Supreme God King

Chapter 3081: Chaos

The broken world.

The burning imperial city.

Lin Xiu's palace lord, the nine generations of kings, and 20,000 gods and kings stood on the edge of the palace.

The ministers of the Siyuan imperial dynasty have already escaped from the imperial city area and are responsible for evacuation of residents. Outside the imperial city, the roads that are more than ten meters wide and built between the mountains are all the Kun people walking outside.

At the same time, some soldiers of the King of Gods could be seen passing by these Kun people who had fled, and gathered in the direction of the imperial city.

This is the neighboring prefecture, received the order, the strong among them, rushed to the imperial city to participate in the war.

On the mountain road, a minister was commanding several guards when he suddenly saw a huge beast coming from a distance.

This fierce beast is an ancient wild beast.

Bi Gan is more than ten feet long, like a giant cow, but with fangs and good water, he is one of the ancient wild beasts. In the monk civilization, he has long disappeared and is considered by many wild beast tribes. Is extinct.

This head is complete, the whole body is covered with golden chain mail, and it is a **** of two calamities!

But what really stood out was the small and slender woman sitting behind Bigan. If you didn't look closely, you wouldn't even be able to see her. She was completely buried in Bigan's armor.

The minister quickly knelt down: "His Royal Highness Thirty!"

His Royal Highness Thirty is the thirtieth child of Mother Qinglin.

Surprisingly, it is another Six Tribulations God King!

Among the descendants of the Qinglin mother emperor, all outstanding ones hold the position of the palace head of some prefectures or the commander-in-chief of the frontier army. The same is true for the 30th Royal Highness. He is the neighboring palace head. When he gets the news, he rushes Come.

Behind her, there were more than one hundred guards of the gods, all of them women, all wearing black uniforms and battle armor, without saying a word, appearing rather cold, many of them were **** kings of the Three Tribulations.

His Royal Highness Thirty first looked at the flow of people stretching to the sky, and then looked towards the direction of the imperial city. It was a long way from the imperial city and separated by many mountains and rivers. But even so, His Highness Thirty could still feel the seats. Behind the mountains and rivers, that terrifying aura of destruction.

Vaguely, one can still cross the mountain to see the colorful sky of the imperial city, and the thunder and lightning.

"What happened? How can war break out in the imperial city? Are all the front lines, the famous palace masters, and the generals sleeping soundly? Which force dared to break into my Origin Dynasty? The imperial city? Are there such forces under today?"

Although His Highness Thirty is very petite, he looks like a child, but while speaking, the voice echoes in the mountains and rivers, and there is a vague roar of tigers, which is quite deafening, making the Kun people who fled panicked and suddenly confused. stand up.

Many ministers and guards quickly went to maintain it, but His Highness Thirty didn't care at all.

Facing the questions of His Highness Thirty, the minister was sweating and could only kneel on the ground, and said tremblingly: "The official...I don't know..."

"I don't know?" His Highness Thirty raised his brows, and a murderous intent appeared.

The minister trembled, almost retracting into the ground, and said quickly: "Yes...yes...yes..."

"What is it!"

"Yes... it happened suddenly! Your Highness Thirty, it really happened suddenly. The officials, and many of my colleagues, don’t know what happened. I only know that a corner of the Ding Jue Mountain Range suddenly collapsed. This is the structure of the Ding Jue Mountain Range. So far, for the first time there was a vision, the ministers above the court immediately rushed to the Ding Jue Mountain Range to see what was going on. The result...the result..."

"If you open your mouth again and kill you directly, there are so many ministers here, I can ask anyone!"

"Yes!" The minister's speech suddenly became smoother in a hurry. "Seeing that mountain and river turned into a painting, many Kun people and cities are in the painting, lifelike, and even walking around in the painting, life and death are difficult to detect, and it is too mysterious for us to understand.

Immediately afterwards, there seemed to be news from the palace. Someone rushed into the palace. We didn’t care about it. There were many masters in the palace, and Master Baoyuyan was sitting in town. We were not worried, but then there was news. Many guards died. It seems that Lord Bao Yuyan was also seriously injured and passed out.

When we got the news, we didn’t wait for any reaction. A scorching sun rose in the palace and burned everything. Everything fell into flames and chaos. We were all in a panic. We just got the order of Lin Xiu to evacuate the palace. Residents, that's all, that's all..."

His Royal Highness Thirty frowned: "You said so much, but you didn't say who the enemy is!"

"Xiaguan don't know! No one saw it!"

"Nonsense!" His Highness Thirty looked like electricity. "I got the word of the mother to join the war! How come there are no enemies? Even a singular soldier is a strong one. It takes at least ten thousand **** kings to create such a big momentum. After all, there are more than twenty thousand in the imperial city. Respect the **** king of the Siyuan dynasty, as well as guys like Lin Xiu and the Ninth King!

After all, His Royal Highness Thirty did not expect to get any more useful news from this minister, and immediately led the guards to the imperial city.

Such a scene was staged on many roads around the imperial city.

A famous palace lord, general, was summoned, came to the imperial city with his men and horses, to help the imperial city and kill the enemy!

But without exception, no palace owner or general came to know who the enemy was.

In the imperial city.

A loud noise!

Many gods have numb scalp.

The naked Meng Fan crushed a mysterious ancient soldier to the ground with his bare hands, crushing his head.

He was already sweating.

At the same time, the void of the whole body is melting, and everything is melting.

Being able to make Meng Fan sweat, it shows that his physical exertion is too violent. Mortals consume physical strength and heat the body. Meng Fan consumes physical strength and releases the heat, which is no less inferior to a star exploding and melting everything around.

And Meng Fan didn't care.

He looked down at the head of the ancient soldier crushed by his bare hands, silent.

There is no physical body.

There was nothing under the armor.

It turned out that he was only fighting with armor!

It was almost a time to fight against the three thousand ancient soldiers. These ancient soldiers completely blocked Meng Fan's will of heaven and the power of various heavenly laws. They were very tough and powerful.

The physical hardness of the Three Thousand Ancient Soldiers surpassed any Five-Triplex God King, and was infinitely close to the Six-Triplex God King. At the same time, because of resisting Meng Fan's Heavenly Law, Meng Fan's power was exerted on them and was weakened by more than 30%.

These ancient soldiers have never displayed any magical powers or methods. They just fought head-on with Meng Fan. The speed is very fast, and they can shuttle freely in space.

Facing the encirclement and suppression of such tyrannical three thousand ancient soldiers, Meng Fan spent a stick of incense time, and after exhausting most of the power of his vows, he finally gave up the use of the law of heaven and finally destroyed an ancient soldier with his bare hands.

"What on earth are these things?" Meng Fan asked in his heart.

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