Supreme God King

Chapter 3056: And kiss

Meng Fan still had that unremarkable appearance, with his fingers gently coiling around the teacup on the table, with his left leg resting on his right leg, smilingly looking at the three envoys of the Siyuan Dynasty.

But his words stunned Yaozhu, Hei Qian, and Cui Di.

Only Cuidi looked at Meng Fan with a little curiosity in surprise.

"The three messengers are all born with alien bodies, icy muscles, snow bones, soft souls, and they have cultivated to the realm of the overlord of heaven and earth. They are rare and not vulgar. It is a pity that they fell into my hands like this. Meng also doesn’t want to do the same thing, so you have to carefully consider what to say next."

Hei Ying was already angry and took a step forward, seeming to be doing something, but Yaozhu immediately reached out and stopped him.

Meng Fan stared at the teacup, not at Hei Ying.

That kind of indifference, that kind of attitude that treats them as nothing, is natural.

Like today, there are too few roles for Meng Fan to face.

Yaozhu took a deep breath and said, "My Lord Heaven, the little girl is here with the invitation of His Majesty Siyuan Dynasty. I hope that Lord Heaven can go to Siyuan Dynasty and meet with His Majesty. Besides, Mother His Majesty said that he intends to form a good relationship with Lord Heaven for thousands of years."

Meng Fan raised his eyebrows and chuckled, "So, you are here to beg for a kiss?"

Yaozhu handed over: "Your Majesty Mother has this intention."

This news really made Meng Fan not expect that in his calculations, all the possibilities of the Siyuan Dynasty to the future heaven were calculated, but it was not counted that the Siyuan Dynasty came to marriage.

Meng Fan was surprised for a moment, and smiled: "The Kun people claim to be returnees, to make the universe return to the era of no order and laws, and completely chaotic era of the Hongmeng primordial era. And I am the lord of heaven and the master of the supreme order. What does it mean to marry me? According to the Kun family's avenue, you should go to the Chaos Great Emperor who has disappeared for many years, but I don't know if the Chaos Great Emperor is willing to marry a bug."

Hei Ying was completely angry: "Laughter! Your Majesty is the King of Eight Tribulations, the supreme in the world, who has been in the peak state for hundreds of millions of years, and is expected to achieve the existence of the King of Nine Tribulations, commanding 600,000 God Kings, you dare to comment like this Your Majesty!"

"Hei Ling!" Yaozhu shouted angrily.

Meng Fan flicked his fingers around the teacup.

Hei Ying shot out quietly, and suddenly disappeared.

A King of Five Tribulations, like a flying ant, was easily knocked off by Meng Fan.

Seeing this scene, Cuidi's face was completely astonished. The curiosity about the future heaven and Meng Fan was gone. Looking at Meng Fan again, her eyes were full of fear.

All this is so understatement that it seems so unreal.

The smile on Meng Fan's face also narrowed.

Yaozhu narrowed his eyes, still calm, and there was not much fluctuation.

"Dare to ask Lord Heaven, where did the little girl be sent?"

"I don't know." Meng Fan said casually: "Beyond the heavens, the direction of the human world in the future. You don't have to work hard to find her traces, move the void, reverse the law, cannot be traced, can you find it back, it depends on her own good fortune, I hope not to die in the hands of other Dao Worlds."

Yaozhu's brows throbbed violently.

This kind of great power and means has completely exceeded Yaozhu's understanding!

Yaozhu's thoughts quickly turned, remembering the legend that after Meng Fan revived in the sky, he sent the second figure of the God Realm, the old man Hongtu, out of dozens of dimensions, and accurately sent it to the front of the Ten Thousand Dharma God Emperor. , And the grand old man has no power to resist.

The grand old man, but a **** of six calamities!

In the past nine months, the Kun people have been in constant contact with the monk civilization, snooping and searching for the secrets of the monk civilization and all kinds of information, and they know all kinds of news and rumors. Among them, the legend about Meng Fan is the most.

There is the legend of the grand old man who was sent out dozens of dimensions by Meng Fan at once.

However, the Siyuan Dynasty expressed great suspicion about this legend, and it flew a six-tribulation **** king out, just like flicking an ant. This was simply incredible, and only thought it was an error.

But Hei Ying had just been sent away.

Make Yaozhu tremble violently.

"Don't think about it." Meng Fan rubbed his fingers. "The rumors about me that you got from Siyuan Dynasty are all true."

Yaozhu was stunned. At this moment, she felt that she had no secrets in front of Meng Fan, and she had seen everything in her heart.

Her thoughts are more confused.

In the monk civilization, there is a saying that Meng Fan's power and methods have exceeded the understanding of the kings. Although he is the God King of Seven Tribulations, he is about to surpass the concept of God King.

Now, the methods Meng Fan showed were beyond Yaozhu's understanding.

"Well, you have said everything you should have said." Meng Fan continued: "It didn't give me a reason to leave your lives."

Yaozhu immediately turned pale.

Cui Di hurriedly said, "My Lord Heaven, we are the daughters of His Majesty Mother!"

Meng Fan laughed: "This seems to be a reason, but in the Siyuan Dynasty, this reason is too weak. I know that the reproductive ability of the Kun people is amazing. The mother emperor seems to have thousands of children, and the Siyuan Dynasty seems to have more than one. A mother emperor, then your daughter’s identity is worthless."

After hearing this, Cuidi said again: "My lord Tianwang...this, this is different...I, I am willing, I am willing to fully integrate into the torrent of my heart, tell you everything I know, and let you know many of my secrets. Will know that our weight is by no means comparable to those of the Kun clan."

"Oh?" Meng Fan smiled: "You don't need to blend into the torrent of the soul." As he said, a ray of thought, wrapped in the powerful will of heaven and the will of the great Dao, suddenly crashed into Cuidi's body.

Cuidi had a different color on her face, and she felt completely naked, but after a few breaths, the feeling of being stripped disappeared.

As always, Meng Fan sat on the stone stool without any movement.

"So, Siwon Dynasty is much more complicated and huge than I thought. In this case, it can save your lives and it can be regarded as a gift to the mother emperor."

After speaking, Meng Fan stood up, patted the green shirt lightly, and prepared to leave.

Yaozhu hurriedly said, "Master Tianwang, can you rescue the little girl?"

"Furthermore." Meng Fan turned and left.

Yaozhu was startled: "Then... Lord Heaven, when shall we leave?"

"Leave in ten days."

Yaozhu bit her lip.

After Meng Fan completely left, Yaozhu said to Cuidi next to him: "You immediately return to the Siyuan Dynasty and bring back the news of the Lord of Heaven's departure ten days later. In addition, use Huang Guwei to find Hei's whereabouts. , Search between the human world and the future heaven, remember, you must be careful not to be discovered."

Cuidi nodded, glanced at the direction of Meng Fan's disappearance with lingering fear, then got up and left.

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