan Dynasty has been here for two days, and has been hoping to pay a visit to Lord Heaven, Lord Heaven will take the air." Hei Ying sneered in his words.

These three women are all shocked to be heavenly appearances, and their bodies are all born with alien bodies, with extraordinary talents. Hei Ying's mouth is filled with cold and glamorous air. Any man who is so blamed will feel guilty.

Cui Di said in a daze, "The Lord of the Future?"

But there was no response.

Yaozhu still looked at Meng Fan seriously, not daring to blink at all.

Cuidi tilted her head, a little unwilling to believe it in her heart. The young man in front of him did not seem to have the loneliness and arrogance he had just met.

The impression that solitary arrogance left on Cui Di was that gloom and sunshine coexisted, and there was an extraordinary temperament in her body. After seeing it, Cui Di was a little dazed and yearned for it in her heart.

That's why Cuidi mistakenly thought that loneliness was the king of the future.

But when she heard the words of loneliness and Yaozhu's expression at this moment, Cui Di knew that the young people in front of him were, in all likelihood, the future king who they had always wanted to meet, but had never met.

Now, the most prestigious God King among the prehistoric universe!

Faintly, he is firmly on the throne of the No. 1 giant, and there are even rumors that if the Emperor of Heaven does not lift the ban and the Emperor Chaos does not show up, he is the most powerful existence, standing on the pinnacle of all beings.

But although the man in front of him is also extraordinary and detached, he still can't match Cui Di's imagination.

Is it because the previous fantasy was too good, and the outline of the future king is too perfect?

"Why did the messenger of Siwon Dynasty come, and if you want to see me, you will definitely see me?"

Meng Fan smiled lightly, very gentle.

As soon as this smile appeared, Cui Di suddenly became a little fascinated. The powerful charm in the smile, the power that infects people's mind, is terrifying!

Hei Qiang's eyes flashed with anger, and his feet shook.

Meng Fan put down the tea cup, with the same smile on his face: "The Jinke Temple has gathered dozens of envoys, and hundreds of **** kings, large and small. They will come to the heaven to act in the future, and they will all communicate with the priests of the major gods. The Lord God may not be able to see it. What qualifications do you have to see me?"


A little blood was left on the corner of Hei's mouth.

She bit the tip of her tongue in one bite to calm herself down.

"Siyuan Dynasty, is it comparable to those small states?"

Hei Ying said strongly.

"The Kun nationality swept across the universe and overwhelmed the sky. At the feet of the Kun nationality, all avenues will no longer exist. All forces must surrender if they want to survive. Don't you understand that?"

Hei Ying's words became sharper.

Meng Fan has always been indifferent to each other.

After Hei Ying finished speaking, after a heavy breath, Meng Fan smiled and said, "If you want to say anything, just say it. After you finish speaking, I will personally send you back to Siyuan Dynasty."

Yaozhu, who had been silent, finally spoke.

"My Lord Heaven, what does this mean?"

"Nine months of retreat, the various things between heaven and earth have been dealt with almost, the black death catastrophe is exhausted, and the final blow can be given at any time, then the next problem is two, the Kun Clan and the Emperor of Heaven.

After the Emperor of Heaven lifts the ban, it will take eight years. During these eight years, the problem of the Kun people must be resolved. Therefore, I always want to see your mother emperor. "

Yaozhu squinted his eyes and said, "That would be great. Actually, we are here this time..."

Meng Fan raised his hand to stop her saying: "Attention, what you follow will determine the life and death of the three of you. I said that I would personally send you back to Siyuan Dynasty. I didn't say whether to take it back alive or dead. "

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