Supreme God King

Chapter 3147: New order

The Avenue Times, six years, June 10th.

An old man and a young man walked into Liu Gongxing with him.

Liu Gong Xingchen is a star in the nebula surrounding the heavenly court in the future. It is named after a priest from the Zaifu Divine Mansion who built this star. It is an open star.

There are thousands of galaxy belts in the outer nebula, each of which is composed of hundreds to thousands of different stars, divided into three types of galaxy belts, one is the inner galaxy belt, and only the gods of the heavens are allowed to pass in the future. A very small part of the galaxy zone only allows the priests of the gods to pass through, but there are very few such galaxy zones.

Among the thousands of galaxy belts, there are more than 800 semi-open galaxy belts. All future **** kings of heaven, wasteland, demon mansion, and craftsman empire can pass freely, as long as they show their identity and perform simple registration. .

In addition, there are about dozens of galaxy belts, which are completely open galaxy belts. Any **** king in the primordial universe can walk freely in them without any registration or explanation. Most of them are engaged in business. These galaxy belts reflect With the absolute confidence and broad mind of the future heaven, only the future heaven is so open in the world, and the entry and exit does not require strict scrutiny.

Among the worlds, in addition to the waste world, the demon gods' mansion, and the craftsman empire surrounding the future heaven, the most open is the human world, and it also has a huge tolerance, but even the **** king of the human world wants to enter and exit. Very complicated procedures and various certifications are required.

Liu Gong Xingchen is a star in such an open galaxy belt.

This white-clothed old man and a handsome young man stepped into Liu Gongxing and saw the surrounding buildings, most of which ended up with the word "Pavilion", such as Linglong Pavilion, Taixiu Pavilion, Taibai Pavilion, Xiaoyunyan Pavilion, etc., almost all of them It is a library, you can read or buy books, some library also has a storyteller.

Others ended up with "Tang", which is purely a commercial hall. As for why a commercial hall is named after "Tang", this is the reason for the old way. The Jinmutang once established by Gu Daozi is the largest chamber of commerce in the world. It has a large number of territories, patrons, deacons, and a large number of treasures and Taoism tools, and has the most powerful resources and intelligence.

As the largest chamber of commerce in the prehistoric universe, after being merged into the future heaven, many **** kings of Jin Mutang will still do business in the future heaven, and under various welfare policies, they have established a large number of commercial halls. The names all carry the word "tang", and many of them imitate Jinmutang.

This has formed a trend. In the future, when the Chamber of Commerce of Heavenly Court establishes a business hall, it will use the word "Tang".

Others, there are also those ending with the word "shop", and those ending with the word "lou" are relatively rare, but have a distinctive style. These are commercial halls established by some foreign forces.

In today’s worlds, because the Heavenly Court has defeated powerful enemies in the future, the Black Death Catastrophe and the Siyuan Dynasty have been overthrown, a new order has been established, and the once imminent crisis has gradually disappeared. In the past, I have always hoped to be merged into many avenue worlds. The supreme celestial dynasty is no longer eager to act like this.

Therefore, in today's worlds, in addition to the various great worlds and several major civilizations, there are still 60 or 70 independent supreme celestial dynasties, and these supreme celestial dynasties tend to do business with the future heaven. This is the various commercial halls in the galaxy. origin of.

In addition to these supreme celestial dynasties, the Desolate World, the Demon God Mansion, and the Craftsman Empire also have some business halls. Among them, the Demon God Mansion is the most, and there are relatively few in the Waste World. The Craftsman Empire is almost invisible.

The state of integration between the wilderness and the future heaven is the best, and even the status, policies, and welfare of the wilderness in the future heaven are no different from the **** kings of the future heaven. The powerful **** kings of the wilderness have more power to directly pass through those inner galaxies. Brought to the future heaven, so many chambers of commerce in the waste world are built inside the future heaven, and even Dragon City has many commercial halls.

Therefore, in the outer nebula, there are fewer commercial halls in the wilderness, but there are more commercial halls in the most distant Demon God Mansion.

The Artisan Empire is in a state of being a waste of time, and there are only more than two hundred true artisans left. Therefore, in the outer nebula belt, it is very difficult to see the Artisan Empire’s business halls, and there is no energy at all.

The old man and the young man passed several small bridges, looking at the unique scenery on Liu Gong's star, and chatting with each other.

"Liu Gong's star is just a very common one among the millions of stars in the nebula surrounding the heavenly court in the future, but it is so delicate and beautiful. The weather in the future heavenly court can be seen." The old man said lightly.

The young man said: "Teacher, if you want to enter the interior of the future heaven, you must first fill in the application in the open galaxy, and after sending it up, pass through the semi-open galaxy, and finally pass through the inner galaxy. You must explain your purpose and prove your identity. , Expressing one’s intentions and attitude towards the future heaven, all kinds of things. It looks complicated, but it’s not true. The future heaven is not a force advocating systems and regulations, but it’s actually very free. These applications are just a process. It’s said that even the world The special orders of the Realm of Gods Department passed the review in just a few hours. In the future when the Heavenly Court knew it was coming to investigate the intelligence, it still allowed it to enter the Future Heavenly Court.

In the future, because of the torrent of souls, all living beings will be connected with each other, and there will be no secrets, and they will not even care that outsiders know their secrets. "

"Absolutely strong, absolutely confident." The old man nodded: "Let's go, we want to see the king of the future, although we are not in a hurry, but we don't want to waste time, time, everything, more important than anything."

The two quickly penetrated Liu Gongxing.

At the same time, the future heaven and dragon city.

Among the hundreds of thousands of buildings that directly lead to the sky, a god-king is walking. They are enjoying the prosperity and prosperity of the heaven in the future, but there is no extravagance. The heaven in the future will advocate self, simplicity, and abandon external objects. So the phenomenon of extravagance is quite rare.

In the future, the top **** kings and leaders of the heavenly court will all have one characteristic, that is, they will not purchase private property. Even the first generation of Emperor Ruihuang, there is only a mountain house in Longcheng that is about a thousand meters long. It is deep and simple on weekdays, and the Ruihuang clearly stated this The mansion is only used for living in Longcheng. If he leaves Longcheng one day, this mansion will be dedicated to several great palaces for other things.

This created the prospect of the future Heavenly Dragon City, although it is prosperous and rare in the world, but the spirit of the **** king is extremely capable and simple.

At this moment, a **** king suddenly stood on a high platform in a square, impassioned, and began to speak, expounding his views, his thoughts, his many imaginations and plans for the future world, and so on.

There will also be some **** kings who stop and listen, and if they agree, there will be applause.

This kind of sight will often be seen everywhere in the heaven in the future.

In the future Heavenly Court, the thoughts are passionate and it is also a landscape.

Because the general trend of the world has been set, and the worlds are coming together, the colorful colors, the violent collision of various spirits and thoughts, the gods of the world are thinking about what the future world will look like.

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