Supreme God King

Chapter 3155: Absolute overlord

In the future, the expansion speed of the world of heaven, human world, waste world, demon world, demon god's mansion, evil **** dynasty, dragon world, and Buddha world will be very terrifying.

Once, these avenue worlds plus many supreme celestial dynasties were called "monk civilization". Although the monk civilization was the center of the universe and the origin of all civilizations, it was only one of many civilizations. The entire monk civilization is very huge. However, the single Dao World is much weaker than those civilizations.

Those civilizations are the real monsters.

But after the Emperor of Heaven was sealed, the black death catastrophe was eliminated, the Kunzu and Arcane Empire fell into civil strife, and the craftsman civilization was shattered and reborn, these avenue worlds completely became the protagonists of the new era.

In February of the seventh year of the Dao Era, the number of **** kings in the heavenly court in the future exceeded 100,000.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Heavenly Court in the future, there will be a total of more than 20,000 gods from the great families, the Dharma and the Heavenly Dynasty, and the Era Alliance. After that, the various forces have merged into the future heavenly court. This became the first world in the new era where the number of kings exceeded 100,000.

At the same time, the number of **** kings in the human world has reached a peak, with a total of 78,000.

Other relatively weak Dadao worlds are also catching up. A generation of Demon Emperors broke through at the beginning of the seventh year of the Great Dao Era and became the Seven Tribulations God King. The frontier of the Demon Realm doubled, and the number of Demon Kings is estimated to exceed 20,000.

The evil **** Qin Taichuan seemed to have found the bottleneck of the Seven Tribulations a long time ago, but he never broke through. The reason is unknown. The number of **** kings in the Cthulhu Dynasty has also exceeded 10,000.

The Dragon Emperor once again announced the retreat, claiming to march towards the Eight Tribulations, and the number of Dragon Kings in the Dragon Realm has exceeded 40,000.

The ancient elephant tribe in the desert world became famous during the First World War of the Craftsman, and the splendor of the Dragon Elephant Valley reappeared. After that, a large number of ancient elephant tribes entered the heavenly court to study in the future. The morale and national luck of the ancient elephant tribe are rising rapidly. A large number of desolate beasts joined the wilderness, and the growth rate of the number of **** kings even exceeded that of the future heaven. At the beginning of the seventh year, the wilderness already had 23,000 **** kings.

The youngest Dao World Demon God Mansion also grew at an amazing speed, not inferior to Barren World. First of all, during the first battle of the craftsmen’s old land, the Demon God Mansion showed sufficient strength. Second, the number of monsters was already huge. In the prehistoric cosmos, the Kun people with the most terrifying ability to reproduce are not mentioned for the time being. Except for the Kun people, the number of humans The most, and the second is the Monster Race, so the establishment of the Monster God Mansion, the unification of the demons, and the victory of the craftsmen in the old battle, made countless Monster Races between the world and the earth step forward and invest in the Monster God Mansion.

Before the establishment of the Demon God Mansion, there were demon kings in many Dao worlds, and many demon kings were still quite high in status. For example, there will be a large number of demon kings in the heaven in the future.

So at the beginning of the seventh year, the number of **** kings in the Demon God Mansion had exceeded 20,000.

Therefore, at the beginning of the seventh year of the Dao era, there was a terrible number-"29,000".

The total number of **** kings in the Dao World has exceeded 290,000. Throughout the ages, there has never been such a terrifying number.

If you add the number of **** kings in each of the highest celestial dynasties, at this point, the monk civilization has a total of 400,000 **** kings.

However, this seems to be just the beginning.

Because from the Era era to the Dao era, the monks’ civilization has never been unified, so they have been in disputes, fights, and battles for a long time, especially the end of the era. In the past few years since the beginning of the new era, there have been many wars of all sizes. Second, the battle between the Heavenly Dao Alliance and the future heaven, the battle between the human world and the devil, the worlds against the black death catastrophe, and the battle of the gods, etc., the total number of dead and wounded kings exceeded tens of thousands. many.

It wasn't until the civil war broke out in Siwon Dynasty that the monk civilization truly ushered in a period of great peace.

So the rapid growth of the worlds is just the beginning.

Among the worlds, the future heaven is the unquestionable overlord.

The worlds are still three legs. In the future, the heaven and the alliance, the humane world, and the Sun Moon Peak Alliance will form the three legs.

But in the humane world, except for the powerful human world, the other humane supreme celestial dynasties are very weak.

The Sun Moon Peak Alliance, headed by science and technology civilization, gathered all the great worlds except the future heaven, the human world, the waste world, and the demon god’s mansion, as well as many supreme celestial dynasties, as well as arcane civilizations. It looks quite huge, but the largest Flaws are instability and disunity. It is said that the Sun Moon Peak Alliance did not have a meeting, all members attended, and some forces were often absent. When the Heavenly Court and Siyuan Dynasty fought a battle in the future, the King of Light Brain immediately held a meeting, and as a result, almost no force attended.

This loose alliance, although huge, is not reliable.

In contrast, the heaven in the future will be too powerful.

In the future, the Heavenly Court itself will host one hundred thousand **** kings. Meng Fan is the only **** king of the Eight Tribulations in the world that is currently known. There are many Six Tribulations God Kings.

The strong are like clouds, and they are full of vigor and vitality. They have experienced countless blood and fire in the future heaven.

The war song of the craftsman's old land is still echoing.

In addition to the future heaven, the three powers of the Wild World, the Artisan Empire, and the Demon God Mansion also surround the future heaven. Unlike the Sun Moon Peak Alliance, the alliance between the three powers and the future heaven is extremely stable. The wilderness, the artisan empire, and the future heaven are all in one, completely single-minded and completely synchronized. There are a large number of future heaven cities in the waste world, and there are also many commercial halls in the waste world in the dragon city.

After the reconstruction of the Artisan Empire, the Zaifu Divine Mansion has always been in charge.

The relationship between the Demon God's Mansion and the Future Heavenly Court is maintained by two aspects. First, the hundreds of demon kings who will come out of the heavenly court in the future are all powerful, occupying an important position in the demon god's mansion, and they are the best. Among them, the demon girl Siyu has a very high status and is one of the decision makers in the demon world.

Secondly, the successful establishment of the Demon God Mansion was completely dependent on the support of the future Heavenly Court. It was the future Heavenly Court who spoke to acknowledge the Demon God Mansion, and the world would not dare to do anything.

The relationship between these two aspects guarantees the future iron alliance between Heavenly Court and Demon God Mansion.

This can be clearly seen in the first battle of the craftsman's old land. In that battle, headed by the Future Heavenly Court, the Desolate World, the Demon God's Mansion, and the widows of the craftsmen did their best.

Therefore, in the future, Heavenly Court will be the overlord of the present world, and there is no doubt that no one will deny it.

And all the world is watching, how will Heavenly Court develop in the future.

All the worlds are also waiting for the moment when the Emperor of Heaven wakes up.

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