Supreme God King

Chapter 3126: spring

On March 6, the future Tianting Zaifu God’s Mansion and the craftsmen will join hands to build thirty castles at the site of the Jiashouguan site and connect them with cable bridges to create a void tunnel under the ground and establish a "craftsman guard". Yumen".

On March 7, the Liufu prefectures of the Siyuan Dynasty formed a three million Kunzu army and stationed in front of Jade Shou Yumen. The governor of the Six Houses rode a giant dragon into Jade Shou Yumen for negotiations, and promised not to guard jade to the Jade for 30 days. Gate launched an attack, but hoped to return to Qinglin's eldest daughter Yao Ji.

After four consecutive days of negotiations, the future Heavenly Court and the Siyuan Dynasty concluded various short-term armistice treaties, and Shaman Jiao personally handed Yao Ji to the six palace lord.

However, it was a corpse.

The body is mutilated and the soul is shattered.

The Six Palace Lord was shocked and quickly transported the corpse back to the imperial city.

At the same time, the craftsman guarded Yumen.

Looking at the six palace masters who were going away, the scorching horns silently shredded the armistice treaty with the Siyuan Dynasty, and said: "It's just a postponement. This treaty is meaningless."

On March 12, the Siyuan Dynasty tore up the armistice treaty. Jiao Ling personally led the army. Palace Master Lin Xiu served as the deputy commander in charge of 12 million Kunming monks and 10,000 Kunming kings guarding Yumen. A fierce attack was launched, and the offensive lasted for one day and one night. Jiao Ling fought twice with the horned horns. Jiao Ling was defeated and retreated twice. In this battle, one thousand and two hundred Kunzu gods fell.

On March 15th, Jiao Ling launched another offensive. From then on until March 22, the Siyuan Dynasty launched a frontal assault on the Yumen Shou Yumen for 30 times. There were hundreds of surprise attacks. The war was fierce, but the heavens will still be in the future. Have the upper hand, the damage is not big.

On March 26th, a Kunzu army suddenly appeared on the east side of Jianshou Yumen, and the leader was Jiuye.

Jiu was also forced to retreat by the Heaven-Splitting Emperor in the First Battle of the Ark of Scourge. The fight between the two had no result. Jiu Ye also left unscathed, and there was no news after that.

In this surprise attack, Jiuye was ordered by Jiao Ling to detour tens of millions of miles and led a team of three thousand Kunzu kings to assault the carpenter guarding the Yumen from the back. Under the attack from both sides, the carpenter guarding the Yumen could not respond. Thirty castles collapsed and eleven, scattered scattered all over the artisan’s old land, the gods of the heavens and the gods immediately rushed to support, this fierce battle, the future heaven will fall close to a thousand gods, the future is Heavenly Court officially started the war against the Siyuan Dynasty, the worst loss, but the Kun people lost more than 3,000 gods and kings, and were repelled, the master guard Yumen was guarded.

So far, according to the statistics from all aspects of the Heavenly Dao Divine Mansion, more than 10,000 **** kings of the Siyuan Dynasty have been killed.

And the future heavenly forces participating in this battle include all the gods of the entire Tiandao divine mansion, plus some of the gods of the Zaifu divine mansion and the Hongwu divine mansion, 600 pieces of 33 Heavenly Treasures, with horns of death. The leader, as well as the ninety-seven widows of the craftsmen, totaled 10,300 **** kings. After several battles, more than two thousand were damaged, of which 800 were resurrected in the long river of fate.

Although only looking at the numbers, Heavenly Court will have enough advantage in the future, but after a long and sneak attack, Heavenly Dao Divine Mansion finally realized the advantage of the Kun people.

It's not just local combat.

Is the number of Kun people.

Continuous fighting, the Siyuan Dynasty lost 10,000 gods and kings. Such losses, if placed in any avenue world, would be an absolute severe damage. It can even be said that it interrupted the backbone of a avenue world and was completely beaten down. Up.

But for the Kun people, although this loss is huge, it is completely acceptable.

The huge number of Kun people is the biggest advantage.

At the same time, the future kings stationed in the jade gate of the craftsman are already a little tired due to the continuous fighting. With the supply of the rear, it takes time to transport all kinds of medicines, spiritual objects, spars, and treasures. The front is too long.

The Siwon Dynasty did not continue to launch a large-scale offensive after this surprise attack by bypassing the rear.

Until the beginning of April, the Siwon Dynasty did not send another army of the king of gods.

However, the death squad composed of Kun monks from the Shenyuan realm constantly attacked the craftsman guarding Yumen.

The monks below the **** king are really not worth mentioning in the eyes of many giants guarding Yumen, but the frightening thing is that the Kun tribe monks who attacked Yumen guarding Yumen are at least 100,000, and they have formed dense swarms. The formation will impact hundreds of times a day.

And among the hundreds of shocks, there will always be some powerful Kunzu **** kings suddenly appearing.

The corpses on the west side of Yumen Shou Yumen had piled up into a rolling mountain, rancid.

This is harassment, that is, to let the craftsman guard Yumen have no time to breathe, and always deal with the impact of the Siyuan Dynasty.

The best guess of Tiandao Shenfu, there are already more than 30 million Kun corpses piled up on the west side of Yumen Yumen.

The Siyuan Dynasty was using the lives of the Kun people, the least valuable in their eyes, to accumulate a little bit of advantage.

For one thing, the front battlefield seems to be led by Jiao Ling, but in this tactic, there is always a shadow of change.

Qingyu expressed suspicion, because this method of accumulating victories with lives is a common method used by the Kun people. Back then, the craftsmen set up various formations and skillful weapons to plan and ambush. , It is often possible to kill millions of Kun people with a very small loss at a time, but the Kun people still use this most primitive and crude way to attack. The artisans have won victory after victory, but as time goes by, eventually Lost the whole war.

Inside the Jade Gate of the craftsman, five big masters, Lonely Haughty, Gu Daozi, Heaven Splitting Great Emperor, Xie Jingyi, and Shang Mang Horn Armor sat together.

"The number of Kun people is too large. No matter how many victories we have won or how many Kun people we have killed, in the eyes of Si Yuan Dynasty, we will be nothing but a drop. If this continues, we will gradually become passive." Gu Daozi spoke first.

The huge horned horn armor, the helmet emits blue light, and the sound is steady and majestic: "My Lord Heaven, I know this very well. My Lord Heaven has once instructed that in the face of the Kun Clan, he must beheaded. It makes no sense to kill how many Kun Clan. It only makes sense to kill some of the leaders of the legion. The artisans and the Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasures have had a long history of war with the Kun people, and we also agree with this. It's a pity that I didn't kill Jiayi."

"Gaiyi is cunning and tolerant. He has been stable for so many years in the Siwon Dynasty, where his life is as low as grass, and has been sitting in the position of the commander of the four legions. He didn't kill him. Senior Shangmang doesn't need to blame himself." Guxin Ao said indifferently: "Before taking the shot, Meng Fan told me that the purpose of this battle was not to destroy the Siyuan Dynasty. It was impossible to do, and it was too ridiculous. We even said it was to severely damage the Siyuan Dynasty. What we have to do is just to keep the craftsman guarding Yumen, how long can it be delayed, how long is it, so that Hongwu Divine Mansion has enough time to dig out and take away all the treasures of the craftsman’s old land. At the same time, we must also try to build some fortresses and build enough There are many tunnels leading from here to the nebula belt outside the heaven in the future. In the future, the old artisan will be the main battlefield between us and the Siyuan Dynasty."

"I don't know something." Gu Daozi hesitated, "Why did the human world take action against the Siyuan Dynasty? After breaking through three state capitals before, it seems that the human world has receded, but in these days, there is always news. Now, let’s say that there are still many legions in the human world operating at the border of the Siyuan Dynasty, sometimes confronting the Siyuan Dynasty."

"This, I don't dare to guess at random." Said arrogantly: "The Great Emperor of the Central People, the abyss is like a sea, may only be able to guess his thoughts, Meng Fan."

The Great Emperor Cracking the sky turned his head and looked to the west of Yumen, where the master guarded Yumen, the sea of ​​corpses.

"I don't think this war will last too long, because Mother Qinglin has already spoken and will take action in person."

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