Supreme God King

Chapter 3111: kill

Monk civilization, marginal area.

It is a cemetery.

The history of this cemetery is very long. It has been 30 million years. Thirty million years ago, a large army from Longxiang Valley came here and completely slaughtered an ancient sect. In that battle, it was the dragon. The furthest battle that Xianggu fought was also a battle of punishment, because the ancient sect secretly supported many forces that resisted Longxianggu.

After that, Longxianggu buried all the people of the entire sect, and erected blocks of unknown stone tablets to warn others of their fate against Longxianggu.

At this moment, in the center of the cemetery, a tombstone several feet high, a slender and wise boy in white was lying on it, with his hands behind his head, staring at the gloomy sky, not knowing what he was thinking.

From the other direction, Mother Qinglin came slowly.

His eyes have been locked on the boy's body.

When she reached a hundred steps away from the young man, Mother Qinglin suddenly stopped.

She looked at the ground and exclaimed: "What a strong killing intent."

The boy tilted his head and looked at Mother Qinglin with no expression on his face.

"Kill the Dao Champion." Mother Qinglin chuckled, "Since the day before the sky, and the future king was suppressed, you have disappeared. You have been hidden for so long."

The champion Hou Dan said indifferently: "But you still found it."

"I couldn't find you originally." Mother Qinglin said: "Many leaders of the great avenues are the masters of the same realm. They have a big family and are not difficult to find. You are the only one who controls the ancient killing road, but does not have yourself. I heard that you have subdued a sect, but you only took all the profound meanings and martial arts of this sect, and then killed all the disciples of this sect? After that, no one can find you. Of the trail.

If it weren't for two days ago, if you had ushered in the catastrophe of your hit, you would have become the King of Seven Tribulations, arousing visions from the heavens and the earth, blood and light running through thousands of miles like the long river of the universe, then I would find a clue to find your whereabouts. "

Champion Hou said: "You can find it, many people can find it."

"Then why don't you leave here?" Mother Qinglin said.

"I just achieved the Seven Tribulations God King, the foundation is unstable, the martial art is messy, and I need a flesh to sacrifice my killing." Champion Hou sat up from the tombstone. "I'm waiting for someone to come."

Mother Qinglin narrowed her eyes.

Champion Hou's mouth squirmed.

An invisible sword gas rushed out quickly.

Directly at Qinglin mother emperor.

The blink of an eye has reached the eyebrows of Mother Qinglin!

The mother Qinglin suddenly stretched out her hand and held the sword qi, but then the palm of her hand was separated from flesh and blood, exposing white bones. Although the sword qi broke apart, the killing intent in it burst out like silver needles. For a few moments, Qing Lin Most of the mother's body was shattered.

Withdrawing a few steps back and barely stopping, Mother Qinglin said: "What a fierce killing intent..."

Champion Hou frowned: "Why is it just an avatar? Boring."

Then he exhaled another sword breath.



The black and purple evil spirits are condensed into liquid, and turned into a profound Xiu Demon Sea. In the depths of the Demon Sea, there are a lot of cities, where you can see crowds of people, demons, demons, gods, and earth demons wandering back and forth, making a weird and gloomy look. Roar.

These cities were built without rules and regulations, but they were in line with the lawless taste of the magic way. The Demon Realm may be the only one among the many Dao worlds that doesn’t care about the geomantic omen of heaven and earth, and the formations are unified. Here, it is open, rampant, and unrestrained, which promotes the birth of more demon energy. The demon energy that is thick and liquid is that The largest formation in the Devildom.

One of the cities was built entirely with the bones of the ancient giant beast, and the pillars supporting the building were the spine of the ancient giant beast.

In a palace, several powerful demon heads and demon kings gather together, and the leader is the magic maple.

A generation of Demon Emperor, the leader of Demon Dao.

Demon Maple has also grown up completely. Long before the third Sun-Moon Summit, Demon Maple had reached the realm of the Six Tribulations God King.

"Regarding the future edict of the heavenly court, my lord, what are your plans?" an old demon asked.

Most of these powerful demon heads and demon kings were old monsters before sealing the Demon Valley. After being unblocked, they became the pillars of the demon way again. Nowadays, the younger generation of demon kings have not yet grown to be particularly powerful.

Although the avenues are going up, the Taoist traditions continue to give birth to outstanding young people. It is conceivable that these young people will appear to be dominant in hundreds of years, or even decades later, but not now, they are now, Too young and immature.

"The black death catastrophe has declined." Mo Feng responded simply. "Now to take action is to beat down the dog. This kind of thing doesn't mean much. Other worlds may be willing to do it, but the Demon Realm disdains it. It's boring and boring."

A demon king grinned and said: "Yes, the heavy repair of the Demon Sea is the sky moat. Few people can easily cross it. We don't care about foreign affairs, and people outside can not control us. In the future, the heavenly court will issue an edict to order the world, who wants to Obey, whoever obeys, the Demon Realm will always stand alone."

"Then, this matter is so set." Another Demon King nodded. "All the avenues in this world will be wiped out, but the magical way will not die, because all beings have a demon nature, and in the hearts of all beings, there is a mood of disobedience, lawlessness, yearning for killing and war, and there is no need to fight for that righteousness, It's not the magic way."

"That's good. It's just other things that require us to carefully consider. The Siwon Dynasty has established a war front in the West for nearly a year. In the future, Tianting will now appear to be the leader of many great worlds. This is against the Siyuan Dynasty. In the future, the Heavenly Court will definitely bear the brunt. Should we do anything? The Kun family is so powerful, how many gods there are, but it must be overwhelming. In addition, the awakening of the Heavenly Emperor a few years later is also a major event. These two major events, It will affect all Dao worlds, and even the entire universe."

The eyes of many demon kings focused on Mo Feng's body.

Some major events in other Dao worlds are trivial matters in Demon Dao. For example, in the future, the heavenly court will issue edicts that can alarm all saints in the human world, but for the Demon Realm, it is not a big deal. For this kind of thing, several demon kings can simply do Make a decision.

But the Siyuan Dynasty and the awakening of the Heavenly Emperor were both major events.

Still need to look at the meaning of Magic Maple.

The Demon Path was completely formed in the hands of Demon Maple. This achievement was hard-won. Although the Demon Race is naturally lawless and has no rules, it is difficult to form a big power, but now that the Demon World is established, the lives of the thousands of Demon Races are tied together, and let They have some basic rules.

Mo Feng pondered for a moment, and was about to answer, suddenly his brows tightened.

"Someone stepped into this city."

Magic Maple whispered.

Many demon kings immediately became alert.

"Not a demon." Mo Feng blinked his eyes, and in an instant, six pupils appeared in both eyes. "It's not my race, can actually pass through the sea of ​​repairing devil, punish it!"

The voice did not fall.

All the demon kings turned into a cloud of black and purple magic energy at the same time, disappearing.

On the west side of the city.

On a street full of rotten smells with countless humans and demons walking.

Mother Qinglin stopped.

She was stopped by a demon king.

This is a five-fold **** king, eight feet tall, wearing a white jade-colored brocade robe, with a handsome face, his hands behind his back.

Mother Qinglin showed an expression of appreciation.

The appearance of this demon king is already handsome and unreal.

In the eyes of Mother Qinglin, among all the **** kings that he saw, there was no **** king so handsome.

"Are you?" Mother Qinglin asked.

"One of the Demon Emperor's Nine Guardians." The handsome **** king replied lightly. "Nine Springs Demon Lord."

"Yeah. I remember your name." Mother Qinglin replied briefly, raising her head and looking at the center of the city. "Oh, what a big battle, so many demon kings rushed over..."

After saying this, the mother of Qinglin, her body turned into smoke and dust, disappearing.

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