Supreme God King

Chapter 3146: Absolute overlord

In the sixth year of the Dao era, in the early morning of April 12, from the old artisan land that had been turned into ruins, a future **** king stepped out of the darkness, rescued each other, rushed to help, and gradually gathered into a torrent.

The news of the fall of the Qinglin mother emperor first spread throughout the old artisan land. Not surprisingly, the Kun tribe army immediately retreated like a tide.

The speed of the retreat was so fast that the **** kings of the heavenly court in the future were a little surprised. Almost half an hour after the fall of the Qinglin mother emperor, the entire artisan old land could no longer find the Kunzu figure.

Xie Jingyi, who was looking for the lost future **** king in the Jiaogu Plain, said a word that was written into the final chapter of this war.

"The insects that have lost their heads will not die immediately, but will struggle frantically. Those nobles, commanders, and palace masters of the Kun clan will go back and fight for the highest position."

This passage is considered to be the end of the "War of the Craftsmen in the Old Land".

From the evening of April 12 to the noon of April 13, the future kings returned to the future heaven after a **** battle.

This war is the first tragic war experienced after the rise of the heavens in the future, including reinforcements from the wasteland and the demon palace. In the future, the heavens will send a total of more than 24,000 gods. After the war, despite the long river of fate, the resurrection However, there will still be more than 6,000 gods and kings in the heaven in the future, and they will fall eternally, only their names will be left, which will be written on the future monument.

Among them, Zhuge Zhao, the third-generation core figure of the Zhuge family, also fell.

The leaders of the craftsmen widows whispered and died.

Many others have disappeared.

So there is no festive feast.

There is no triumphant ceremony.

In the future, the Heavenly Court will repress and brew a huge emotion, returning to the normal track.

But every world knows that for the future heaven that is rising at an alarming speed, for the future heaven that has experienced countless blood and fire baptisms, for two years ago, there were only more than 30,000 gods, and because of the battle with the heavenly alliance For the declining future heaven, this kind of pain is not terrible. For a hegemon who is rising up and will surpass all worlds, the pain is not a blow, but an excitement. It is a handful of firewood and a ball of flames. , Urging the greater potential of Heaven in the future.

The torrent of hearts that appeared in the old places of the craftsmen also proved this point. In the future, the kings will become more united and condensed into an iron plate that cannot be broken.

On April 15, a grand funeral was held in the future heaven, Dragon City, and Zhiyang Square.

Six thousand three hundred and thirty-five **** kings were buried in the center of the "League of Heroes." The elegy was spread throughout the future heaven. White cloths were hung in various counties and all **** kings wore white plain clothes.

The master of my husband, Wang Haicheng, personally led the inscription: "On the verge of death, the battle for freedom and the scars of pain make us stronger."

On April 19th, the two thousand future **** kings after repairing once again stepped into the old land of craftsmen through the ascension road.

Among these two thousand **** kings, there are 130 craftsmen and 1,200 priests who rule the Fu's divine residence.

Two thousand **** kings built a city on the broken craftsman's old land.

And named "New Town".

On April 28, in the vicinity of the new city, a hundred more cities were built one after another, one after another.

On May 1st, the first commercial road from the new city to the nebula surrounding the future Tianting was completed.

On May 2, the commercial road from the new city to the wasteland was completed.

On May 10, the commercial road from the new city to the future Tianting Longcheng was completed.

On May 16, the business road from the Demon God's Mansion to the Dragon City was completed, allowing the demon kings to transit through the Dragon City to reach the new city.

On May 31st, in the new city, a craftsman of the Four Tribulations was elected as the ruling authority.

In the Kun nationality’s war against the craftsman civilization, the powerful craftsmen fell one after another. In the world of craftsmen who spoke softly, he was considered a strong one, and he was a diplomatic ambassador with influence and certain power, but he was still very young. When he rises up, his status as a craftsman in civilization is like the future Supreme One, Xuanyuan Aohan, who are also powerful **** kings with identity, status, and influence, but they are the younger generation, a little immature, and strong In the cloud-like future heaven, they are only the third-order **** kings.

In front of them, there is also the veteran God King Wang Hai in a line, and further up, there are a group of Six Tribulations God Kings such as Gu Xin Ao, Master Zhuge, and Palace Lord Inviting Moon.

However, because of the fall of the craftsman civilization powerhouse, Qingyu, the third-order **** king, also took the position of the craftsman leader.

In Junlin City, Qingyu died in battle, along with a dozen craftsman elites surrounding Qingyu. They were all of the same generation as Qingyu and belonged to the third-order craftsman **** king.

In desperate circumstances, the talented craftsmen can only choose a new leader from the younger and more immature generation, and that is the craftsman of the Four Tribulations God King. What is regrettable is that only the remaining Among the more than two hundred craftsmen, this young God King of the Four Tribulations has the highest realm and the most powerful existence.

On June 1, under the gaze of six hundred thirty-three heavenly treasures, as well as 1,800 priests from the Zaifu and Jingyu Shenfu, the Four Tribulations God King named "Black Tribulation Code", The new city announced the restoration of craftsman civilization and confirmed that the new name of craftsman civilization is "Future Craftsman Empire".

From this time on, the craftsman empire began to build palaces in accordance with the old system, and with the help of the heavens in the future, it quickly expanded its rule, established brand-new cities, and began to write history.

The history of the future craftsman empire is like a branch grafted into the history of the future heaven. The new chapter of history starts with the moment when you enter the future heaven in light words, writing the struggle of the craftsmen and the return of the 33-day treasure , Until the death of Qingyu and the thirteen heroes, the future heavenly king defeats the mother Qinglin, the establishment of a new city, and the restoration of Xuancheng.

Perhaps in the eyes of all worlds, the future craftsman empire is just a vassal of the future heaven.

However, these are irrelevant.

Centered on the behemoth-like future heaven, surrounded by the three powers of the Demon God Mansion, the Wild World, and the Future Craftsman Empire, they are two great worlds and one civilization.

The craftsmen fought in the old place, and the four forces joined forces. In the future, Heaven will no longer fight alone.

At the same time, a series of new agreements was established between the four powers. The kings of the four powers can go to the territories of other powers almost without any hindrance, and can enjoy the benefits of the torrent of souls. There are a lot of business routes. One bridge after another unites the four forces into one.

Among them, the wilderness is located in the northwest of the future heaven. The closest, the Demon God Mansion is located in the northeast of the future heaven, and the Artisan Empire is located in the west of the future heaven.

The huge future heaven is like the sun.

Two avenue worlds and a civilization are like stars and moon.

After defeating the three powerful enemies of the Heavenly Alliance, the Black Death Catastrophe, and the Siyuan Dynasty, the future Heavenly Court will still rise at an astonishing speed and cannot be resisted.

The new order affects every corner of the universe.

The worlds fell silent again.

Waiting, three and a half years later, the emperor's awakening.

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