Supreme God King

Chapter 3060: Naive

Human world.

Gusu's house in Los Angeles.

Compared with the Hundred Saints family in the world today, the Gusu family is a very small family. In fact, it is only an employment of the Zhao family in the Hundred Saints family.

The ancestor of the Gusu family was the servant of an ancestor of the Zhao family of the Hundred Saints family. Because of his effective work, he gradually became a steward and gained the trust of the ancestors of the Zhao family. He gave some martial arts books and taught him some of the Zhao family Door exercises.

As the Zhao family grew stronger, the Gusu family, as a vassal of the Zhao family, also became a big family. Today, it has a history of thousands of years.

After the Zhao family responded to the call and joined the human world, the Gusu family joined the human world with them. The Zhao family was initially suppressed by the old part of the Daqin Empire until the battle of subversion. The Zhao family followed the Central Emperor to destroy the archer and was sealed. As one of the Hundred Sages, the Gusu family has always been with him, doing his best.

After the Zhao family became a Hundred Saints family, the Gusu family was also ascended to heaven, and became the parents of 600,000 households in a county in Luocheng in the world. The local family has tens of thousands of acres of fertile land and thousands of cattle and sheep, which can be regarded as rich. .

Three years ago, the Patriarch of the Gusu family got a grandson, but that was not a big deal.

For one thing, the head of the Gusu family is 806 years old and has hundreds of descendants. Secondly, three years ago, it was on the eve of the subversive battle of the human world. The Gusu family also received the Zhao family's order to keep a low profile, so they were born. A grandson did not celebrate or set a banquet.

The most important thing is that this grandson is not of good blood. He is the child of a concubine of the head of the Gusu family. The mother of the concubine was originally a slave of the Gusu family. She gave birth to a concubine and died. After that, the concubine was bullied and squeezed out at home, and the martial arts at the core of the family did not allow him to contact him. He grew up to 40 or 50 years old, like a waste person.

Although he is a waste person, he still has no worries about eating and drinking. This concubine has been depressed for decades, has long lost his fighting spirit, and his wife is also a farmer, and looks very ugly.

So this concubine doted on a maidservant alone, but a few years later, the maidservant gave birth to a child.

This is the grandson of the head of the Gusu family.

Therefore, the grandson of the Patriarch of the Gusu family is the concubine's concubine, and cannot be lower.

Three years later, his grandson is three years old.

The owner of the family gave the character "Qiao" named Gu Suqiao.

This Gu Suqiao was about three years old, but she was quite clever and smart, with a pair of eyes, very beautiful, like a woman, very pleasing.

Especially, before the age of two, this Gu Suqiao was no different from other children, but after the age of two, she suddenly seemed to have opened her mind. He never forgot after reading the poems, and he wrote the next poem at the age of two and a half. , Does not appear immature at all, on the contrary, there is a lot of wisdom, which is extolled in Gusu's house, but for a long time no one believed that this poem came from the hands of a two and a half-year-old child, it was incredible.

About a month later, the Patriarch of the Gusu family read this poem. For the first time in decades, he met his young son and his grandson. Accompanied by many people, he asked this grandson to write another poem. Su Qiao made a poem in four steps, and the brilliance appeared when the poem landed. This surprised the Gusu Patriarch and the other descendants of the Gusu Family. They couldn't believe it.

Since then, Gu Su Qiao can learn all the martial arts of the Gu Su family, can read all kinds of books, and have teachers teach.

This aroused the jealousy of some Gusu’s children, especially those who bullied Gu Su Qiao’s father’s clan. They also spoke to the paternal master again and again, saying that natural visions are either blessings or disasters. Be careful, but the paternal loves This grandson didn't think about it.

this day.

It was rainy and rainy, and only three-year-old Gu Su Qiao, dressed in a small white shirt, stood in front of a rock wall and painted with wolf hair in her hand. Although she looked cute, the look in his eyes was definitely not what a three-year-old child should have. .

What he is painting is not small bridges and flowing water, not soft fragrant and warm jade, but mountains and rivers, and the continuous cities in the mountains and rivers, magnificent!

At this moment, someone opened the door. It was a forty or fifty-year-old man with a swollen and fat body. He had no martial arts aura. He walked in with some food in his hand. There was rain on his body, but the food was steaming and dry. Net, obviously well protected by men.

After he walked in, he saw the scene Gu Su Qiao painted on the stone wall, he couldn't help but was taken aback, and then he smiled and said, "Eat some food."

In speaking, he was quite cautious.

Gu Suqiao turned around, saw the man, and said lightly: "Oh, Gu Suying, you are here, let go, I will eat by myself."

After these few words, the man's face was a little uncomfortable, but he soon disappeared.

Obviously, I am used to it.

That's right, this Gu Suying is Gu Suqiao's biological father.

Gu Su Qiao only had a few days before and after learning to speak fluently, but since he was able to speak, he has never called his father or mother, and even when he saw Patriarch Gusu, he was not called anyone.

Gu Suying has always been a little bit unacceptable about this, but Gusu Qiao is now very much loved by the Gusu Patriarch. As a result, Gu Suying's position in the family has been elevated a bit, and his own son has performed too much in all aspects. After being excellent, you can understand any chapter and poem. The great path is simple, and there is no chaos. Although he has not stepped into the martial arts so far, there is already vitality in his body. This is a rare vision.

In front of this three-year-old child, Gu Suying, a waste person, really did not dare to respect himself as a father.

Gu Su Qiao put down his wolf hair, walked to the table and took two bites of food, and said lightly: "In the era of the avenue, many rookies came into being. The strong are like clouds, and many humanitarian masters have emerged in the human world. Tianjiao, who have been leading the way for tens of thousands of years, these young rookies may become the help of those avenue hegemons, and may challenge the authority of those avenue hegemons. In any case, there must be a change, and it is a change that no one can escape. , You should step into the martial art, don’t be a leaf of duckweed."

These few words are as if the master is talking to the apprentice, but Gu Suying, who doesn't understand at all, just smiled embarrassedly: "Qiaoer, eat first."

"The food is delicious." Gu Suqiao said simply, bringing the topic to an abrupt end.

Seeing Gu Su Qiao eating for a while, Gu Suying said again: "Qiao Er, when you grow up, do you want to participate in the imperial examination? Once you are on the list, you can shine through the lintel, break the family barrier, stand in the court, and even have a chance to be Seeing the Supreme Humanitarian, seeing our Majesty, you read so well in poems and books. After you are twelve years old, you will surely get some fame when you take the provincial examination. In the next few years, it will not be difficult to step up and take the Beijing examination."

"Humanity is supreme." Gu Suqiao smiled: "The Central Emperor is a generation of outstanding people, his mind is calm and surpasses all the strong humanists today, even Emperor Bo Wu will not be an opponent, although he does not know where Emperor Bo Wu is. , But as long as he appears, he will still fall into the hands of the Central Emperor."

Gu Su Ying's expression turned fusion: "You can't call your Majesty like that!"

Then it seemed a little scared, Gusu should stand up and say: "I...I'll get you some soup again."

After Gusuying left, Gusuqiao ate the food alone with a calm expression.

"Last time, I was Xuanyuan. This time, my name is Gusu. Why do I have a surname every time I reincarnated." After that, Gu Suqiao smiled like self-deprecating, and this expression was placed on a three-year-old child. Somewhat weird and scary. "At the time when humanity was disseminated, the tribes that were the first to be civilized all took one-letter surnames. It was the barbaric humane tribes who later learned humanity, those fishing, hunting, and nomadic tribes, who took their last names."

Gu Suqiao ate up the food while talking to herself, then put down the dishes, looked at the painting on the stone wall, and said: "The Central Emperor, it seems that I chose you as the humane successor really good, because I know myself. My fate is not long. If God wants to accept me, I must be passed down to humanity. It can be good fortune."

Three years ago, Meng Fan controlled the power of heaven.

In the future, the heaven will attack the heaven.

Meng Fan swallowed the emperor of the sun and moon, destroyed the heavens and the heavens, the river of fate dried up, and the powerful gods who had fallen for millions of years were awakened.

One of them, because he was too weak, his body decayed, and his remnant soul escaped. He found a baby who had not yet been born and had not yet conceived consciousness in the human world and was reborn.

this person.

His name is called "people".

The Central Emperor once wrote an inscription for him.

In the words, call him, innocent.

In the long years, in humanity, he was called the ancestor of humanity.

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