Supreme God King

Chapter 3154: thing

The visit of the poet civilization is just a small episode.

Even the kings of the heavens in the future, few people know that the poet civilization has appeared, only Meng Fan, Zhuge Shi, Nangong Jingyu, Mingyi ancestor, and Jingyu God's house several old gods, these participants know that poet civilization has appeared Up.

In the future, the heavenly court is still trying its best to explore outwards, and the map of the universe will become larger and larger.

The center of the universe map is the monk civilization called by the worlds, where all the great worlds and many supreme celestial dynasties gather. To the west of the universe map is the future craftsman empire that is waiting to be flourished. The west of the craftsman empire, passing through the Jiashouguan site, is the Kun nationality world where a crazy civil war is erupting.

Within a few months, hundreds of millions of Kun ethnic monks died. Just as Meng Fan said, the Kun ethnic group, in the civil war, will be more brutal and bloodier than those of the foreign ethnic group. The worms are worms.

According to intelligence, under Mother Qinglin, there were two Seven Tribulations God Kings. Among them, Jiao Ling's whereabouts are unknown and never appeared. There are rumors that Jiao Ling is dead. Princess Lin Xiu said that Jiao Ling died in the center. In the hands of the great emperor, this matter made the future heaven puzzled.

The upper roller prison was seriously injured in the battle at Jiashouguan and disappeared.

Therefore, the battle in the Kun nationality world is actually the battle between the six tribulation **** kings and the five tribulation **** kings.

Known as the most powerful of the Six Tribulations of the Kun Clan, it finally broke through after millions of years of indifference, but failed to achieve the Seven Tribulations King. The sneak attacks of several Heavenly Dao Divine Mansion and Hongwu Divine Mansion Divine King in the clan world, although they have escaped a catastrophe, they are gradually weakening and sinking.

Without the number one change, the civil war in the Kun nationality world has become more chaotic, there is no fixed number, and the massacre has become more tragic.

At the time of the civil war in the Kun nationality world, a small army of twelve **** kings composed of Jingyu Shenfu, Tiandao Shenfu, and Hongwu Shenfu, after four months of incubation and trek, finally passed through the long also occupied Territory, reached the extreme west of the Kun nationality world, and under very difficult conditions, it still took a month to pass the news back to the future heaven.

The western frontier of the Kun nationality world is the western edge of the known world.

In the ancient years, sentient beings spread from the center of the prehistoric universe to all sides. Among them, many human races, Kun races, and monster races migrated to the west, and the farthest place they migrated to is the Kun race world today. After the Qinglin mother emperor ruled the Kun nationality world, in order to further expand the territory and allow the Kun nationality to multiply, he appointed a four-sided army to expand the borders of the territory. Among them, the western line was the one who has been responsible for a long time, and has been pioneering for millions of years.

Passing through the territory of Jiuye, these twelve **** kings are equivalent to reaching the "End of the World", the true boundary of the world.

The names of the twelve **** kings and everything they saw will be forever recorded in the history of the heavenly court in the future.

"The Kun nationality Jiu is also a warrior, and he has nothing to say about the management of the western front of the Kun nationality world. After the outbreak of the civil war, Jiu also devoted all his energy to the war. A large number of Kun nationality soldiers were withdrawn to the homeland of the Siyuan Dynasty, so we see On the western line of China, there is only an empty city, and many swamps and Gobi formed by scribbling.

After crossing the 90 million li of the Gobi, we saw a complete void. The continent has disappeared, the mountains and lakes have disappeared, only the empty space, and the scattered'stars' floating in the void, the stars are very small, compared with the vast outer nebula of the future heaven, they are like gravel dust , It is not worth mentioning, there is no life on it, it is more like someone throwing a handful of stones into the air, letting it fly and wander around.

The Lord of Heaven speculates that the Kun nationality should be the race that has migrated the furthest west. After passing through the Kun nationality world, there may be some scattered creatures scattered in the void, some of which we should never have seen. , But there will be no more countries, sects, or forces, where the vitality is thin, the laws are thin, and it should be the real doomsday world, only death will last.

In order to prove Lord Heaven’s words, we will continue to walk westward, towards the deathly silence, but no one knows what will happen afterwards, so Zhang Guyi and Li Shan will bring this information back to the future heaven. This is very likely. , Is our last contact with the future heaven. "

This is a message from the twelve **** kings who walked to the extreme west. After that, two of them, Zhang Guyi and Li Shan, returned to the future heaven. When Zhang Guyi and Li Shan returned, the remaining ten It has been more than thirty days since the King of God stepped into the void of death.

No one really knows what they will face.

Meng Fan didn't know either.

The farthest distance that Meng Fan's Sky Eye can see is Jiashou Pass. No matter how far away, Meng Fan's vision becomes blurred. Before approaching the Ding Jue Mountain Range, Meng Fan completely lost his vision.

So these ten **** kings who choose to move on may disappear forever.

Embracing the devotion to the future heaven, step into the darkness.

In the east of the universe map.

Crossing almost half the distance from the future Heavenly Court to the Siyuan Dynasty, you will reach Arcane Civilization.

The arcane civilization still maintains the surface unity, with the Arcane Empire as its leader, and the Knight Commander of the Guard, Akdor, is still in charge of the Arcane Empire. But the unity of the arcane civilization is too fragile, and Akdor can’t support it alone. Among them, the Aolong clan maintains a separate side. On the surface, they maintain peace with the arcane empire, but privately, small frictions and small wars never stop. Over.

The various forces of the Arcane civilization have always been vacillating between the Aolong clan and the Arcane Empire.

If it hadn't been for the many prehistoric warships in the Infinite Realm to be docked in the capital of the Arcane Empire, frightening all parties, the Arcane civilization would have fallen apart.

In the future, there will be several expedition legions in the Heavenly Court. The big one will have more than 20 **** kings, and the small one will have only three or four **** kings. They will bypass the arcane civilization and continue to march eastward, and news will be sent back every few days.

To the east of the Arcane Empire, you can often encounter a torrent of chaotic laws, because the center of the universe has gathered here too far, too far away from the heavens, the laws are almost out of control, and traces of life are rarely seen, but interesting The thing is, you can occasionally see some "isolated islands" standing in the chaotic torrent, maintaining order. These isolated islands often have some sects or some hidden powerful aura.

An expedition corps stepped into one of the isolated islands and met a powerful Six Tribulations God King, whose whole body exudes the smell of vicissitudes. I don’t know how many years he has lived here. According to the God King, he was originally It is a **** king of arcane civilization, a fugitive from tens of millions of years ago, he fled here to live in seclusion without any contact with the outside world.

In the East, there seem to be many secrets hidden.

For the future heaven to excavate.

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