Supreme God King

Chapter 3062: Go to the meeting alone


West Yard.

Yaozhu is sitting still.

After reaching the state of the Six Tribulations God King, there is very little between heaven and earth to experience oneself, so powerful God Kings practice inwardly, sit still, cultivate their breath, perceive everything, and retreat. These are the common practice methods of powerful God Kings.

It's just that Yaozhu has not been able to calm down for the past ten days.

To reach this state, the landslide does not change the color before, and the cultivation of the character is the ultimate. It is easy to surrender to the heart. If you want to be angry, you will be ruthless, but Yaozhu can't do it.

I don't know if Meng Fan's simple hands had too much impact on her, or because today is the day when Meng Fan took her to Siyuan Dynasty.

At this moment, there was a noise in the west courtyard.

Yaozhu opened his eyes and moved to the courtyard in the next instant.

It was early morning.

In the future, the first sun in the heavenly court has just risen, and the light is still faint.

Next to the small pond, Meng Fan, dressed in a green shirt, waved his palm, and the colorful fish in the pond jumped out of the water. These fishes are full of spirituality and wisdom. After all, they are fish in the future Heavenly Dragon City. Enjoy the power of vows day and night, the vitality of the soul, and there are many gods and kings. In fact, the wisdom of the fish in these ponds is comparable to that of mortals. As long as the opportunity comes, they can transform into monsters, step into martial arts, and transform. Humanoid.

Looking at Meng Fan, who was still not astonishing, like a scholar of secular aristocracy, Yaozhu didn't dare to contempt any more this time.

Although speaking, Yaozhu's age is more than two hundred thousand years old, much older than Meng Fan, but in front of Meng Fan, Yaozhu can only regard herself as a junior.

Because Meng Fan is not only the number one monk civilization today, but also has swallowed countless knowledge, not to mention, only the knowledge of the Protoss, from the Hongmeng primordial era until today, all kinds of ciphertext knowledge. Meng Fan's knowledge, I am afraid that only Emperor Chaos can be compared.

For the perception of heaven and earth, Meng Fan far surpassed the vast majority of **** kings today.

Seeing Meng Fan teasing the fish, Yaozhu did not dare to speak, but her actions had already been known to Meng Fan, so Meng Fan moved her finger at will, and immediately a fish jumped out of the pond and it happened in the air. Transformed, cut the hair and washed the marrow, each of the scales turned into clothes, but in an instant, the moment she landed, she became a petite and exquisite woman with a cardamom appearance that looked thirteen or fourteen years old.

This woman looks ordinary, but quite clean, and she is soft and tender, with a pair of eyes that are also watery and charming. There was a moment when she landed. She looked at her arm and immediately knelt down to Meng Fan and said, "Thank you, Lord Heaven!"

At the moment of transformation, she was already at the pinnacle of the Divine Origin Realm, and the vitality and vows in her body were extremely abundant and strong. As long as the catastrophe fell, ninety percent of them could become a Divine King!

From a fish to a half-step **** king, only in an instant.

"It's just that you are smart." Meng Fan said lightly: "Do you know me?"

"In the future, all sentient beings in the heavenly court will go up to the Supreme God King and down to the climbing ants. How can anyone not know the Lord Uranus? Even a small ant will respect the dazzling light of Lord Uranus."

Xiaoyuer speaks from the bottom of his heart.

Meng Fan chuckled, without replying, turned around to see Yaozhu and said, "Let's go."

Yaozhu nodded respectfully.

Meng Fan put his hands behind his back, took a few steps, and came to Yaozhu's side.

The next moment.

The one-foot-square-meter space was violently distorted, like a dream, and the worlds and dimensions were rotating rapidly on both sides of the space, making Yaozhu dizzy for a moment.

"The Mother Qinglin is the King of Eight Tribulations, and she is powerful enough to reach the sky. Although the strong are constantly being born in today's monk civilization, the King of Eight Tribulations, after the fall of the old King of Eight Tribulations of the Protoss, I am afraid that there will be none at all. Up."

Meng Fan spoke lightly, turned around and looked at the scenes outside the distorted space.

Yaozhu cautiously said: "The mother emperor has already become the Eight Tribulations God King many thousands of years ago."

"Yeah, yes." Meng Fan nodded, "I have seen these in Cuidi's spirits. When your mother emperor became the King of Eight Tribulations, my ancestors were not born yet, they belonged to the heavens and the world. In the fourth epoch, before and after the establishment of Longxiang Valley, but the Qinglin mother emperor at that time needed to unify the huge Kun nationality world and did not have time to take care of the others. Otherwise, she rushed over and the monk civilization could not stop it. Civilization, the Five Tribulations God Kings are very few, but dozens of them, and there seems to be no one Six Tribulations God Kings."

Yaozhu did not answer, but was thinking about something in her heart.

Meng Fan could see through her thinking.

Smiled and said: "However, at that time, Emperor Chaos was still in the center of the monk civilization."

Yaozhu was startled, apparently panicked because Meng Fan instantly saw through his mind.

Meng Fan was right.

If we make a rigorous compilation of the history of the primordial universe in the Era of Era, about 10.5 billion years ago, the first catastrophe of Era came, and it can be considered the beginning of the Era of Era.

At the beginning of the Era era, the Kun nationality was still strong, but because of the low wisdom of the Kun nationality, the influence of the Kun nationality became weaker and weaker, and the heaven, earth, and ten thousand tribes were rapidly rising.

At that time, there were many races that have now disappeared, such as Pure Phoenix, Desolate God, Yuanlong and so on.

These ancient races were still very powerful.

At the same time, the human race and the pure-blood Tianlong race are on the rise, because the ancestors of humanity established the humane laws and determined the future of the human race, while the great dragons changed the bloodline of the dragon race.

About a few million years after the beginning of the Era era, the second batch of ancestors appeared, including the old man Yuan Xu, the ancestor of the magic way, the eighteen demon gods, the ancestor of the magic way, and so on.

Among the eighteen demon gods, the lovebirds gave rise to the later lovebirds family, which is the ancestor of the 160,000 generations of the Faxiang Dynasty, as well as Qingluan, King Bird, Giant Fairy, Monkey Kun, etc.

Demon Fairy Siyu, is now a pavilion of the future Heavenly Palace Jingyu Divine Mansion, she is Qingluan.

After that, various races began to migrate and spread to all parts of the universe.

In the first few hundred million years of the Era of Era, the desolate beast replaced the Kun tribe and became the most powerful race in the universe. However, due to the various defects of the desolate beast, especially the power of the desolate beast, it swallowed vitality. , The demand is too high, making the world withered by the wild beasts. Therefore, the glory of the wild beasts is always short-lived. It can be said that it is a moment of glory, a moment of decline, another glory, and another decline.

Because the number of wild beasts has reached a certain level, the vitality of the world and the various resources are not enough for the wild beasts to share their food. It is tantamount to a "famine" and must decline, and the power of the beasts is too strong, and all races are afraid of famine. Beasts, so they will be hostile to wild beasts.

Until 30 million years ago, Longxiang Valley was established. It was the last glory of the Desolate Beast. Since then, the Desolate Beast has completely declined and will never be able to dominate, and the stage is given to other races.

In the early days of the Era era, the Infinite Realm was established, but the Infinite Realm at that time was still very weak, just a small duny dynasty.

About 300 million years ago, some Kun empires and dynasties appeared in the fringe world.

About 50 million years ago, the Kun nationality world ushered in great prosperity and reached a climax. The number of Kun nationality was so large that it was impossible to estimate. As a result, many powerful **** kings were born, among them there are a large number of **** kings of the Five Tribulations. .

At the same time, there were only a few monk civilizations and the Five Tribulations God Kings. They were all the most powerful monks of the monk civilization at that time, almost equivalent to the status of Meng Fan and the Central Emperor today.

Thirty million years ago, Dragon Elephant Valley was established. At that time, the original immortal emperor of Dragon Elephant Valley was just a powerful Five Tribulations God King, and the Kun Clan has been unified in the hands of Eight Tribulations God King Qinglin Mother Emperor. .

In that period, among the arcane civilization, the arcane empire was in the stage of rising, and the emperor of that generation of arcane empire was a **** of five calamities.

As for the craftsman civilization, there were seven gods of the Five Tribulations at that time, but the craftsman civilization was not interested in dominance. They were studying how to turn monks into Taoist tools in order to obtain immortal flesh.

As for the infinite field, to this day, it is still a world that Meng Fan knows very little about. Whether there was a powerful existence at that time is not known.

But in that era, the two top powerhouses of the universe, one was the Chaos Great Emperor of the monk civilization, and the other was the Qinglin Mother Emperor of the Siyuan Dynasty.

Relatively far away.

Mother Qinglin didn't dare to act recklessly because of the existence of Emperor Chaos.

Today, Meng Fan is going to the meeting alone, and what he wants to meet is this supreme powerhouse of heaven and earth who has been second only to the Great Chaos from the distant years and the legendary era.

Qinglin mother emperor.

At the moment when Yaozhu was still thinking about it.

The distorted space gradually subsided.

Two hours.

Meng Fan brought Yaozhu to Siyuan Dynasty.

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