Supreme God King

Chapter 3108: Aloof

On the front line of the war, seven void tunnels were built between the Siwon Dynasty.

To the east of the imperial city of the Siyuan Dynasty is the Dingjue Mountains, which crosses the Dingjue Mountains, passes through more than 4,000 prefectures, and arrives at Yegefu, and then crosses 8 million miles of desert, which is Jiashouguan and Jiashouguan. Further east is the territory of the past craftsman civilization. In the fight between the two civilizations, it has been turned into ashes and messed up everywhere. Only about a few hundred craftsman cities are still standing, among which a few Kunzu **** kings are stationed.

The Kun nationality did not build a domain of artisan civilization, but just plundered all the resources and various mysteries in it back to their domain.

Therefore, of the seven void tunnels behind the front line of the war, six of them lead directly to Jiashou Pass and directly communicate with Yao Ji in Yege Mansion, and only one connects to a huge city east of Jiashou Pass.

For the past four days, these seven void tunnels have not been peaceful and have been constantly attacked. The identity of the attackers is still a mystery. However, the Siyuan Dynasty did not pay too much attention to it, including the Yege Mansion, which was changed and asked for help. It's just that some soldiers were sent to inspect it symbolically.

Until two days ago, the whereabouts of an upslayer who was invited to the frontline to support the war and a group of middle-ranged plotters were unknown, and there was no news. This made the imperial city take it seriously.

This is because from the beginning of the Siyuan dynasty that cultivating conspirators to this day, there have been examples of conspirators dying, but suddenly the whereabouts of the conspirators are unknown, and the cases of unknown life and death have never happened.

Wang Shou completely broke contact with the murderer.

But Yege Mansion received instructions from the imperial city and immediately made statistics. In the past four days, the total number of **** kings who disappeared or died leaving their bodies in the seven void tunnels totaled 27.

This number is not large, and it is not worth mentioning for the Siyuan Dynasty.

But among the twenty-seven **** kings, there is one upskiller, nine middle downsavers, and five downsavers!

This is worth noting.

The Siyuan dynasty domain is huge. From the imperial city to the Yege Mansion, it is very vast. Governance is a huge problem. The appearance of the king's head made up for this problem. A large number of murderers spread all over the dynasty and eradicated them. , It means that those who shot are deliberately cutting off the front line of war and the imperial city, this is to isolate the front line of war.

Gaiyi had realized this a long time ago, but it was not until four days later that Siwon Dynasty understood that Gaiyi was right.

At this moment, in a tunnel.

Lonely sitting proudly in a group of void fragments, beside him, are the Four Sages of the Mixed World and the Five Taibao of the Dragon Race.

These nine **** kings all had friendship and friendship with Meng Fan before the establishment of the era alliance, and they had a great relationship. They participated in many wars before and after. In the previous era alliance, they belonged to the older generation of gods. Wang belongs to the same generation as Meng Fan and Princess Yueyue.

Among them, the five dragons have always been in the Era Alliance and have participated in all the battles of the Era Alliance, including the Jianchengguan.

In the future Heavenly Court, the most powerful "Meng Family", its evolution process is the earliest dark alliance, headed by Meng Fan, the Empress, Gu Xin Ao, and Meng Niuniu. Later, the expanded Era Alliance will include Princess Yue, The ancient emperor, the heavenly giants, Zhiweiyi, the five dragons, and the four sages of the mixed world are represented, and the Heavenly Dao Army has evolved all the way.

In today’s future heaven, in addition to the future heavenly king Meng Fan, there are several main gods, the main **** of law is lonely and proud, the main **** of Hongwu invites the moon princess, the main **** of heaven, Meng Niuniu, and the three gods each serve as the three main gods. Among other gods Many times Gods and Changqing were also members of the Era Alliance, or members who came out of it after the reorganization of the Heavenly Dao Army.

This is the "Meng Family", the first family of Meng Fan.

In addition, although Zhuge, the master **** of Jingyu, does not belong to the Epoch Alliance, everyone knows his relationship with Meng Fan. The entire Zhuge family and Meng Fan are all Iron Leagues and are considered members of the Meng family.

Some other characters, such as Demon Ji Siyu and Rui Baichuan of the Qilin clan, are regarded as members of the Meng family.

But in today's future heaven, the fate of the kings is tied together because of the same heart, coupled with Meng Fan's various efforts, the concept of faction no longer exists, and there is no difference between you and me, and no position is discussed.

What's more, as long as the future heavenly king Meng Fan makes a decision, there will be no objections from the top and bottom. Even if Meng Fan makes a dangerous decision, the entire future heavenly court will support his appeal. Prestige can be seen when pushing the first iron law.

Although the five dragon kings and the four sages of the mixed world are the older generation, among the nine **** kings, the dragon scales, the dragon blood, and the dragon claws have all become the five tribulation gods, and the other six gods are all four tribulations. God king.

Because the Four Sages of the mixed world fell very early and the soul was suppressed by the river of fate, there was a huge gap in the martial arts. Although they later rushed to catch up, they still did not give birth to a five-tribulation god.

The nine gods, accompanied by loneliness, wandered back and forth in these four days, fighting secretly, invading the rear, and according to the original plan, today, they will directly destroy one of the seven void tunnels.

But Gu Xin proud did not make a shot at the agreed time.

He stared at the front silently.

The Fifth Taibao and the Four Sages of Hunshi were also behind him, staring at the void ahead.

After a while.

From the mist, a woman walked out slowly.

She has a cold face and a tall stature.

The stature of this woman is much higher than that of loneliness.

Lonely and proudly said indifferently: "The eldest daughter of Qinglin, Palace Master Night Song, Yao Ji."

The woman squinted her eyes: "It seems that you recognize me."

"After the King of Heaven came back, he rubbed all his memories into a film, clearly." Gu Xin proudly replied.

Yao Ji looked up and down a lot of loneliness: "Your reputation is not small. Among the various reports of the Siyuan Dynasty, many high-ranking people believe that you are the number one fighter under the king of the future."

"My man?" Gu Xin proud smiled suddenly, no one knew what he was laughing at.

Suddenly, he remembered that he and Meng Fan were in Wanyu. When they were both young, they were played by Meng Fan and became Meng Fan's affairs.

Yao Ji did not notice the deep meaning of the smile of loneliness and pride, and continued: "The future heavenly court has two Seven Tribulations God Kings, the Future Heaven King and Mingyi Patriarch, under the two Seven Tribulations God Kings, a group of Six Tribulations Gods Among the kings, we think you are number one."

"Yueyue will be angry if you hear it." Lonely said proudly.

"Invite Princess Yue?" Yao Ji repeated.

Nodded arrogantly.

"She is very strong. If I have the opportunity, I would like to meet her." Yao Ji showed a humble attitude.

"In addition to the various news we got, there are some news that Cui Di brought back. It seems that you have become Cui Di's dream lover." Yao Ji said again.

Lonely and arrogantly laughed: "Little girl, it's easy to rush to the heart."

The corner of Yao Ji's mouth raised: "I saw it today, it's really charming."

"It's more attractive to fight." Lonely proud stood up from the sky, and the plain gray robe danced lightly. "I don't have a strong desire to win. The King of Heaven said that as an old monster of thousands of years, his strength is better than me. Looking at all the six tribulation **** kings in the heavens in the future, they will be qualified to confront the change, but they are completely fair. Under the circumstances, it should be impossible to beat the change, and Palace Master Yao Ji seems to be slightly inferior to the change, so I have a chance of winning."

Yao Ji did not show any dissatisfaction when he heard the words of loneliness, and said softly: "If I were not the eldest daughter of Qinglin, Jiayi would be the undoubted number one in the Six Tribulations of Siyuan Dynasty. Compared with him, I really Inferior."

"That's true." Gu Xin frowned slightly: "In this case, I will solve the battle with Palace Lord Ye Song as soon as possible, and rush back immediately, and invite Princess Yue to face the change alone. It seems a bit dangerous."

Yao Ji squinted his eyes: "I didn't come to discuss with you today. I want to kill you. I want to solve the battle as soon as possible? Lone Lord God, don't forget, this is within the Siyuan Dynasty!"

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