Supreme God King

Chapter 3069: Planners like rain

Qinglin Yaoji.

The exact number of children of the Qinglin mother emperor may not even be clear to the mother emperor. In the most majestic and unchallable world of the Kun nationality, many of the tens of millions of children are very weak, even higher than other Kun nationality. low.

In the Kun nationality, the mother emperor who has the power to reproduce has too many heirs, so unlike in the humane world, the emperor’s children are all clan relatives, and the status is high.

In Cuidi’s memory, there are only a few thousand children of the Qinglin mother emperor. They are of relatively high status. They are all in the four, five, and six calamities, and they hold great power. These thousands of offspring Ninety-nine percent of them are women, and most of them control a prefecture or some important army towns.

Yaozhu, Heiqian, and Cuidi who traveled to the future heaven as messengers are also important children of the Qinglin mother emperor.

Yaozhu's identity is very special. She has a knighthood, is a lord, and has her own fief. However, Yaozhu has been practicing martial arts in retreat and has not made any great achievements for the Kun people. Qinglin mother emperor has never allowed it. She reproduces offspring, so Yaozhu is still a virgin to this day.

In the Siyuan Dynasty, Yaozhu was also "walking in the imperial city" besides being Hou Ye. The system and laws of the Siyuan dynasty are relatively crude, but they have taken many messy names after imitating the humane system. In fact, they have little meaning. The classes of the Kun people are still divided by the most primitive instincts, and they are basically divided. There are two levels, either capable of reproducing offspring or not capable of reproducing offspring.

Therefore, in the Siyuan Dynasty, although everyone had many positions, the positions that were truly meaningful were either the leader of a party, such as the palace chief, or changing the army commander, or walking.

Walking in the imperial city means that Yaozhu can enter and exit anywhere within the imperial city of the Siyuan Dynasty. Many decisions can be participated in. At this point, Yaozhu's status is already very high.

Hei Ying, in the army, her previous identity has always been a warrior in the Eastern Mad Army led by Yiyi. She began to emerge in the later stage of the battle with the craftsman civilization. Compared with her sister Yaozhu, she did not Little merit is in the body.

It is conceivable that Yaozhu attaches great importance to the mission to the future heaven, because she wants to make some meritorious deeds. If Meng Fan goes to Siyuan Dynasty this time, Yaozhu will definitely benefit a lot.

As for Cuidi, she is the youngest and she has been studying in the imperial city for a long time, so she knows many things about the Siyuan Dynasty. However, although Cuidi was among the tens of millions of children of Qinglin mother emperor, she only appeared later. , Is about thirty to forty million children, but her talent is very high, and she is very talented, with ice muscle and snow skin, soft spirit and charming bone, which is rare in all kinds of martial arts foundations, but The two physiques were concentrated on Cui Di's body.

In the martial arts of evil spirits, such a woman must be brought into the harem by the devil emperor and evil god, and they are absorbed daily, which has huge benefits.

With Cuidi, it is very smart.

Therefore, Cuidi is very much loved by the mother Qinglin, and as long as she reaches her age in the future, she will be awarded various titles.

And Qinglin Yaoji is undoubtedly the one with the highest status among the children of Qinglin mother and emperor.

It seems that in the Siyuan Dynasty, except for a few hidden level powerhouses, Yao Ji's realm was the highest below the Qinglin mother emperor.

And Gaiyi, tied for the Six Tribulations Supreme of the Siyuan Dynasty, stayed at the peak of the Six Tribulations for millions of years.

Looking at Yao Ji who was slightly taller than himself, Meng Fan smiled oppositely, like a spring breeze.

Yao Ji was also smiling, but he was obviously trying his best to spy on Meng Fan, his martial arts, his power, and his various profoundness.

"Please follow me."

Yao Ji said, reaching out to the mansion and stepping into it with Meng Fan and Yaozhu.

Inside the mansion, there is a kind of humane style, various decorations, and the most eye-catching is the huge Nine Dragon Wall on the front. It is not made of natural spar, but made of a material that Meng Fan has never seen before. , Is dark green, exudes a smell similar to musk.

On both sides of the mansion, there are bird wool blankets, on which many gods and kings are already sitting.

These **** kings have different realms, some are high, some are low, and there are even a **** kings of one calamity, and the highest realm is two **** kings of five calories.

About half of men and women.

The bodies of these gods exude a deep breath.

Meng Fan lightly followed Yao Ji and walked in.

"If it's a banquet again, please forgive me. Meng has already said the same thing in the camp of General Jiayi. This foreign object is not interested in Meng."

Meng Fan spoke first.

Yao Ji stopped and turned around, his bare feet were crystal clear, and he stomped on the ground paved with some ancient wood and made a soft, crisp sound.

"Meng Tianwang." Yao Ji said, with some changes in his tone, he was no longer without emotion, but a kind of pride appeared. It sounded like the sound of waves hitting the rocks, quite loud. "There are a hundred and twenty **** kings you see here. They are conspirators."

Meng Fan didn't speak, and in Cuidi's memory, there was no information about the three words of murderer.

Yao Ji continued: "The world thinks that the most terrifying power of the Kun nationality is the ability to reproduce, or strong vitality. In fact, in the eyes of the Kun nationality, our most powerful ability is absolute obedience.

This absolute obedience connects the endless Kun people, just as the power of an ant is weak, but millions of ants will be connected together, gathered together, and obey the command of the leader. This power , It's terrible.

This kind of ant colony power has always been used in two aspects, one is construction and the other is the army. The Siwon Dynasty built countless magnificent buildings, and also had an orderly army, although it was huge.

More than ten years ago, the Siyuan Dynasty began to plan the final blow to the craftsman civilization, to destroy this enemy who has fought with us for countless years. At that time, I read through the history books of the Kun people and found that although we are strong, we have been missing something. Things are strategies, so I wrote to the mother emperor to establish a legion, they are only responsible for thinking, and unreservedly fusion of their spirits.

This is like the King of Light Brain and the torrent of your souls in the heavenly court in the future.

The conspirators were born.

There were only three hundred early conspirators. Their spirits and souls were integrated, thinking together, and making suggestions for attacking the craftsman civilization. This completely changed the fighting method of the Siyuan Dynasty in the past, and also caused the Siyuan Dynasty to be casualties. The proportion began to decline.

About three years ago, the number of murderers reached 20,000.

Since then, the mother emperor discovered the benefits of conspirators, and began to plan to build a "king skull" in the imperial city, to gather more intelligent and resourceful Kun people together and connect their spirits into one body. Each Kun clan is like a thought, forming a powerful soul.

Perhaps it is the Kun nationality who realized the importance of calculation ability first.

Now, in the imperial city, Wang Head has gathered eight million souls, thinking about the entire universe together.

And the 120 **** kings here are just the tip of the iceberg of the Kun clan's conspirators. They have been working for me, helping me build the Yege Mansion, and participating in the last few wars with the craftsman civilization. The king heads of the imperial city are inextricably linked. Today, they want to have a conversation with King Meng Tian, ​​that is, a conversation with King Meng Tian, ​​the most powerful calculation ability of the Siyuan Dynasty. "

Yao Ji said nothing.

A smile gradually appeared on Meng Fan's face.

"The strong are like clouds, and the seekers like rain, it's kind of interesting."

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