Supreme God King

Chapter 3164: Illusion

The news that Meng Fan destroyed more than 40 prehistoric warships in the Seventh Mansion soon spread to many places in the Demon God Mansion.

The whole process takes only a quarter of an hour.

The prehistoric fleet, one of the three major forces in the world, was so vulnerable to Meng Fan.

The number one giant in the world is the number one giant, too strong to be shaken.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining two hundred prehistoric warships began to retreat.

There were deafening cheers everywhere in the Demon God Mansion.

Fifth House, among the ruins.

The lonely arrogantly squeezed fists gradually unfolded, looking at the several prehistoric warships that were going away, and looking back at the Palace Master Yueyue behind him and the demon Ji Siyu further away.

Inviting Moon Palace Master and Demon Ji Siyu came here back and forth to support the lonely heart, but just half an hour after the fight, the prehistoric warship retreated. At the same time, Gu Daozi also heard news that Meng Fan was in the seventh. Outside the mansion, he shredded forty prehistoric warships with bare hands, which can be said to be a show of power.

"This matter will make all the worlds sigh." Yao Ji Siyu said: "All the worlds hope to use someone's hand, some kind of power, to test how powerful our future king is, no matter how powerful it is. The catastrophe, still the Siyuan Dynasty, until today the King of Light Brain, has failed. They can't find out the bottom of the king, nor can they see the limit of the king's power."

After that, Yao Ji Siyu saw Gu Xinao silent, still thoughtful, could not help saying: "Brother Xinao, this battle has been won."

"For Meng Fan, victory is not about defeating the Primordial Fleet." Guxin replied proudly: "His battlefield is in a place we can't see."

Demon Ji Siyu was silent for a moment and said, "Is that the king of light brain?"

"This is the king of Taoism with complete calculation." Inviting Moon Palace Master sneered: "It makes me quite curious."

"Meng Fan's power, as everyone knows, he has reached the same level as Chaos Great Emperor. As long as he appears, the Primordial Fleet can only retreat. The real enemy is not these broken coppers, but the king of light brains." Lonely voice said proudly. Said leisurely.

The battle in the Demon God's Mansion was rather hasty in the beginning and the end, and lasted only ten hours.

The northern borders of the Demon God’s Mansion were devastated and there were many casualties. However, just a few hours after the end of the war, hundreds of priests from the Zaifu God’s Mansion arrived at the Demon God’s Mansion with a large amount of resources and began to help the Demon God’s Mansion rebuild the northern border , At the same time, it also strengthens the many formations of the Demon God Mansion.

In the void surrounding the Demon God's Mansion, Meng Fan stood in the air, quietly watching the depths of the universe.

His eyes reflected the entire starry sky, and he could clearly see the ants climbing on a small star outside more than a dozen dimensions, and he could also see the flow of air in the underworld that could not be discerned by the naked eye.

After a while, a figure came next to Meng Fan.

It is lonely and proud.

He did not disturb Meng Fan, but waited quietly.

After a full half an hour passed, Meng Fan looked back and said proudly to Guxin: "More than two hundred prehistoric warships are rushing back to Sun Moon Peak, do you want to chase?"

"A few hours have passed." Gu Xin arrogantly responded calmly. "If you go to destroy the fleet now, the battlefield will be around Riyue Peak."

"Then destroy the entire Riyue Peak." Meng Fan said lightly, as if to say a trivial matter.

Lonely proud: "Even if the entire prehistoric fleet is destroyed, what's the point to you?"

"It doesn't make much sense, it's just to eradicate a threat for the future kings of Heavenly Court, Demon God's Mansion, Wasteland, and Craftsman Empire."

"That's it." Nodding arrogantly: "What news did you get?"

"I found the infinite realm." Meng Fan narrowed his eyes.

Lonely and arrogantly startled, there was a wave in my heart, and it took a long time to calm down.

Meng Fan continued: "Each incarnation of the King of Light Brain possesses the same movement speed and mental power as the King of One Calamity. All incarnations are mentally connected with each other and can think together, but a single incarnation can store The information is very limited, and once an avatar encounters a crisis of being suppressed and refined, the King of Light Brain will immediately abandon it and cut off its connection with other avatars.

Forty prehistoric warships that appeared outside the Seventh Mansion, after I appeared, more than 4,000 hidden incarnations were immediately abandoned. They were completely independent and fought against me, so although I refined a lot Incarnation, but the information obtained is still very limited and scattered.

However, it is enough.

The Infinite Realm has 90,000 gods and hundreds of thousands of gold and stone puppets. In addition to the prehistoric warships, there are still many powerful war machines. Some of these war machines are even comparable to the Six Tribulations God King, and the most terrifying power in the Infinite Realm , Or between all **** kings, puppets, war machines, and Dao instruments, they can communicate seamlessly, advance and retreat in an orderly manner, and are completely under the control of the king of light brain.

In the Siyuan dynasty, the mother Qinglin was the sky. As long as she allowed a Kunzu **** king to die, the Kunzu **** king must die. She didn't even have the courage to fight back. The mother Qinglin had a very powerful Control.

And the beings in the infinite realm, their identities and status, are more like our future heaven. "

As soon as this remark came out, Gu Xin Hou was a little surprised.

Meng Fan explained: "In the Infinite Realm, all gods, creatures, and races are equal. A long time ago, the Infinite Realm introduced an'Affirmative Rights Act', which established the principle of equality of all beings, and the highest leader in the Infinite Realm. All kinds of governing and parliamentarians are also voted on. There is a vocabulary that I have never heard of in the infinite field, which is not in the world or in history-democracy.

The Infinite Realm is absolutely democratic. All creatures can determine their own destiny, their own future, and who will be the supreme leader. "

Gu Xin proudly nodded slightly: "It is indeed like our future heaven."

"There is a little more similar." Meng Fan said: "The emergence of the torrent of souls is just a coincidence. It is just a by-product of creating a long river of destiny. It has become one of the most powerful forces in the heavens in the future, allowing all living beings to enjoy endless benefits. And welfare, and when I first created the torrent of mind, I really imagined the king of light brain in my mind. The torrent of mind was the king of light brain imitated.

The entire infinite realm is connected into a tight whole because of the king of light brains. All creatures can communicate with each other and communicate with each other, even if they are separated from the entire universe, they can also talk. Therefore, the spread of knowledge is very fast and efficient, which makes infinite The level of civilization in the domain is very high, and the intelligence of the creatures is also very high. This is very similar to the torrent of mind. The only difference is that there is no secret in the torrent of mind, and all creatures are connected. "

Solitary and proudly said: "In this way, the infinite realm is really similar to our future heaven."

"Yes. But there is a huge difference between the Infinite Realm and ours. The King of Light Brain has 500 million clones, and is creating more clones every day. All things in the Infinite Realm can be done by the King of Light Brain. , And rich. The connection between all people, all the war machines, are under the control of the King of Light Brain, and how can such a huge world, such a vast amount of information, and the sentient beings in the infinite realm see the whole picture? They are just frogs at the bottom of the well, and everything they see is just what the King of Light Brain wants them to see.

Likewise, what they call democracy is just what they think they are.

What they know is what they think they know.

In the infinite realm, all beings only pursue the results, and don’t care about the process of exploring the results, because as long as the sentient beings ask a question, the king of light brain will immediately give the answer. The beings in the infinite realm have many tokens. Write your question on the token, and the answer will appear immediately.

In such a world, sentient beings just live in an illusion of freedom, they do not control their own destiny at all, because they do not know what they want. "

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