Supreme God King

Chapter 3131: Death is coming

The old artisan, the ancient city of Mandric.

This city used to be an academy of artisans and cultivated many elites. Because of its importance, several large-scale battles broke out in the battle between the Kun people and artisans, but the infrastructure of the city is still intact. .

At this moment, on a high tower in Mandric City, with scattered hair, wearing a red and white dragon gate flying armor, holding a long black bow in his right hand, closing his eyes and resting.

His left arm is gone.

Only a blood hole was left.

Beyond the high tower, you can see the walls of Mandric, and more than a hundred **** kings are laying out the ancient defensive restrictions left by the craftsmen.

The kings in the future have already been washed away, wandering around and retreating separately. When the Yumen of the carpenter guard was breached, Zhiweiyi was still in the rear of the warlord. Suddenly he heard the news of the appearance of Jiuye's army. After hundreds of thousands of miles, I don't know if it was a coincidence or another reason, but for a long time it suddenly appeared, without any entourage, and met with the team led by Zhiwei.

After a fight, more than thirty gods of the Heavenly Dao Divine Mansion fell, Zhiweiyi was also in the chaos, and Zhijiu also ate an arm, and the blood spilled over a hundred miles.

But after all it was barely blocked for a long time, so that Yiyi immediately retreated to the city of Mandric with the remaining team. There were originally a dozen gods on standby here, but after the news that the master guard Yumen was breached, these dozens After receiving the order, the **** king retreated decisively.

The reason why I stopped here is because several scout priests have heard news that they can no longer go. There are Kun people raging in all directions. If you force a breakthrough, you will be the most one and the state of more than 100 kings. , It's too difficult. They have all suffered injuries of varying degrees, and some of them have even become alive and nearly half dead.

So it was the final decision. Here, using the defenses and restraints of Mandric City, Sniper has been chasing for a long time.

Jiuye is one of the several commanders of the Kun tribe. If he could kill him, it would be worthwhile for one and more than one hundred **** kings to fall here.

This is the thought of Zhiweiyi and more than a hundred gods of heaven.

"grown ups!"

Suddenly a priest jumped onto the tower: "I have also appeared in the north of Mandric City for a long time. I am not alone. There are thousands of Kunzu **** kings following him!"

Zhiwei said with a light and fluttering voice: "Prepare for war, and get ready, Fencheng."

The priest was stunned, then a look of grief and sorrow appeared on his face, and he bowed his head and said, "Yes!"

When the priest left, he gave an inexplicable chuckle, and muttered to himself as he watched his broken arm, "I can't say such beautiful words as Fen Tianling."

The history of the dark alliance is also regarded as a part of the future history of heaven to write. Among them, there are many accounts about the many powerful men and heroes who followed Meng Fan in the past. The main drafter of this part of history is still arrogant.

It was recorded that during the battle between the forbidden area and the dark alliance, in the dark night, Burning Tianling was sitting in a dark alliance fortress. The fortress was an astonishing number of troops in the forbidden area, and the burning sky was surrounded by many guards. , Soldiers, and many are using their bodies to resist the city gates that will be breached at any time.

When Fen Tianling confirmed that he was fighting alone and there was no possibility of surviving, he said, "Brothers, accompany me to die with me." Then the guards in the fortress opened the gate and rushed out, but they had not rushed yet. After a hundred steps, he was submerged in the army in the restricted area, with no life left.

The corpse capital of Burning Tianling was not found. In the end, only some things that Burning Tianling carried with him were used to make a cloak of clothes.

At this moment, Zhi Weiyi suddenly thought of Burning Heaven Order.

People today, looking at history, can hardly understand the Burning Heaven Order that said this sentence, and the feelings of many of his soldiers at that time.

But Zhiweiyi knew that the dark alliance was at stake.

Today, it seems different.

The battlefield is not in the future heaven, where the weather is still smooth and all beings are peaceful.

But Zhiweiyi thought he couldn't go out.

There is no sorrow, just a little depressed, why can't you say some beautiful things like Fen Tianling is so tragic.


Jiu Ye used both hands and feet like a hungry wolf, running wildly above the earth, with bloodthirsty excitement on his face. Behind him, thousands of Kunzu **** kings also turned into worms, following him closely.

After reaching a hundred meters away from the city of Mandric, Jiu Ye stopped abruptly and stretched out a hand to signal the Kun people behind to stop. Then the rumbling footsteps disappeared and the dust settled little by little. Jiu Ye raised his head to look at the city wall and laughed: "Heaven's Road and God's Mansion is the one and the most important. It is mine. You can take the rest of the heads."

"Oh oh oh!!"

Thousands of gods shouted crazy.

Jiuye was dormant, his hamstrings rolled violently, and the earth sank suddenly, and he was about to fly into the city.

Suddenly his eyes flashed and he looked west.

In the void, a light and shadow flashed.

Then came the rumbling impact!

Jiu Ye was shocked, and quickly backed away, and more than a thousand gods and kings also scattered, like birds and beasts.

The light and shadow hit the ground.

The city of Mandric, which was shaking with a loud noise, shook up and down, a large area of ​​the city wall collapsed, and many defensive and restricted formations burst instantly.

This scene also attracted the gaze of many gods from the Heavenly Dao Divine Mansion in the city, even standing on the high tower with solemn eyes.

In silence.

Jiuye carefully walked a few steps forward.

Then, a slender hand stretched out from the dirt and dust.

The shocked Kunzu **** kings quickly backed away, and Jiu also backed a few steps.

After a while.

Mother Qinglin stood up from the mud, shook her silver hair, and shook off the dust.

Jiu Ye was shocked: "Master could you...appear here?"

Mother Qinglin looked at him coldly for a long time, and this look made Jiu Ye feel frightened, his whole body was cold, and he dared not make any more noises.

Mother Qinglin said: "I want to know too."

Then he raised his head and looked at the void.

Look in the direction she is flying from.

Following her gaze, many Kunzu **** kings raised their heads and looked over.


With a piercing explosion, in the distant void, a piece of space was distorted, forming a huge black hole, swallowing all the power around it.

Then from the black hole, a tall figure stepped out.

It was more than ten feet long, and the whole body was entwined with pitch-black mist, dignified as ink. This tall figure appeared, and immediately within a radius of millions of miles, all light ceased to exist, and the world fell into complete darkness. .

And it is filled with the smell of death, decay, and end!

Just like, death comes to the world!

The tall figure fell a little bit, and the dark mist quickly shrank and condensed, and finally turned into a dark armor, revealing a clean and clear face.

Jiu Ye murmured, "The future king..."

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