Supreme God King

Chapter 3085: The first treasure

Hundreds of incarnations rushed to kill, and the sight of thirty His Royal Highness being crushed into blood in an instant happened one after another.

Many **** kings saw the blood of the Thirty Royal Highnesses falling down in the air, and their scalps were numb.

Meng Fan's arms dropped, still looking at the void where His Royal Highness had just been killed by him, the thick mist of blood and water was slowly dissipating.

Too opinionated.

The Five Heavenly Kings and Ancient Soldiers both possess strong resistance to Heaven's Dao Law, and they are qualified to fight Meng Fan.

Apart from this, how can there be a Six Tribulations God King who can stand in front of Meng Fan for a while?

The law of heaven and earth is a sharp blade in Meng Fan's hands, and he can manipulate it at will.

After easily obliterating Thirty His Royal Highnesses, Meng Fan was holding the Spear of Destiny, and suddenly his body flickered. In an instant, his body was transformed and the law was condensed. It merged with the Spear of Destiny. The speed, jumping to three thousand ancient soldiers!


Siyuan Dynasty, 90,000 li east of the imperial city.

It is a towering city with hundreds of floors of pavilions everywhere, gathering countless Kun people.

This city has no name.

There are a large number of Kun people and they gather in large numbers. Cities and settlements can be seen everywhere, and new cities appear every day, and no one named these cities.

In the center of this city, there is a large bronze disk with various Kunzu runes carved on it, which is a large teleportation array.

The Siyuan Dynasty has a vast territory. In the process of gradual unification of the Kun nationality world, it has continuously destroyed dimensional barriers and connected dozens of dimensions into one. Such a vast space, even if it is a King of Five Tribulations, wants to go from one end to the other. At one end, it will take several years.

For this reason, there were teleportation formations in many places of the Siyuan dynasty. After Mother Qinglin ruled the Kun clan, the first thing was to build such a big formation in various places in order to unify the entire Kun clan.

Suddenly, the huge bronze disk flickered.

Immediately, a purple figure appeared on the disk.

She is a very tall woman.

The Kun people guarding the disc around saw the woman and quickly knelt down, but the woman turned a blind eye to these Kun people, and immediately looked in the direction of the imperial city after she appeared.

The woman is Yao Ji.

After Meng Fan left, Yao Ji immediately ordered the teleportation formation of Yege Mansion to be rushed towards the imperial city. There were many nodes of the teleportation formation along the way, and it took some time to spend one node after another.

But before and after, it was only two hours. Yao Ji came to a place 90,000 miles away from the imperial city. It was already very fast. If she had to walk by herself, this distance would have to be at least ten days.

As the Palace Master of the Night Song Mansion, she was the first person Meng Fan received when he stepped into the territory of the Siyuan Dynasty. She even used Wang's head to spy on Meng Fan, but she didn't get any results. One hundred and twenty conspirators. All of them were seriously injured. For this reason, Yao Ji was unwilling to rush back to the imperial city. The first was to inform the imperial city to prepare, Meng Fan was about to arrive, and the second was to wait for Meng Fan in the imperial city and could not give up.

After seeing the imperial city for a moment, Yao Ji was about to get up, suddenly startled, and vaguely saw a shadow flying towards here in the distance.

She squinted her eyes to look closely.

The shadow flew extremely fast, but for a moment, it had reached the sky above the city, and then silently slammed into the corner of the city.

The huge impact caused violent winds and dust to sweep across the entire city in an instant, and the earth shook and shook. Buildings rumbling and shattering, many Kun people were rolled up, howling and flying in the air.

Yao Ji waved his hand to disperse the sand in front of him, stepped across the city a few steps, and came to the place where the figure had fallen.

Can not help but startled.

"Mr. Jiao Ling?"

Yao Ji said in amazement.

In front of her was a huge pit. In the center of the pit, Jiao Ling was nailed to the ground by a dark spear, struggling painfully.

The pitch-black spear was like a living thing, constantly twisting, and strands of black poured into Jiao Ling's body, seeming to devour his life.

"Yao Ji..." Jiao Ling gritted his teeth: "The future king... is in the imperial city! Immediately return to the imperial city and tell everyone that you must not act rashly until the three thousand ancient soldiers push the future king into desperation!"

Yao Ji stiffened, turned his eyes, looked at the imperial city in the distance, and flew away in strides.

At the same time, everywhere in the Siyuan Dynasty, more distant prefectures, there were constantly strong people coming to the imperial city under edicts.

This is a battle of King Qin.

It is also the first time since the establishment of the Siwon Dynasty, various orders have been continuously issued from the imperial city to gather the powerful from all over the world.

And three thousand feet underground in the imperial city, in a dungeon built with stone walls.

A huge body slowly opened his eyes.

This body is not in human form.

But a silver-blue armor!

The so-called opening of his eyes, in the darkness of the silver-blue armor helmet, lit up two rays of light, like eyes.

Long and light blue.

Originally, on this pair of armor, there were many chains that bound it and suppressed it, but because of the fierce battle above the imperial city, many restrictions were torn by violent vibrations, and the armor was awakened.

The entire armor exudes a violent aura.

"The breath of the Five Heavenly Kings disappeared..." The armor made a buzzing sound. "It's good, it's good, instead of being treated as a puppet, it is better to die completely and fall forever. It is also a good home."

After that, the armor lifted the helmet, and two faintly blue rays of light stared at the top, seeming to pierce the heavy ground and see everything.

"Little Heavenly King Meng Fan...Oh, no, the little Heavenly King was a whisper called him many years ago. He is now the future Heavenly King, so to speak...The Battle of Heaven has already begun."

At the moment when Armor was muttering to himself, several figures suddenly appeared in front of Armor. There were several Kunzu **** kings, and the leader of them was a five calamity **** king.

They were all surprised when they sensed the awakening of the armor, and they hurried to repair the chains.

"Hey, little devil, how is the fighting outside? I'm old and my eyesight is not good enough."

The Five Tribulations God King narrowed his eyes, and said in a negative way: "Sorrowful horned armor, the battle against the heavens appointed by His Majesty the Mother Emperor, has begun. In the future, the heavenly king will actually step into the imperial city. This is simply a turtle in the urn. , There is no way to survive. Originally, this was a huge opportunity for you. As long as you agreed to the terms of the mother emperor, you would fight for our Kun people. When the king comes in the future, you will fight with your five brothers. , Then, you will no longer be a captive or a prisoner, you will become a meritorious minister.

After the Siyuan Dynasty War for so many years, it has annexed one Kun empire after another. The Kun nationality forces have never killed the survivors. As long as they are meritorious, they will be reused. If you miss such a good opportunity for meritorious service, you will not surrender. Then When the heavenly king falls in the future and His Majesty the mother returns, you are a useless guy. The end is unknown! "

"Oh, oh..." Shaman's horns replied twice: "Why will the heavenly kings really come to Siyuan Dynasty in the future... That said, my five brothers have really fallen, completely fallen, Is there no trace of remnant soul left?"

The Five Tribulations God King said angrily: "What does not have a sky umbrella, a broken sky sword, just not surrender, the mother emperor spent a lot of effort to refine the soul and become a puppet. It was meant to hit the future king in the battle of the sky. , The result was torn one by one, sullen horns, you, as the top treasure among the 33-day treasures, all the elder brothers of the treasures, the King of Seven Tribulations, if you directly surrender, you can completely save the lives of your five brothers. , And then make meritorious service in the war of revolution. The so-called masters who know the current affairs are outstanding, don't you understand the truth?"

"A person who knows the current affairs is a brilliant man. This is a humane word. You Kun people learn it very slippery." Shang Mang Jiaojia responded faintly. "But there is still a saying in humanity, which is called mighty and unyielding. Humanity is the same. You can say that you can find some reasons for everything. There is no right or wrong, just your own choice..."

After saying that, the armor of sorrow suddenly stood up!

All the chains are broken!

This scene surprised several Kunzu **** kings and instinctively retreated.

"The prohibition is broken, you can't fix it."

The shape of the horned armor moved.

The huge body smashed directly from several Kunzu **** kings, crushing them into mud!

Immediately, rushing backwards, piercing through the thick stratum, and heading straight to the imperial city!

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