Supreme God King

Chapter 3109: As I saw

The human world, the imperial city of people.

The central emperor stood in the hall, feeling the billowing breath of red dust. In his eyes, the breath of red dust was tangible, like a string of piano, which can be plucked to play a humane movement.

In recent days, the Central Emperor has been silent.

There are too many things in his mind.

As today, there are many outstanding people, heroes, overlords, heroes, and giants, each leading the coquettish, but the most easily mentioned are always two people, the future heavenly king Meng Fan, the emperor of the world, the Central Emperor.

The reason why they are always mentioned, and they are always mentioned together, of course their grievances extending from the ten thousand domains to the present are of course a very important part, and the prophecy of the "fateful enemy" that has been circulating silently is also an important part, but the most important thing is that Their similarities.

First of all, both of them are very young. The Central Emperor is only more than 300,000 years old. Among the many old **** kings, he belongs to the absolute young generation. Meng Fan is only more than 10,000 years old, and it is not young.

Secondly, the realm and strength of the two are terrifying. Although both are the younger generation, they are already the Seven Tribulations God King! The absolute pinnacle of all beings, a giant of heaven and earth.

Looking at the Seven Tribulations God King as it is today, which one is not a boss from thousands of years ago, or even tens of millions of years ago?

Third, the two each lead a huge world.

In the future, the Heavenly Court will be the world of the First Avenue, and the number of God Kings has surged to 90,000. This is because the Heavenly Court will pursue freedom in the future, all beings will dominate their own destiny, the fortune will be prosperous, vigorous, liberating the long river of destiny, after the recovery of Meng Fan, the collapse of the heavenly alliance , And displayed its majesty on the Sun Moon Peak, and then solved the black death catastrophe crisis, the world returned to heart, and many supreme celestial dynasties merged one after another to reach this number.

If you add the Iron Alliance Wilderness of the Heavenly Court in the future, there will be more than 6,000 God Kings, then the power of the Heavenly Court in the future will have nearly 100,000 God Kings.

Looking at all the Dao worlds, there is no such number. There are about 20,000 gods in the dragon world. They are already powerful. This still depends on the blood of the innate sage king of the pure blood dragon clan. After the establishment of the dragon road, this blood line that does not obey the fate After being greatly stimulated, more dragon races turned into **** kings, and only then had the figure of 20,000.

Other Dao worlds, such as the Buddha Realm and the Devil Realm, are somewhat mysterious, but according to various investigations, the **** king is about 10,000. As for the Cthulhu Dynasty, it is even more pitiful. There are only 6,000 or 7,000 gods in speculation. The king, there is not much more than the number of **** kings of the highest heaven.

Looking at the many Dao Worlds, the number of God Kings added together, maybe only 50,000 to 60,000.

But the infinite realm that has been mysterious and has never revealed the true face, the number of gods, may have to far surpass these great worlds!

Although the Arcane Empire has experienced the baptism of catastrophe and the civil war has suffered numerous casualties, the number of **** kings is roughly estimated to exceed 15,000.

This is why, many forces must unite under the banner of Infinite Realm to establish the Sun Moon Peak Alliance, which is enough to form one of the three legs of the monk civilization.

In contrast, the human world is much stronger.

Even after going through the war of subversion, the team of the Great Qin Empire has been recklessly liquidated. Although there is no **** massacre in it-it is also the culture that has been circulated for tens of billions of years that does not allow the appearance of tyrants and the slaughter. The annihilation of righteousness appeared-but after all, it was an earth-shaking metamorphosis, but the human world was, after all, the earliest established world of the Great Dao, and the human race is the most extensive and oldest civilization in the universe, the system, and the road. The most stable, and in the hands of the central emperor, the humanity is unified without any division.

Therefore, there are 60,000 gods in the human world.

Many of these were after the third Sun-Moon summit talks. The general trend of the world has taken shape. The kings and the world must make a choice, prompting many humane supreme celestial dynasties to merge into the human world. In the time, the number of **** kings in the human world has surged by as much as 20,000.

Although the Sun Moon Peak Alliance is powerful, it is one of the three legs, but it is an alliance after all. The kings of the world also have a lot of taboos about the King of Light Brain. It is hard to say whether there is a gap between them, not to mention the King of Light Brain is called Dao. The king of tools is not a creature, so no one will easily evaluate the king of light brain.

After all, it can't be evaluated, too illusory and psychedelic.

Therefore, the Central Emperor and Meng Fan are the easiest to discuss together.

Fourth, the central emperor and Meng Fan are both leaders. There is no doubt that they are irrefutable.

In the end, it was the two men's methods. Although Meng Fan and the Central Emperor had completely different temperaments and styles, in the mouths of the world's kings, both of them could be called the four words "prosperous talents".

The central emperor stepped into the Great Qin Empire alone, which promoted the unification of humanity and the establishment of the human world. Without any personal confidence, he borrowed the power of the king of light brain to lead the thousands of human Taoists who returned to the human world to start a subversive battle. , Defeated Emperor Bo Wu, who was the supreme supreme in the world after the disappearance of the Chaos Emperor and the death of Bai Buxian, who was in the midst of the sky at that time, and then entrusted the Hundred Sages, restored the imperial examination, and unified humanity. Who would dare not accept these methods?

Meng Fan and Zhuge's family alliance, plan the future heaven, set an ambition to formulate the order of the future world, and then confront Zhang Biyaner of the human world in the air, try to turn the tide, build the future heaven with iron and blood, and take the heavy responsibility and solve the problem. In the future, the estrangement and disputes between the various families and factions at the beginning of the establishment of the heavenly court, and the will to never give up, at the expense of losing their reputation, will prompt the future heavenly court to promulgate an iron law that guarantees the freedom of all living beings, leading the ill-fated In the future, the heavenly court will go through a catastrophe and crisis, and finally the sky will be restored. In the future, the heavenly court will rise completely. Who dares to refuse?

But now, the center of the emperor's forehead, there is always a haze.

Two giants standing side by side, braving the wind and waves, the tide of the new era, now Meng Fan has faintly overwhelmed the Central Emperor.

Just because of four words, the world is home to one's heart.

The central emperor flicked the red strings around him with both hands, his eyes kept on the book case in front of him, the token.

In the future, the heaven will command the heroes.

Even in the human world, some young children of the ancient aristocracy are fascinated by the future of heaven, and even a defector has appeared.

In the history of humanity, the aristocratic family has always been opposed to the imperial power. The emperor will always stand with the people and must work together to solve the problems of the aristocratic family. The imperial examinations, the reduction of the vassal, marriage, etc., are all aimed at weakening the aristocratic family. power.

At the beginning, the central emperor relied on the family to initiate a subversive battle.

Today, these aristocratic families that once assisted the Central Emperor have fluctuated.

The Central Emperor has been waiting for his final battle with Meng Fan.

But what he hopes is the last battle, a duel between the two, not in the battle of the great road, which will be a disadvantage.


The Central Emperor suddenly raised his eyes.

Looked at the door of the hall.

He felt a kind of fluctuation.

In the human world, the aura of red dust is permeated, any fluctuation in it can be felt by the central emperor, not to mention the fluctuations appearing in the imperial city, moreover, appearing in front of his hall!

The first reaction of the Central Emperor was Meng Fan.

It seemed that Meng Fan was the only one in the world who could step into the human world so safely, through the imperial city, and into the imperial palace before he was noticed.

But it is not.

In front of the main hall, there was a petite and lovely woman.

She has short silver hair and a cute face.

A blood-red lips.

The woman smiled mischievously.

"You are the Central Emperor?"

The Central Emperor tried his best to see the mystery of the woman.

But only vaguely saw some fragmented scenes.

The central emperor stood up in front of the book, his voice calmly said, "Exactly."

The woman said: "Well, should I call you your majesty, or should you call me your majesty?"

The Central Emperor squinted his eyes.

"Mother Qinglin."

The woman nodded: "It's me."

Then smiled sweetly.

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