Supreme God King

Chapter 3110: Leadership

In the depths of the central emperor's eyes, a little gleam was flashing.

In front of the main hall, the tender and moving Mother Qinglin walked forward slowly, with a moving smile on her face.

"The emperor of the Siyuan Dynasty, the supreme leader of the Kun people, the creator of the chaos, the ancient legend, the mother of Qinglin." The central emperor had a deep voice. "I will actually appear on top of my hall. Should I say that it is outstanding, or is it self-righteous?"

"Oh?" Qing Lin smiled: "What do you say?"

The central emperor bypassed Long Shuan, and gently moved his finger across the edge of the book: "Meng Fan dared to break into the God Realm, he could beat the Dragon Emperor, and he could walk a round in the Siyuan Dynasty, but Meng Fan was absolutely afraid to step into me. The human world, the human imperial city, he is the number one giant among the many avenue worlds, but he doesn’t think he can resist the power of the entire human world, because he knows that as long as he steps into the human world, I will ruin everything. Obliterate him."

Qing Lin smiled and said, "I dare not do what you think Meng Fan dared not do. So when I stepped into the imperial city, I thought I was self-righteous? You think I am inferior to the future king."

The Central Emperor smiled softly.

The smile was restrained, but the corner of his mouth was slightly raised.

"You are of course not as good as Meng Fan."

The central emperor completely walked to the Long Shuan, standing on the top of the steps, looking condescendingly at the mother Qinglin: "The emperor of the Siyuan Dynasty, the supreme leader of the Kun nationality, the creator of the chaos, the ancient legend, the **** of the Eight Tribulations."

He repeated what he had just said.

Then, there was a pause.

Said again.

"Is it amazing?"

The delicate smile on Mother Qinglin's face disappeared little by little.

Inside the hall, there was dead silence.

From the appearance of the Qinglin Mother Empress until this moment, the Central Emperor did not urge any large formations in the imperial city, nor did he summon any saints.

Facing Qinglin completely alone.

This overlord who used to face the Great Chaos at a distance.

The bearing of the emperor on earth!

Coming all the way from the heavens and ten thousand realms, he subverted Emperor Bo Wu, unified the humanity, became the Seven Tribulations God King, set his own human realm, and became the fateful enemy of Meng Fan.

It's no longer the same year, facing the giants of giants, the little gods who can only shrink back!

Qing Lin laughed again.

"Sure enough, you are regarded as the second person in the world next to the future king. There is a reason, and there is a reason why you can become Meng Fan's fateful enemy."

The Central Emperor said coldly: "Nonsense, don't talk too much, Mother Qinglin, you are here today for two reasons, one is to talk to me, the other is to kill me, do what you should do."

The smile on Mother Qinglin’s face grew stronger, not a sneer, but a crazy, murderous smile: “I’m here today, I was going to talk to you, I want to see the world’s most powerful The second person, the Central Emperor, what kind of character is it, is completely different from what I imagined."

"If I were the same as you imagined, you would retreat." Central Emperor said.

Mother Qinglin nodded: "It's a good guess."

The central emperor continued: "So in your imagination, I am mediocre. If I am mediocre, you will leave and do your best to kill Meng Fan, so that many Dadao worlds are plunged into civil strife, a sea of ​​flames, and the Kun people take advantage of the void. , The way of spreading chaos. But I let you'disappointed'. You suddenly discovered that if Meng Fan dies, many Dao worlds will not fall into civil strife. I will replace Meng Fan and become the overlord. Many Dao worlds will still be unanimous. To Siwon Dynasty."

Empress Qinglin's eyes twitched imperceptibly, and smiled and nodded: "You are right again."

"Then you should kill me." Central Emperor smiled. "The Eight Tribulations God King carries that nondescript chaotic way. It seems that there is a way but it is not. Do you really think that it can cause a shocking wave in my world?"

Mother Qinglin was silent.

The central emperor raised a hand.

"Are you still?"

The voice fell.

The Central Emperor took a step forward.

The entire imperial city violently shakes!

Billowing red dust atmosphere, overwhelming! Surging!

One by one chapters of humanity, flying up from the Long Shuan, turned into dozens of pale dragons, following the Central Emperor.

The next moment.

The central emperor appeared on top of the mother emperor Qinglin.

An ink mark appeared in the palm of his hand.

A "person" character.

One word.

Hidden tens of billions of years of humane history like a torrent of waves!

The power of the ancient emperor of millions!

The ups and downs of the humanitarian chapter!

Take a picture in the palm of your hand.

Qinglin mother emperor quietly turned into flesh and blood mud.

Sputter out.

On the floor of the main hall, a pattern of blood-colored butterflies was scattered, which was several tens of feet long.

With one blow, the body of Mother Qinglin was destroyed!

The central emperor fell in the middle of the scarlet butterfly, and waves of heat and smoke rose in his palm. He frowned, feeling something strange.

In the hall, there was a clever laughter.

"Hahaha...The Central Emperor, okay, what a human emperor..."

The voice faded and disappeared.

The Central Emperor stood up.

Several golden lights fell beside him. They were Confucian sages, soldiers sages, and hidden sages.

"His Majesty!"

"Nothing." The Central Emperor waved his hand. "It turns out it's just an incarnation." Then he smiled: "Sure enough, I dare not arrogantly step into my world."


Cthulhu Dynasty.

Inside the Palace of Bliss.

Qin Taichuan was pinched by a slender palm and pressed to the ground. His whole body was covered with blood, and even one eye was dug out.

He suddenly raised his right hand, and a big mouth of the blood basin appeared in the palm of his right hand, exuding a strong greedy and hungry breath, but he had not completely lifted it up, and was stepped on his arm by a foot.

It was Mother Qinglin who grabbed his neck and stepped on his arm.

The face of Mother Qinglin was only half a foot away from Qin Taichuan. She carefully looked at the handsome appearance of Qin Taichuan's teenage boy with a smile, and said, "It's so beautiful."

"Yeah..." Qin Taichuan gasped, but still had the evil smile on his face, he opened his mouth and blood was pouring out. "You said beautiful, do you mean my skin, or the evil way I walk?"

Mother Qinglin said: "They are all beautiful."

"Thank you for the compliment..." Qin Taichuan's throat stirred, and his voice was high and low, and his body was injured too seriously. "Mother Qinglin, it's worthy of being... worthy of being the overlord who once confronted the Great Chaos Emperor... with the incarnation, you can drive me to death."

Mother Qinglin said: "As the King of Six Tribulations, you are already very powerful. You can fight against this incarnation of me for 30 rounds. In my empire, one of the Kings of Six Tribulations can do this. No, I might be able to fight with my avatar for four or five rounds."

"Then... how about the other leaders?" Qin Taichuan asked with a smile.

Mother Qinglin blinked her eyes: "What did you say?"

"One incarnation is here, there must be another incarnation elsewhere." Qin Taichuan smiled and said, "I...I don't know what you have, but I will never send only one incarnation to beat me, the evil leader... It's not... the world of humans, the world of dragons, all have your incarnation... Are other leaders as miserable as me?"

Mother Qinglin frowned.

Qin Taichuan said: "It seems that I was right... and, it seems that only me is so miserable. Your other incarnations must end up badly..."

Mother Qinglin said: "You can die."

"No..." Qin Taichuan spit out a tooth. "I disagree."

Mother Qinglin smiled sweetly: "You don't agree?"

"Yes." Qin Taichuan blinked his eyelids, and the gouged eye grew out in an instant. "Did you hear?"

Mother Qinglin frowned and looked outside of the Palace of Bliss.

Inside the imperial city of Cthulhu Dynasty.

Suddenly, bursts of **** smoke rose.

Also accompanied by a palpitating wailing!

Mother Qinglin said: "Sacrifice?"

"Yes." Qin Taichuan's stomped arm trembled violently, muscles bulging. "Yes..."

His injured body recovered quickly.

His body began to swell wildly.

Every inch of muscle is swelling!


Turning his right hand over, grabbed the sole of Mother Qinglin's foot, with a "click", the blood bowl in the palm directly bit down the sole of Qinglin's foot!

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