Supreme God King

Chapter 3130: War of kings

From the moment Meng Fan broke into the Siyuan imperial city and left safely, the Kun and the future kings knew that the key to the final victory of this war would be the duel between the two.

The battle between the mother Qinglin and the future king.

No matter how much prestige and fame Meng Fan has, how rampant he is in the world of avenues, to the Kun people who have never been in contact with monk civilization, he is just a young junior who stands to the peak by various chances and coincidences. Naturally terrible, but the next generation is the next generation after all. In the eyes of many old gods, especially in the eyes of the arrogant and arrogant Kun people, it is not worthy of attention.

In the first battle of the imperial city, Meng Fan went to the meeting single-handedly, killed many powerful Kun people, and returned safely after liberating the treasure of 633 days. Only in this battle did the Kun people understand that Meng Fan was not a stumbling block to their unification. Meng Fan is their opponent, enemy.

Only by eradicating Meng Fan, the Kun nationality's dream of unifying the wild can be realized and spread the chaos.

If Meng Fan is dead, no one in the Heavenly Court or even the entire Dao World will be able to stop the Qinglin Mother Emperor, nor the Kun Nationality's footsteps.

If the Qinglin Mother Empress is defeated, the Kun tribe will have no leader. For the Kun tribe's highly centralized, obedient, and leader-dominant race, once the head is beheaded, the consequences will be disastrous.

But in the eyes of countless Kun people in the Siyuan dynasty, Mother Qinglin will not lose.

The mother Qinglin has lived for too long, for too many years, dominating the world of the Kun clan, and looking at the Emperor Chaos far away, no one believes that she will fall.

The same is true in the eyes of the future heaven.

The Kun nationality's obedience and fear of Qinglin mother emperor is based on bloodline.

The future kings will have absolute trust in Meng Fan since the era of the dark alliance, unconditional trust.

Qinglin stepped on the chest of the sorrowful horn, and turned his body sideways.

Looking at Meng Fan, who walked out of the blood mist with his hands on his back, always wearing a green shirt.

Mother Qinglin narrowed her eyes.

What an old look of her.

Knowing Meng Fan is already a disaster.

Mother Qinglin jumped off the body of the horned horns.

The dying horn armor was not a threat in the eyes of Mother Qinglin. This silver-haired, charming and cute little girl walked towards Meng Fan step by step, with a peaceful smile on her face, no longer sweet and greasy, but chilling in her heart.

Meng Fan also walked towards Mother Qinglin step by step, walking leisurely in the courtyard, like a scholar who appreciates flowers, his face blank.

"Many years ago..." Mother Qinglin said slowly as she walked: "At that time, I was a child and one of my mother's millions of children. The Kun nationality world was in the Warring States Period. When a woman gives birth to hundreds of children, she can form a small kingdom. Tomorrow, a big kingdom of tens of millions of Kun people may perish. Life is poor and humble, and the kingdom’s rise and fall are in the blink of an eye, chaos, and endless chaos. In chaos, there is only power, which is absolute. Rules, ethics, benevolence, and etiquette are all jokes.

So I pursued power until I became the king, killed my mother with my own hands, and became the mother queen. There are only two goals left in my life. The first is to pursue greater power, and the second is to unify the Kun people. End the warring states.

Apart from these, I can give up everything else.

So along the way, I have harvested a lot of lives. Those with enemies and those with their own people. When I finally unified the Kun Clan and began to march towards the vast universe, I still have two enemies left in this world.

One is Emperor Chaos and the other is Heavenly Dao.

But the Great Emperor Chaos left the barrier and went to the immortal world.

Heaven is sealed, and the supreme authority falls into your hands.

I also know that there is a high place above the highest place I once thought.

The creatures I have killed for tens of millions of years are beyond calculation.

Anything that prevents me from moving forward will be killed.

No mercy.

The king of the future.

This kind of carrying tens of millions of years of history, carrying the fate of the entire race, and obsessed with the ambitions made when you were young, can you understand this as a kid who has only stepped into the martial arts for thousands of years? "

"No." Meng Fan replied indifferently: "I never carry any history.

I used to bear the fate of many people on my shoulders. The weight and suffocation made me almost collapsed, so I gave up. As for the ambition I made when I was young, it must be funny to you.

In Wuzhen, when I was a young man who had just entered the martial arts, my ambition was to go one step further and protect my mother from the wind and rain.

But as you said..."

The corner of Meng Fan's mouth was raised slightly, his eyes were deep, and galaxies hovered in it.

"I am the king of the future, not the king of the past.

Why should we carry that heavy history? There is a saying in humanity, called generations of outstanding people, standing on the generous shoulders of the predecessors looking into the distance, I said, fart, generations of heroes create their own glorious history, how can they need to be restrained Stuck!

In the future, the heavenly court will protect all living beings, witness all living beings, respect every living being, and let all living beings control their own destiny. Why should I shoulder the fate of all living beings and interfere with the future of all living beings! Their catastrophes must be passed by themselves, and their sufferings must be borne by themselves. Today, I can wipe away the shackles of the heavens for the kings of the future. Tomorrow, there will be an incalculable God King of Five Calamities. , God King of Six Tribulations, but who of the future kings would agree to me? The belief in never bowing before the ups and downs supports sentient beings to go to the heights of fighting against the sky. In the face of this belief, all dangers appear calm and calm.

Finally, Qinglin, I don’t think that pursuing the supreme power and unifying the cosmos is greater than a teenager’s mother who wants to protect himself. Can you understand it? "

Meng Fan stopped.

"Oh, you can't understand, you killed your own mother by yourself."

Mother Qinglin narrowed her eyes and said with a sneer: "It looks like the way is different."

"Of course the Tao is different." Meng Fan's smile was somewhat mocking: "If you are the same, you would have gone with you."

Qing Lin: "Well, it seems that this battle must be the life and death of you."

"Could it be that I stepped out of the future heaven, walked for two hours and crossed such a long distance, did I come to chat with you?" Meng Fan shrugged his shoulders, and a choppy sound came from his body, that is the origin universe is crazy Spin: "Either kill you, or be killed by you, nothing more."

The distance between the two is less than a hundred steps.

The blood fog and dust are still flying.

The mournful horned armor not far away is still dying.

Qing Lin smiled sweetly: "Okay."

Meng Fan nodded: "Of course."

The wind suddenly subsided.

Guxincheng, as well as a radius of tens of thousands of miles around Guxincheng.

Every ruin, every broken city.

There are also millions of Kun people spreading around.

At one thousandth of an instant.

Into the purest gas.


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