Supreme God King

Chapter 3079: Falling sky

"In the eyes of Taoists, the gods of the world are all mortals."

Above the pontoon, the Evolved Soul faintly told stories of distant years, as well as ancient secrets.

Qing Lin leaned on the fence of the pontoon, listening intoxicated.

"What about mortals?" Mother Qinglin asked.

"Sand dust."

Qing Lin laughed: "Not as good as ants?"


The evolving soul stretched out his hand and pointed to the front, with a halo, and said: "The Dao Master is where the Great Primordial Chaos is going. What he is looking for, Immortal, is also there."

Qing Lin looked at the halo ahead and said, "When I learned about this, I suddenly discovered that everything I had been chasing was so small and unbearable. What kind of monk civilization, the Supreme Avenue, is too pediatric."

"Yes." Evolving Yuanshen nodded: "No one knows what the future world will look like."


In the Siyuan Dynasty, the imperial city fell into ruins.

The Five Heavenly King confronted the bare-chested Meng Fan.

At the rear, headed by Palace Master Lin Xiu, the Ninth Dynasty King, and the other four six-kage **** kings, 20,000 **** kings are waiting for the opportunity.

Waiting for the password to fall, they gathered to attack Meng Fan.

In the future, as long as the heavenly kings fall here, the monk civilization will fall into battle and civil strife because of the suppression of the overlord. The Siyuan Dynasty can flood in like a tide, and no one can stop them. When the monk civilization is also affected by the Siyuan Dynasty After annexation, many avenues fell to the head of the Kun clan, and the vast universe was wild, and there were no more enemies!

Nothing is worth mentioning about arcane civilization and infinite realm.


A drop of blood fell.

Falling from Meng Fan's fingertips.

It immediately turned into a thick essence and filled the void.

There are many phantoms.

In the phantom, many stars and creatures can be seen.

A drop of blood contains a great world!

This scene was seen by many gods and kings, and a strong shock suddenly occurred in his heart.

at this time.

A voice of vicissitudes sounded.

"Did you see him? He is just a physical body."

From behind Wutianwang, Jiao Ling walked out step by step, holding a key in his hand.

"The Lord of Heaven will bleed and will suffer." Jiao Ling said lightly. "Meng Tianwang, today, this place can only be your burial place. You can't escape. From the moment you stepped into the imperial city, the Nine Extremes of Troubled Immortal Formation is already full of the world. Even if you are invincible, Maybe you got out of this jail and you miscalculated a lot of things. When you think that Siyuan Dynasty is the realm of the gods and you can come and go freely, you are very wrong and very wrong."

Meng Fan quietly looked at Jiao Ling, and quietly listened to him before speaking.

"Where is Mother Qinglin?"

Jiao Ling slowly took off the mask.

It reveals a face, unlike a human face, two eyes, with countless pupils, like the compound eyes of a worm, and each pupil is shining brightly.

"His Majesty is busy and has no time to take care of you."

Jiao Ling answered faintly.

"Oh, hehe..." Meng Fan smiled and shook his head: "Then this battle, there is no suspense."

After that, he took a step forward.

Another step.

One more step.

Slowly, towards the Five Heavenly Kings and Jiao Ling.

The wounds on the body have returned to their original state a little bit.

The sun was reflected on the skin.

Exudes gold.

In the imperial city, all the **** kings who were waiting for the opportunity focused on Meng Fan.

This battle does not seem to be any suspense.

The Five Heavens King has already made a tie with Meng Fan, and there are Jiao Ling, the powerful Seven Tribulations God King, and the Six Tribulations God Kings such as Palace Master Lin Xiu and Nine Dynasties, plus the 20,000 Gods in the Imperial City king!

This number, so many powerhouses, is enough to destroy any avenue world, or even a civilization directly!

It can be said that the top power of Siwon Dynasty is here.

And in the imperial city, there must be many methods and layouts.

Where is there any suspense?

"Mr. Jiao Ling, how tall are you?"

While walking, Meng Fan asked.

Jiao Ling frowned.

Meng Fan did not look at Jiao Ling, but looked at his broken green shirt as he walked, stretched out his hand, tore up the green shirt, and wrapped a few rags around his waist.

"When the sky falls, the tall one will die first."

The voice fell.

Meng Fan is no more than thirty feet away from the Five Heavens King.

Close at hand.

The Five Heavenly Kings, who had lost their free will, began to urge their energy and prepare to attack.

at this time!

Wutian Umbrella's face was pale, and suddenly he staggered back a few steps, bent his body, his throat pulsed, and then from his mouth and nose, a large group of blood poured out!

Jiao Ling turned his head, looking at Wutian Umbrella, his eyes solemn.

"I know a little bit about Buddhism and Taoism, humane minds, and the King of Light Brain assimilation methods." Meng Fan was naked, shrugging his shoulders, and bursts of "quack" bursts from his body. "The most familiar thing is the suppression of the will of all living beings by the will of Heaven, and the means of refining the puppets of the Heaven, and these methods have a common feature, that is, they will not obliterate the soul.

The enlightenment of Buddhism and Taoism possesses the powerful power to deceive people's hearts. The same is true of humane psychology, which can turn a stubborn person into a gentleman, whether it is a hypocrite or a true gentleman. The King of Light Brain is subtle about the assimilation of the soul, and I still don't know the secrets very well.

The Will of Heaven, on the other hand, has concentrated the many advantages of the King of Buddhism, Humanity, and Light Brain, but has not reached the extreme. Moreover, the Will of Heaven is more inclined to plant servility in the souls of creatures and let them surrender. .

But you guys? "

Meng Fan frowned and shook his head: "Is it directly obliterated five pieces of the Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasures, and turned their bodies, martial arts, and origins into puppets? They became pure puppets? This method is really inferior. They are weak and sad, and without the spirits, they will certainly not resist, will not retreat, have no fear, and have no confusion, but they have also killed their future, especially, they have no sense.

The Kun people are really bugs. No wonder all beings in the world look down on the Kun people. It is more appropriate to describe the weak creatures as ants. Your methods are so humble, and you find that you can’t refine or let them surrender, so you completely obliterate the soul. , It's ridiculous to the extreme. "

That's it.

Cracks appeared in the body of Broken Sky Sword.

Actually, it began to disintegrate on its own!

Jiao Ling looked at Heaven Broken Sword fiercely, with a look of shock in his eyes.

"The Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasures do have the ability to restrain the law of heaven, but after all, they are only the Six Tribulations Divine King, and without the Divine Soul, only the Six Tribulations Divine King who exterminates the shell remains." Meng Fan sighed. "As early as the first confrontation, their strength was exhausted, but they didn't feel it, so they didn't know to shrink and avoid, and they still fought hard with me. It's a pity, it's a pity. If the Great Cracking Sky knew that the other five heavenly kings had fallen. Here, I will be sad."

Winding Tiansi, Tian-Swallowing Cauldron, Han Tianling, just like Heaven-breaking Sword, began to shatter one after another!

It became pieces and fell to the ground.

Only Wutian Umbrella remained, although it was still vomiting blood, it did not immediately disintegrate.

But also knelt on the ground, vomiting.

In front of Meng Fan.

Thirty feet away.

Only Jiao Ling is still standing.

"Your way of chaos is still very weak. Although it can fight the law of heaven, no one can use it. What I am curious is whether Mother Qinglin can use the complete way of chaos."

Meng Fan looked at the five heavenly kings on the ground, his eyes moved to Jiao Ling's body.

"So, Mr. Jiao, how tall are you?"

The voice fell to the ground.

There was a violent shock.

The kings raised their heads and looked towards the sky.

Above the sky, cracks appeared.

Immediately after.

Cracks also appeared on the ground!

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