Supreme God King

Chapter 3165: Chen Yu

No one knows how vast the universe is, where the edges and limits are.

In the depths of such a vast universe, in the center of a vast world, stands a prosperous city.

This city is completely different from any city in the world. Buildings are built very neatly, often with hundreds of floors, and even houses and mansions underground.

The wide streets are staggered into a huge network, and many bizarre objects made of gold and iron carry the people of Li, and there are many huge iron birds in the air passing through these streets.

The most common people in the streets are the human races. Unlike most humane worlds, these human races have neat short hair, clean and simple clothes, and don’t have too many cumbersome etiquettes, and everyone holds a token in their hands. There are many weird and different sizes, and all kinds of information flash in the token, which provides people with the fastest knowledge and allows people far apart to communicate.

In some parts of the city, you can also see delicate ladders. As long as you stand on it, the ladders will immediately rise straight up, breaking through the sky and reaching some ports and ships in the void of the universe, which is very convenient.

If any monk comes to this city, he will be at a loss. Although the universe has infinite worlds, there are some surprises between each other, but there are many similarities, and this city is too strange, and No world is completely different.

The only similarity is the existence of "Daoguan" and "Martial Hall" in the city. There are some monks who accept apprentices and teach martial arts. These monks are strong and weak. The strong can reach the realm of Tianyuan, and the weak are small. He just stepped into martial arts, knows a little bit of fur, and can also teach apprentices.

In addition, in some squares and gardens, you can occasionally see people practicing martial arts alone. They all learned some practice methods from the tokens in their hands and then practiced on their own. This kind of elementary introductory martial arts is easy to find and learn. Basically, everyone in this city can learn to enter martial arts by themselves.

At this moment, in the center of the city, on the top floor of a 370-story tall building, is a well-kept garden. In the center of the garden sits a young man who looks like a sixteen or seventeen year old man. Not tall or short, slightly thin, but full of energy between the eyes.

If there is someone who knows how to observe things here, he can vaguely feel a sharp spirit from the depths of his eyebrows, which makes people shudder.

A few young women with very little dress, showing long legs and slender waist, walked in quietly, put some boxes beside the young man and opened them, revealing all kinds of rare treasures and high-quality medicines. , There are spirit grass with dewdrops, and the internal organs of beasts with blood.

The young man looked at these rare and exotic treasures, grabbed them with bare hands, threw them all into their mouths, swallowed them without chewing, and then licked their lips. There was still a hungry color in their eyes, and he couldn't help but look at the four people who brought them the meal. The young girl of the point.

These girls just brought meals, and didn't even know what was in the box. When they saw the entrails of the beasts, they were swallowed by the young man, and when blood was flowing out of the corners of their mouths, they were already stunned. When the teenagers locked their eyes on them , They were instinctively fearful, shivering, as if being stared at by an extremely hungry monster.

"These girls are all carefully selected. They are absolutely virgin, and you can eat them."

A cold voice sounded on the roof, the teenager frowned, and the four girls fell to the ground limply, which was overwhelmed by fright.

"Hmph." The young man snorted coldly, closed his eyes, and appeared to be dismissive of the speaker, and the four girls ran away quickly.

In a secret room in the building.

A tall man with a height of one foot away, playing with a few sandalwood beads in his hand, he wondered: "His body should be your soul, in other words, it should be an incarnation of you, but why ..."

The giant man said, looking behind him.

Behind him, stood a human form transformed by lightning.

It is the king of light brain.

"He has been out of my control." The King of Light Brain replied lightly. "In the God Realm, when I took him away from the Temple of Science, I felt that although his soul was an incarnation of me, there was a slight turbulence in the spiritual connection between us. With the passage of time, I gradually couldn't see his heart, and also found that he became an independent person, not under my control."

"Is it because of the flesh?" The giant man guessed: "The replicas you created in the God Realm and the Protoss are all derived from a drop of the blood of the future king. The blood of the future king is too powerful. Chen Yu is already It is the God King of the Five Tribulations. According to the truth, as long as it is in the realm of the God King, there is no need to eat at all. Only the rare spiritual things, the most treasures, and the essence of the wild beasts are worth eating. Normally, you only need to swallow the vitality of the world, but Chen Yu still eats a lot of heaven and earth treasures every day, and the food he eats every day even exceeds the food that the entire city's 20 million residents eat every day. It's terrible."

"Because the physical body is too strong, it requires a lot of consumption. This city is a big city in the eyes of 20 million residents, but in Chen Yu's eyes, it is a small cage. This place is no longer suitable for him. It looks like it needs to be moved to another place."

The King of Light Brain answered faintly.

The giant man hesitated and said: "Why not bring it directly to the Infinite Realm? This is just our outpost. The Infinite Realm is our world. There are enough resources to provide a powerful little heaven. Eleven replicas, ten He has been brought to the infinite realm, but what is the reason for leaving him outside?"

"Because Chen Yu is the most successful reproduction." The King of Light Brain. "In his body, eleven pieces of the true meaning of the Great Dao have been integrated. In my calculations, at most 30 days, he will usher in the catastrophe, and is expected to become the king of six calamities."

"That should take him away as soon as possible." The giant nodded: "Now he, I can't help it, and often make some troubles. Not long ago, he ran away because of hunger and almost ate the Hao family. The eldest son of, I spent a lot of thought to suppress the matter. If he reaches the six calamities and is in the same state as me, I am afraid I will be unable to deal with it."

The King of Light Brain looked at the huge vitality screen in front of him, and Chen Yu, who was meditating in his midst, was constantly flickering. This showed that he was thinking and using a lot of avatars at the same time to think with him.

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