Supreme God King

Chapter 3061: School office

The imperial city of human beings, the place of divine machinery.

In the hands of the central emperor, the once weakened divine machine became stronger again. This is for a reason. Because of the subversion of the human world, a large number of the old parts of the Great Qin Empire are waiting for an opportunity to fight back. In order to deal with these overt and secret threats, the existence of Divine Mechanics is very necessary.

Under these circumstances, the divine mechanism has grown stronger.

However, there is one thing that Emperor Bo Wu did right, that is, he can’t let the supernatural institution of Shenji Department be too strong, so the central emperor opened a school office in the Shenji Department, although it is still under the name of God. The Office is under the jurisdiction and is responsible for the hidden saint, but the school administration has the power to report all affairs directly to the central emperor, and may not report to the hidden saint.

After the school administration was established, it did not send any people from the former divine machine, but from the people, from the three provinces and two governments, and the imperial examination candidates, many young, excellent, and not too much thoughts were selected. , But a vigorous **** king.

It can be said that the school administration has gathered many young Toshihiko who have emerged from the human world in recent years.

There are about three hundred **** kings in the school administration. Among them, there are two **** kings of the Five Tribulations. They are all under a thousand years old and too young, but they came into being when the humanity and luck were inflated, and they were unparalleled.

Below, there are a lot of God Kings of the Four Tribulations and God Kings of the Three Tribulations, and the school administration does not accept the existence of the God Kings of the Three Tribulations and below.

These three hundred **** kings are absolute cronies of the Central Emperor.

Han Xiaozhong, the consul of the school administration, is also one of the two Five Tribulations God Kings. Wearing flying fish and flowing armor, he is listening to reports from his subordinates.

"The news is too late. Eleven days ago, the messenger of the Siyuan Dynasty entered the future heaven. We just learned about it not long ago."

"This is a shame to the subordinates. In the future, there will be no secret agency in the Heavenly Court, and the attitude towards the outside world has always been tolerant, without precautions, and there is no secret at all. We got the news 11 days late. Please consulate for punishment."

"Don't talk nonsense." Han Xiaozhong said blankly: "I will report to your Majesty immediately."

After that, Han Xiaozhong turned around, and a space vortex emerged on the wall behind him. This is the school's greatest power, from here to the palace and study.

The entire imperial city is heavily guarded, and the imperial palace is even more so. In addition to the Hundred Saints, even the courtiers who want to enter the imperial palace to go to court have to go through layers of scrutiny, while the school office can go directly to the imperial palace. This shows how great their power is.

Passing through the vortex of space, Han Xiaozhong immediately appeared in front of a piece of wood color, a long table in Kowloon, the Four Treasures of the study carved with many treasures, and a rugged stone. There were no paintings on the wall, all relying on the bookcase, with a small piece Rare ancient books in the human world.

At the long table in Nine Dragons, sitting a powerful **** king wearing a white gown with a square face was the Central Emperor.

At the moment Central Emperor was looking at a scroll, Han Xiaozhong stepped in, Central Emperor still expressionless.

Han Xiaozhong knelt down, his face was extremely respectful of the central emperor, and said solemnly: "Your Majesty, the envoy of the Siyuan Dynasty entered the future heaven eleven days ago."

The information reported was concise and concise.

The Central Emperor raised his gaze slightly and said to Han Xiaozhong: "I see, send someone to watch."


Han Xiaozhong immediately turned and left.

The Central Emperor continued to look at the scroll.

If we put it in the past, the Siyuan Dynasty would make the Central Emperor pay more attention to it.

Now that the black death catastrophe is weak and the Siwon Dynasty is waiting on the edge of the monk civilization, it has become the biggest problem. It is a top priority. All the worlds are waiting and preparing. I don’t know the influx of the Siyuan Dynasty will affect the entire universe. What kind of impact.

The central emperor seems to be the only person in the prehistoric universe today who has the ability to fight against Meng Fan and the future heaven.

He should pay more attention to this matter.

But in the eyes of the Central Emperor, the messengers of the Siyuan Dynasty entered the future heaven. As long as they don’t come out, they will still be in the future heaven. The human world cannot do anything. Now the entire universe, no matter what level of power, is impossible What situation will the heavens stir up in the future.

So just wait, wait for the messenger of Siwon Dynasty to come out.

The Central Emperor now cares more about another matter, which is of great importance.

After the beginning of the new era, all kinds of powerful **** kings of the younger generation have emerged one after another, but in the past nine months, too many have emerged.

These nine months have been the nine months that Meng Fan has been in retreat, and the black death catastrophe has weakened, and all the worlds have gained a firm foothold.

In the human world, countless young powerhouses have emerged!

This incident should have been a good thing.

It must be a good thing in the future heaven.

In the future, the heavenly court encourages all living beings to make great aspirations, believe in themselves, strive to break through, and control their own destiny. Together with the spiritual torrent and the long river of destiny in the future, as well as the baptisms experienced by the future heavenly court, the future heavenly court will be in the future. In a short period of time, the young **** king has continuously risen.

In the future, the rising speed of the young generation of God Kings in Heavenly Court will far surpass other Dao Worlds.

The Shenji Office has an approximate calculation for the future heaven. In the past nine months, at least 10,000 new gods will be born in the future heaven!

In the human world, about 3,000 young **** kings have been born in the past nine months.

However, apart from a subversive war, the human world has not experienced too much blood and fire. Compared with the future heaven, it is too far behind, especially the subversion of the Great Qin Empire. After all, the human world was established on the basis of the Great Qin Empire. It is impossible to erase everything in the Great Qin Empire. In the human world, more than 30% of the gods were once subjects of the Great Qin Empire. There are also some old courtiers of the Great Qin Empire who still serve in the court.

What really valued the Central Emperor was the three thousand young **** kings newly born in the past nine months. Only a few two or three hundred, only 10%, came from the Hundred Saints family.

The Hundred Saints Family is the central emperor's most important weapon to control the humanity.

The Central Emperor is different from Meng Fan. He has no direct lineages, no cronies, and he entered the Great Qin Empire alone. The so-called close ministers only began to train after subverting the human world. The Hundred Saints of Humanity who were entrusted by him are full of trust in him. , And because there is the power of saints in the body, there is humanity and morality, and he must be controlled and trusted.

So if these three thousand young rookies are all from the Hundred Saints family, of course there is nothing wrong, but only 10% of them are just a big mistake.

And this is just one of the sticking points.

The second problem is that it is truly terrible.

The human world has long established its own hierarchical order, with nine rank official positions and nine ranks, corresponding to the nine calamities of heaven.

In the world of humanity, to obey humanity, only when the central emperor issued an edict and awarded rewards, the monks should break through the realm!

This is the central emperor's most powerful means of dominating the world of humanity and humanity.

He holds the possibility of the kings' promotion!

This kind of power is also the most powerful power of the Central Emperor.

This is the reason why he and Meng Fan are destined enemies, because the central emperor has set his own realm, and he no longer needs to follow the realm of the heavens. He is equivalent to cutting the authority of the heavens and threatening the status of the heavens.

Although this kind of power is not perfect or strong enough, in nine months, more than 2,000 gods and nearly 3,000 gods who broke through the realm without his edict were born, causing the Central Emperor to wrinkle. Raised eyebrows.

These divine kings broke through the realm, they were all caused by the catastrophe, not the humane realm, so at this point, they are not controlled by the humanity, nor controlled by the Central Emperor.

Among them, there are some **** kings, who are simply Tianzong people. In just nine months, they not only achieved the **** king, but also broke through the realm again and achieved the two calamity **** king.

With the gentle footsteps, it was Confucian sage who came to the side of Central Emperor.

"Your Majesty." said the tall Confucian Sage.

The central emperor took a deep breath: "The new era has begun, and a group of young gods continue to rise. No one can stop them. They came into being."

Confucian sage: "Your Majesty, convene another imperial examination. This time, the imperial examination must be strong, broad in coverage, and generous in awards. All the young and outstanding **** kings will be recruited to the court to be used by your majesty. In this way, The elites are all His Majesty’s courtiers, taking the route designated by His Majesty, instead of looking for their own way outside. At the same time, the humanity and luck will be unified in the hands of His Majesty.

"Well, good." The Central Emperor answered simply. "Sage Confucian, I have one thing for you to do."

Confucian saint bowed.

The central emperor said, "Although these young rookies appear, they just make me frown, but they are not a big deal, but I vaguely feel that humanity and luck are splitting."

Rusheng was surprised.

The central emperor stretched out his hand to make him calmer: "Don’t panic, I am a humanitarian, and this kind of separation of humanity and luck shouldn’t happen, but don’t be too surprised. In the era of the Great Dao, all order has been subverted and everything is possible. .I hope you will observe every part of the human world in the past few days and see if there is an old part of Emperor Bo Wu, who is doing ghosts in secret. It is really a centipede that is dead and not stiff. In addition, tell the hidden saint that it is already here. After such a long time, he still hasn't found the whereabouts of Emperor Bo Wu. What does it mean?"

Confucian sage immediately bowed and said: "The minister accepts the decree." He turned and left.

The central emperor closed the scroll, thinking, always unable to calm down.

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