Supreme God King

Chapter 3080: Gu Bing

From the Ding Jue Mountain Range to the west, between the heaven and the earth that enveloped the entire Siyuan imperial city, in the dark, in the void, all the laws began to stir.

Since ancient times, good fortune, yin and yang are polarized, the clear is the sky, and the muddy is the earth. The so-called clear is clear for the clear, and the muddy is muddled.

The Siwon Dynasty pursued chaos.

In the news of the light language, there is no mention of the way of chaos. If it is not selfishness, it is that the way of chaos has just been born and is far from mature enough. It cannot be compared with the power of humanity and heaven. Therefore, the craftsman civilization and Kunming In the war between the clans, there is no way of chaos.

In Cuidi's memory, the Tao of Chaos did appear for a short time.

It is said that the mother Qinglin was the first to propose the way of chaos, so the avenue seems to have fallen from the sky, without a source, it was forged by Qinglin out of thin air, and then began to circulate in the Siyuan Dynasty, but the spread is very limited.

But the way of chaos is around the imperial city, and it has had a profound impact.

Ding Jue Mountain Range was created by the way of chaos.

The same is true in the imperial city.

Therefore, the heaven and earth of the imperial city were not stable enough, and the laws were also fragile because of the influence of the chaotic way.

At this moment, Meng Fan just pushed slightly.

So, the sky fell!

Huge cracks spread across the earth, as if to divide the whole world into two, two into four, dismembered and destroyed!

Above the sky, cracks also appeared, in which the power of storm, thunder, disaster, frost and snow, etc., penetrated without rules.

This scene of the collapse of the world has spread to every corner of the imperial city!

Only the small square inch of Meng Fan's standing remained unaffected.

His body is like a javelin, pierced on the ground, his vigorous and delicate muscles reflect the luster, and his hands are naturally opened, hanging on his sides.

Thirty feet away, Jiao Ling's compound eyes were spinning.

"It is said that the Kun people have the strongest vitality among the primordial universe. The collapse of the earth may be able to destroy everything, but can it destroy all the Kun people in the imperial city? I am curious."

The corners of Meng Fan's mouth rose, and he chuckled.

Between the collapse of the sky and the ground, he smiled lightly.

His figure was deeply engraved in the eyes of many Kun people who were panicked.

Palace Master Lin Xiu looked at the cracked imperial city behind him. Just a hundred meters away, a crack on the ground became bigger and bigger, and the surrounding buildings collapsed and fell into it.


Palace Master Lin Xiu turned around instantly, and saw that in the west, two mountains in the Ding Jue Mountains had collapsed!

She looked back again.

Look forward.

That seven-foot body.

My heart trembled violently.

Why is the mother emperor absent?

Meng Fan stood quietly.

"You Kun people follow the path of chaos and claim to be returnees. You must restore the world to the primordial era of Hongmeng, the era of all chaos, because the Kun people have the strongest vitality. The more chaotic the years, the weaker other creatures will be. The corresponding Kun clan will be stronger.

There is a saying in humanity, called Ye Gonghaolong, which means that someone likes dragons very much, but when the dragon really appeared in front of him, he was shocked.

There is also a sentence in the humanity, which is the core of the humanistic mind. It is the unity of knowledge and action, which means that what you think in your heart is the same as what you do in your hands.

Today, I give you the chaos you have been looking for.

But you guys, are you ready? "

Meng Fan's smile became more mocking.

A blazing storm descended thousands of feet away, destroying the main road of the imperial city.

Jiao Ling's expression became more embarrassed.

"Since there has been order in the world, everything depends on order. The sunrise rises, the sunset rests, up and down, left and right, east and west, north and south, two rituals and four elephants, and thousands of opportunities. Your Origin Dynasty must also establish hierarchy The titles and official positions, the establishment of the imperial city, horizontal and vertical, still rely on order, if there is no order, the Siyuan dynasty will be shattered.

Today, I have destroyed all order in the imperial city.

Black and white are reversed.

Up and down.

So the sky is going to land.

So the earth must be separated.

And how long can your so-called nine extremely trapped immortal formations exist in this collapsed order?

How long can it hold me? "

Meng Fan flicked his fingers and moved his body gently.

"So, Mr. Jiao, I suggest you, show all your hole cards now, time is waiting."

In the loud noise of the collapse of the earth.

In the scene of destruction of everything.

Jiao Ling clenched the key in his hand.

"Meng Fan, you don't understand the horror of the Kun people."

Stop talking.

From behind him, among the ruins of the palace, there was a sound of footsteps.

It seems like the sound of a giant spirit stomping on the ground!

Meng Fan's eyes flickered and his interest grew stronger.

A group of "warriors" appeared behind Jiao Ling.

Rows after rows.

These fighters are all wearing heavy armor, completely wrapped, and not exposed at all, so they can't see their original appearance at all. Each of them is about thirty feet tall, very huge, and shows a strong sense of strength.

What is really eye-catching is the armor of these fighters.

All are bright and fiery red!

There are many edges and corners on the armor, which looks extremely public, rampant, and gorgeous.

But on the contrary, such a gorgeous armor gave people a very vicissitudes of ancient feeling.

This is too weird.

It seems that these armors come from the source of time, from the beginning of birth and death.

A feeling of being born when the world was opened!

The eyes of Meng Fan's creation, the will of heaven, could not penetrate these armors.

Just as there is no umbrella!

At the same time, Meng Fan couldn't distinguish the realm and strength of these fighters.

Everything is vague!

In total, three thousand people!

Meng Fan raised his brows.

"Siwon Dynasty, good, good. It always surprises me."

"Meng Tianwang." Jiao Ling held up the key in his hand. "His Majesty Mother gave me all the power and responsibility. All you need is your life. If I can't take it away, it will be a waste of your Majesty's trust in me!"

The voice falls!

Three thousand soldiers jumped up suddenly!

In an instant, cover the sky and the sun!

Silently, rushed.

Like three thousand stars landing.

Meng Fan rubbed his nose.

The body is curved like a bow.

Suddenly stretched again.

A fierce counterattack, rushing to three thousand soldiers!

The Siyuan Dynasty, the imperial city, collapsed.

In this huge collapse, three thousand soldiers collided with the Lord of Heaven.

All the **** kings who were on the sidelines and those who witnessed this scene were silent, and their hearts trembled violently.

These **** kings of the Siyuan Dynasty have been shocked too much today, including the sudden appearance of the Seven Tribulations God King Jiao Ling, the Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasure Five Heavenly Kings, and three thousand mysterious warriors. These are all from the Siyuan Dynasty. The secret that the **** king does not know.

And these secrets, Meng Fan also wants to uncover, see what happens!

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