Supreme God King

Chapter 3125: Eight Tribulations

In the spring of the sixth year of the Dao era, the next day will be February 20th in the heavenly calendar.

After the fall of Jiashouguan of the Siyuan Dynasty, all guards, kings, monks, and even the weakest creatures of the entire Jiashouguan were completely wiped out, leaving no humans or animals.

In the afternoon of the same day, the horned armor broke into the camp of the East Kuangjia single-handedly, but was found outside the camp. Within half an hour, 670 Kunzu **** kings were killed. He was harvested like a weed in front of him for his life, but it was delayed for some time, so that Gaiyi stepped into the teleportation formation and fled towards the imperial city.

This is the third escape since Gaiyi fought against the future heaven.

Half an hour after the East Kuang army camp was breached, six Tianli Ark landed at Jiashou Pass, and 480 God Kings of the Heavenly Dao Divine Mansion occupied Jiashou Pass.

Almost at the same time, all the 13 Lords of the East Kuang Camp were killed because of their easy escape. The East Kuang army was scattered without a leader, and 60 Ark of Tianli poured in to attack the East Kuang army everywhere.

This kind of localized fighting in various places lasted for several hours, until the early morning of the second day, that is, February 21. Because the main camp of the East Madness army could not be contacted, all parts of the army chose to fight. Jiashouguan retreated and retreated and fought, but the Heavenly Dao Army still chased after it.

And the Dong Kuang army's skirmishers that have returned to Jiashou Pass one after another were also blocked by nearly five hundred heavenly legion **** kings led by the three six tribulation **** kings, because they were completely unexpected, and all of them returned. It was a tired remnant, so hardly any survived.

Until noon on the 21st, a team of 300 Kunzu **** kings came to Jiashou Pass. After a fierce battle, more than 200 gods fell. The remaining gods returned to the original road, and Jiashou Pass fell. The news really spread, and the scattered East Kuang army no longer chose to retreat to Jiashou Pass, but sought a detour to return to the Siyuan Dynasty.

This is a battle of "catching turtles in the urn".

The number of the two gods participating in the war was similar, the total number was close to 9,000. The Heavenly Path Legion suffered very little damage, with only more than 300 kings casualties, most of which were just injuries and no injuries.

More than 1,900 **** kings fell on the battlefield by the East Kuang army, more than 600 cities and fortresses were destroyed, and more than 5 million Kun people were wiped out.

A fight that lasted more than a day, killing two thousand nine hundred gods!

It also included thirteen **** kings of the Five Tribulations, and the death of five million Kun people, which can be said to be a major blow.

The total number of kings of the Eastern Madness Army totaled more than 5,000. Half of them were injured at once, and the rest were wounded and remnants. Moreover, the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Madness Army escaped due to the loss of the horned horn armor. The Eastern mad army was almost destroyed.

Six hundred thousand **** kings of the Siyuan Dynasty, this number is indeed terrible, but the largest army is actually only four, each of which is the absolute elite of the five thousand **** kings. In the future, the heavenly court will destroy one of them when they are boldly shot. Said that the future heaven's full-scale attack on the Siyuan Dynasty has begun.

On February 22, Qingyu led a group of craftsmen's elders and returned to the old land of craftsmen’s civilization with as many as six hundred 33-day treasures. He immediately opened up many remaining formations and foundations of the city, and at the same time helped the future heaven to build a large number of The void tunnel and teleportation array connect all places together and connect with the outer nebula of the future heaven, so that the future heaven can send a large number of gods to arrive in a short time.

On the morning of February 23, the new Palace Lord Yege Mansion was ordered to lead his army to rush to kill Jiashou Pass and was repelled.

In the afternoon of the same day, Palace Lord Yege Mansion, at the request of the imperial city’s death order, once again attacked Jiashou Pass, but before the attack, he was attacked by the Heavenly Dao Army. Gu Daozi ordered the gate of Jiashou Pass to be opened and rushed to the outside. He personally took down the head of the new Palace Lord of Night Song Mansion, and the Legion of Night Song Mansion was defeated.

Late at night on February 23, "The Great Wall of Humanity" suddenly shot.

The action of the human world can be said to be unexpected to everyone. In the future, the battle of the heavenly court against the Siyuan dynasty will be a lone battle in the future, and it will be a one-on-one fight. But at this moment, the human world The Great Wall of Humanity led by Bingsheng suddenly moved on the border of the Siyuan Dynasty. One thousand six hundred humane **** kings, like the Great Wall of flesh and blood, stepped into the northeastern border of the Siyuan Dynasty silently and silently, killing nine overnight. Millions of miles, by the early morning of the second day, three state capitals had been breached, and nine hundred Kunzu **** kings had been killed, and the Kunzu monks could not be counted.

By the evening of February 24, the offensive of the Great Wall of Humanity was exhausted. At the end of the force, it encountered a large number of counterattacks from the Kunzu kings. A fierce battle was about to break out, but unexpectedly, the Great Wall of Humanity retreated immediately. When he retreated, he started the scorched earth tactics, burning a large number of Kun nationality towns, wherever he went, there was coke, the offensive was like a gust of wind, and the retreat was like a gust of wind, without hesitation or love for war.

In this battle, the shadow of the central emperor can be clearly seen.

Turning his hands for the clouds and covering his hands for the rain, resolutely fierce, willing to be bold, without hesitation.

But why the Central Emperor, the human world, suddenly took action, actually standing on the same front with the future heaven, no one knows.

I am afraid that only Meng Fan, who re-dives into the depths of the long river of fate, can guess the answer.

On February 27, after several consecutive days of calm, the future heaven and the widows of the craftsmen have established a foothold in the old land of craftsman civilization, and the Siyuan Dynasty did not continue to attack Jiashou Pass, but everyone I know that Siwon Dynasty must be brewing something.

Jiashou Pass is the most important pass in the Kun nationality world and the border between the Kun nationality and the craftsman civilization. The Kun nationality will not give up this pass.

On February 28, the Kun clan launched an offensive.

The first shot was one of the two Seven Tribulations God Kings of the Siyuan Dynasty mentioned by Meng Fan. She was only discovered when she appeared in the sky above Jiashouguan, and the future Heavenly Court’s three Six Tribulations God Kings , Lonely Heart Proud, Gu Daozi, and the Great Emperor Cracking the Sky started a fierce battle. What made the Kun people fearful was that the Seven Tribulations God King of Shang Roll Prison had actually tied the three Six Tribulations God King!

Although the upper roller prison was injured in the first battle with Meng Fan, even if it was severely injured, the gap between the realms was still huge. Three six-tribulation **** kings were able to block one seven-tribulation **** king, and it spread. , Still shocked the kings.

After the fierce battle, the upper roller jail was furious, and he did not hesitate to use the blood sacrifice method at the expense of his life. The three six calamity **** kings were defeated and began to retreat. It was also at this time that the nine million Kun ethnic monks who had already lurked, 13,000 gods Under the leadership of the king, he began to storm the Jiashou Pass where only a thousand gods were stationed.

The assault lasted for four hours. Several Kun corpse hills piled up on the west side of Jiashou Pass. About one million Kun cultivators were killed in battle, and more than 2,000 Kun princes fell. During this battle, the artisan civilization left behind in Jiashou Pass was huge.

But at the same time, the quantitative advantage still gives the Kun people the upper hand. The casualties in Jiashou Pass are getting more and more serious. There are more than 400 future **** kings falling down, and the three six calamity **** kings are indeed no match for their lives. The upper roller prison who had shot out immediately decided to retreat.

When I retreated, it was the night of February 28th.

On March 1st, when the Kun nationality had just entered Jiashou Pass and the tired teacher had not yet settled down, the retired God King and the Heavenly Dao Legion joined together. There were four thousand God Kings, including Lone Heart Proud, Old Daozi, and Crack. Heavenly Emperor and Xie Jing, the four gods of the Six Tribulations, appeared on the west side of Jiashou Pass, led by the horned horns, and attacked Jiashou Pass again.

In this attack, the whisper appeared, under the protection of a lonely heart, broke through the siege, stepped into the Jiashou Pass, and activated many of the organ formations left by the craftsman civilization.

This is a set of self-destructive formations. It was created over a period of decades in order to prevent Jiashou Pass from falling into the hands of the Kun people when craftsmen civilization controlled Jiashou Pass.

Jiashouguan turned into a void black hole, devouring the essence of thousands of Kunzu **** kings, and more than two million Kunzu monks died.

After that, Jiashou Pass became ruins.

This means that the Siwon Dynasty was kicked open.

The news went back to the Siyuan Dynasty Imperial City.

Mother Qinglin was furious.

She also ordered that everywhere, she wanted to do it herself.

at the same time.

The future heaven, deep in the fate.

Meng Fan slowly opened his eyes.

Stretch out your hand, palm facing the sky.

A sharp sword turned into a catastrophe fell from the sky.

March 2, sixth year of the Avenue Times.

The king of the future.

Lord of Heaven.

The world's largest giants.

Meng Fan.

Achieve the Eight Tribulations God King.

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