Supreme God King

Chapter 3086: War of Revolution

On the edge of monk civilization.

The Kun's continuous war front line, in the central camp.

Gaiyi is holding a few battle reports and watching them carefully.

After the war front line reached the fringe of the monk civilization, it has been very stable and did not act rashly, but still sent a large number of spies to check it. At the same time, it also fought against some marginal worlds and some small forces from time to time, just to build more strongholds. , Using a very slow way, little by little to push the front line of war to the monk civilization.

These fringe worlds, small forces, cannot be the frontline opponents of the Kun ethnic war.

Meng Fan’s evaluation of Jiayi is that his strength is still above Yao Ji, and he is the first king of the Six Tribulations of the Siyuan Dynasty. Among the Siyuan Dynasty, Jiayi is really famous for his combat methods in command of the army. .

Gaiyi was born nearly two million years ago and was also a member of a large noble family among the Kun nationality. However, in the Kun nationality world, blood is important, but the noble children are far less valuable than the noble children in the humane world.

Just look at the mother Qinglin, she has tens of millions of heirs, but not many of these heirs really stand out. Those who hold power are just a few hundred, most of them, and they work with ordinary Kun workers every day and night. Same, do the hardest work.

Because the Kun nationality’s ability to reproduce is too strong, there are too many offspring, and the noble children are not valuable.

Change Yi can grow up, one is his talent, and the other is his skill.

Two million years ago, the Siyuan dynasty began to rise rapidly, continuously annexing the surrounding Kun people's world, and Gaiyi was born. About a few hundred years later, Gaiyi became the king of gods, so the family arranged for him to enter the court and become some scholars. The official position is clear and clear, and within a few years of step-by-step, you can enter the ranks.

But Gaiyi chose to join the army.

This makes the family a little angry.

The lives of the Kun nationality are very bad. Just like fighting against the craftsman civilization, they can dispatch 8 million tens of millions of Kun nationality troops at a time. They have suffered heavy injuries and suffered heavy damage. They don’t care. A large number of Kun people have reproduced in decades. Family, continue to fight.

The battle against the craftsman civilization was completely accumulated with the lives of the Kun people. During the whole process, the ratio of deaths and injuries between the Kun people and the craftsmen civilization was at least one hundred to one, or even higher.

Therefore, it was very unwise in the family's view to change this path.

Because the Siyuan dynasty wars were very frequent at the beginning, they kept sending out large forces to fight against the surrounding Kun ethnic forces. Every time a Kun ethnic empire was annexed, there would be a sea of ​​blood.

But the same also means opportunity.

Because of the constant wars, because of the rapid rise of the Siwon Dynasty, there were many people who made meritorious service in the war and were knighted.

As a man, in the Siyuan Dynasty, his status was originally low. The Siyuan Dynasty was a standard matriarchal world. However, in the army, he only spoke according to strength and military merits, and he broke through the shackles of many Kun people in the world and continued to make achievements. .

After joining the army for thousands of years, Gaiyi became the King of Two Tribulations and became the school commander. He is a small officer in the Kun army and can only command tens of thousands of Kun people.

But after becoming the school commander, the path of changing the army has become more and more smooth.

The figure of Gaiyi appeared in many corners of the Siyuan Dynasty's unification of the Kun nationality war, and many documents also have his name.

About 1.3 million years ago, Gaiyi became the King of Five Tribulations and became a true general, commanding 300,000 Kun people.

At that time, most of the Kun people's world was already under the rule of the Siyuan Dynasty.

Only a few powerful Kunzu empires remained, and they still did not submit.

These powerful Kunzu empires were also the last opportunity for the generals of the Siyuan Dynasty to make contributions. Many generals began to request orders to unify the Kunzu world for the Qinglin mother emperor.

But at this time, the teenagers who had gained some reputation changed their positions and removed their positions in the army.

At that time, there was no knighthood.

The highest goal of all the Kun people entering the army must be knighthood. As long as knighthood is granted, they will have all kinds of powers, especially for their offspring. This is too important. At that time, Gaai had been fighting for hundreds of thousands of years. There are countless accomplishments in building, and the family that did not agree with him to join the army has become more and more recognized with him, especially after he became the King of the Five Tribulations, he has also become the most powerful person in the family, the person with the highest realm, faintly Of course, he will likely become the first generation of male patrons of the family.

But at this moment he chose to quit the army and gave up his last chance to make a contribution. No one can figure it out.

But in the family, he didn’t dare to question him. After all, his status was already extremely high. At that time, the head of the family was his sister, but he was just a King of Three Tribulations, and he didn’t have any merits, just in the court. It's just a petty official.

About a few decades later, the last few Kunzu empires also collapsed in front of the army of the Siyuan Dynasty.

Then, there was an important period in the history of Siwon Dynasty.

This period was the result of the rise of Siwon Dynasty and the beginning of its peak.

This period is called the liquidation period.

The Siyuan dynasty did not slaughter these Kun empires. The Qinglin mother emperor would not do this, and no power in the world would do it. The Qinglin mother emperor annexed all these Kun empires, but killed them. Among the leaders, and some of the mother emperor leaders, as long as they are willing to surrender, they can get the title, join the Siyuan Dynasty and become a member of the Siyuan Dynasty.

In this process, those who did not surrender, or surrendered and rebelled, or arrogantly committed themselves to the dark side, secretly engaged in tactics, and wanted to overthrow the Siyuan Dynasty. There are countless Kun people!

Therefore, after the unification of the Kun nationality world, the Siwon Dynasty spent almost the same time as the unification war to solve all aspects of the problem, constantly suppressing the rebellion, and constantly purging some of the mother emperor and her descendants, as well as the Kun who had relations with these mother emperors Family.

A lot of big cases happened constantly, many former heroes were also implicated in it, and even the generals with outstanding achievements were beheaded in large numbers.

The lives of the Kun nationality are in ruins.

How many Kun people killed was just a matter of words from Mother Qinglin.

Misplaced, definitely not right.

Kill, definitely right.

It's good for birds to hide in bows, or for rabbits to cook.

It doesn't matter whether the crime is true or unnecessarily charged.

The traitors were killed, and the heroes were mostly killed.

In the end, the few heroes left almost all chose to live in seclusion.

This is why the Siyuan Dynasty today rarely sees the Kun people who participated in the war of unification.

In today's Siyuan Dynasty, most of the people in power have risen because of their fame in the battle against the craftsman civilization.

Only by making changes and passing this liquidation period steadily.

I spent hundreds of thousands of years in retreat at home.

It was not until hundreds of thousands of years later, when the liquidation period passed, that the Siwon Dynasty began to develop steadily and became stronger and stronger. After hundreds of thousands of years, the Siwon Dynasty began to fight against the craftsmen civilization.

Qinglin mother emperor personally ordered the change.

The change at this time was already the Six Tribulations God King.

The battle against craftsman civilization has gone through many years before and after, with many generals and many failures.

But in the end, the Dong Kuang army led by Jiayi invaded the capital of craftsman civilization.

Gaiyi was also named "the first general of Siyuan Dynasty" by Qinglin mother emperor.

Immediately after the battle against the monk civilization, he became the supreme commander, and led the army of the Kun ethnic group centered on his confidant, the East Madness army, and set up the front line of war.

After waiting for nine months on the fringe of the monk civilization, Gaiyi collected a large amount of information on the monk civilization and continued to expand its stronghold. In the process, Gaiyi proposed to the mother of Siyuan Qinglin, if you want to make the shortest To destroy the monk civilization in a short time, one must be killed.

The future king Meng Fan.

Once the future heavenly king Meng Fan dies, the monk civilization loses the number one giant, and the hegemon who suppresses the heroes will again compete for hegemony and fall into civil strife.

Gaiyi made a series of plans aimed at Meng Fan.

This plan is called the War of Revolution.

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