Supreme God King

Chapter 3070: Pierce the head

In the Night Song Mansion.

Meng Fan closed his eyes.

The pillar of martial art rotates gently, and the mind of the Dao circulates in it.

Everything in front of me turned black, with only a halo.

The souls of these one hundred and twenty **** kings are connected into one piece, faintly, and inextricably linked to a distant place, that place, I think, is the imperial city of the Siyuan Dynasty.

At this moment, not only the Night Song Mansion in front of him, but also the "king head" in the imperial city were all staring at Meng Fan.

The corners of the mouth rose.

Indeed, interesting.

At this moment, Meng Fan was facing the brain of the entire Siyuan Dynasty!

In front of the souls composed of eight million Kun tribes, any individual appeared insignificant and humble, and did not need any force to squeeze. It was just this momentum and the feeling of being watched by eight million people at the same time, it was enough to make many gods collapse.

In the future, the heavenly court will be able to give birth to a torrent of souls. There is a huge coincidence and a lot of blood and tears behind it. If not for so many baptisms, the whole future heavenly kings will be tempered into a piece of iron plate, so that all the gods can interact with each other. Being able to let go of estrangement and suspicion, the torrent of hearts, it is impossible to be born.

Moreover, the torrent of soul itself also carries the meaning of fate, which was born of the most powerful Dao true meaning in the prehistoric universe.

The Siyuan Dynasty was able to directly connect the souls of the eight million Kun nationality. This really stems from the Kun nationality’s innate advantage, which is obedience. In the eyes of all Kun nationalities, the individual’s gains and losses are not important. The important thing is that the entire population can let go of selfish interests, and there will be no spiritual barriers and rejection.

But Meng Fan was still smiling.

Because the eight million Kunzu turned into a king head, in fact, compared with the spiritual torrent of the future heaven, it is still far behind.

There is a huge gap in both quantity and quality.

Among these 8 million Kun people, Meng Fan can vaguely feel the breath of more than 10,000 gods.

And the spiritual torrent of the future heaven will gather more than 90% of the creatures in the future heaven.

That is 90,000 gods and kings, and dozens of trillions of creatures!

At this magnitude, there is a huge gap.

And the bigger gap is not in quantity but in quality.

The Kun nationality’s thinking is relatively simple. In terms of ideology and spirit, the Kun nationality is very different, especially the weak Kun nationality, whose thinking is simpler, very simple and monotonous.

In the future, the heavenly court is just the opposite of the Kun nationality. It allows freedom and encourages sentient beings to dominate their own destiny. Any thought can prevail. This makes the sentient beings in the future heavenly court very powerful in spirit and thinking, and a hundred flowers bloom, each with its own difference, this power , Is also much stronger than Wang Head.

But even so, Meng Fan still admires the Kun people who have such methods and insights to connect the thinking of eight million creatures together. If this trend is followed, then over time, there will be more The Kun nationality was integrated into the king's skull, and how large was the number of creatures in the Siyuan Dynasty? One day, it may not be difficult to surpass the future heaven in number.

It's just that the price that the Kun people have to pay to build a king's head comparable to the torrent of souls is much greater than the future heaven.

All the creatures in the heavenly court in the future can enter the torrent of souls anytime and anywhere, enjoy various benefits, and provide their own thoughts to communicate and collide with them.

Wang Head is different. Meng Fan can feel that after the Kun people are merged into Wang Head, they have to give up everything. All cultivation bases, self, and martial arts have been abandoned. They only have one job, which is constant thinking. Endless thinking. In this kind of high-intensity thinking, some Kun people’s spirits will be damaged, and even the weak ones will be annihilated, and because of the high integration of the spirits, they have to pay to quit the king's head. A huge price, risking heavy damage to the soul.

These are Wang Head, weak compared to the torrent of soul.

But even so, Meng Fan still has to admit that this king head is an existence that is qualified to confront the future psychic torrent of the heavenly court and the king of light brain in terms of calculation ability in the current universe.

In the original universe, the supreme calculus power was only the king of heaven and the light brain. Now, there will be another Kun clan king.

Meng Fan knows that there are huge calculations in this conversation, not only to test Meng Fan, but at the same time, the Kun people also hope to pry into some of the secrets of the spiritual torrent from Meng Fan to improve their King skull.

Opening his eyes, Meng Fan still smiled.

With his hands behind his back, he quietly looked at Yao Ji, and there were 120 "conspirators".

"The methods of the Kun nationality are indeed powerful." Meng Fan smiled. "However, even though these hundred and twenty conspirators are inextricably linked to the king skull of the imperial city, they are still weaker to me. If the king skull is right in front of me, they are still qualified. Talk to me."

One hundred and twenty conspirators were expressionless, but they could feel that their emotions fluctuated in the dark.

Yao Ji frowned and said, "Meng Tianwang, I know that you are the number one monk civilization. After the Great Chaos disappears, the monk civilization will no longer have your opponents, but your arrogance is still beyond my imagination. "

"Really?" Meng Fan responded casually: "What's interesting is that from the time I contacted your Kun Clan, from your body, I can feel the two words, arrogance."

Yao Ji's eyes flickered.

Inside the Yege Mansion, a burst of murderous intent flashed.

Meng Fan turned a blind eye and continued: "In the future Palace of Heaven, the arrogance of your sister Hei Ying made me fly her to the depths of the cosmos. If I didn’t guess wrong, this little girl is in Find a way out in a chaotic void.

On the front line of the war, the commander-in-chief Gaiyi wanted to test me out in superficial language, but it was too pediatric, and I was too lazy to respond. If I want to come, the commander-in-chief Gaiyi should know that he is inferior.

This is still the case in Yege Mansion.

Before stepping into the Siyuan Dynasty, I discussed with Miss Yaozhu, should I walk into the imperial city at one stop according to your Kunzu plan, or should I go directly to the imperial city? "

Yao Ji was silent for a moment, and finally realized the flavor of Meng Fan's words.

"Meng Tianwang, this is the Siyuan Dynasty, I advise you to keep a low profile! No one can challenge the Tianwei of the Siyuan Dynasty!"

"Tianwei!" Meng Fan repeated, finally couldn't help but roared with laughter.

The laughter, deafening, and even hit the soul!

Not only that, the huge world is also shaking violently in this laughter, all laws begin to collapse, and Yege Mansion is also shaking like candlelight!


Puff puff!

One hundred and twenty murderers vomited blood one after another.

It was their connection with Wang Head that was shattered by Meng Fan's laughter. The cut-off connection at this moment caused their souls to suffer severe damage, and their bodies were unable to withstand the impact of Meng Fan's laughter and vomit blood!

Yao Ji and Yaozhu all felt numb and tight, as if a little beast heard the roar of a tiger.

This is the real "Dragons and Tigers"!

After a while, Meng Fan slowly put away his laughter.

But the smile on his face remained unabated.

"Tianwei, is the heavenly majesty? Ha ha ha ha..." Meng Fan shook his head. "Palace Master Ye Song, do you now know what the majesty of the sky is?"

Yao Ji's mind couldn't calm down for a long time, she only noticed that in Meng Fan's laughter, she had instinctively deployed all the defenses on her body, and even the pillar of martial art began to spin quickly.

At the same time, in the depths of Yege Mansion, some sleeping Dao artifacts were also swayed by her spirits and flew up.

"The frontline of the war, Jiashouguan, Yege Mansion. I have lost interest in you guys."

Meng Fan waved his arm. This time, he didn't even bring Yaozhu, and left Yege Mansion directly to the imperial city of Siyuan Dynasty.

"Only Mother Qinglin, it's worth seeing!"

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