Supreme God King

Chapter 3166: evolution

In the quiet hall, on the smooth and flawless ground covered with black gold stones, there is a huge bluestone round table, which surrounds the 22 gods.

Most of these **** kings are the Five Tribulations God Kings, but there are also three, which are the Six Tribulations God Kings.

They wear different dresses, some are quite low-key and restrained, plain clothes and short robes, and some are very fancy, wearing colorful feather gowns, painted with exaggerated heavy makeup.

Infinite areas, the highest decision-making council.

The infinite field is a democratic system. The highest ruling institution is the Parliament. The Parliament is divided into two levels, namely the Broad Parliament and the Supreme Parliament. There are thousands of members of the Broad Parliament, with dozens of parties, large and small, and between different parties. Political opinions are different, but there has never been a party fight.

Because the real controller of the infinite realm is actually the king of light brain with the greatest power.

The greatest power has not changed hundreds of millions of years ago, and the struggle for the greatest power does not exist. Therefore, there is no actual partisanship. In the history that is clearly visible in the infinite realm, the so-called partisanship is actually equivalent to rebellion.

Therefore, the scope of contention between various parties is very narrow, such as whether it is necessary to introduce a new law, or abolish a law, or transform the city, pass trade agreements, and so on.

As for who will be the nominally supreme leader in the infinite field, that is, the seat of the "chief", the contention between the various parties is not fierce, so the position of the chief is often taken in turn.

After a long period of evolution, these parties have gradually formed a system. There are "advanced parties", "conservative parties", "democrats", "reform parties", etc., and each party has its own leader and party. Whip, form its own party rules, and jointly promote the development and advancement of unlimited fields under the coordination of the King of Light Brain.

The parties in the infinite realm are very similar to the three provinces and two governments in the human world, or the seven divine palaces in the heavens in the future, each having some authority and obligations.

For example, the "Cabinet" is basically under the control of the conservative parties. Only a few times in history have faced huge reforms in unlimited areas. The reform parties and the Kadima parties took control of the Cabinet. However, when the reforms were completed, the Cabinet was back again. In the hands of conservative parties.

Everything is carried out in an orderly manner under the calculation of the King of Light Brain.

About 90 million years ago, due to the further expansion of the territory of the infinite field, the number of kings broke a new number. In order to better manage the world, the Supreme Council was born on the basis of extensive councils. The only members of the parliament are leaders of various parties.

There are thirty-two parties and thirty-two party leaders.

That is, the thirty-two most powerful **** kings in the infinite realm.

Twenty-two of them arrived at the venue, and ten other party leaders were unable to return because of various affairs, including the giant who took care of Chen Yu, and Chen Qingyu, who was the leader of Sun Moon Peak.

Among the thirty-two party leaders, Juhan and Chen Qingyu are both six-kage **** kings, and the three six-knack **** kings present are the five most powerful **** kings in the infinite realm.

Just as Meng Fan said, because of the existence of the King of Light Brain in the Infinite Realm, all knowledge becomes at your fingertips. The original profound and complex martial arts have also become simple procedures and methods under the calculation of the King of Light Brain. The number is quite large, and entering the martial arts is also very simple.

However, when everyone is accustomed to getting answers directly instead of thinking for themselves, and lacks the frustration of walking detours and sinking sluggishness, achievements are often stagnant, so even though the Infinite Domain is so powerful, there is no existence of the Seven Tribulations , And there is no legendary figure in the world who is proud of the heroes. Compared with the leaders of the great roads, or the famous hegemons of the world, such as the Hundred Saints of Humanity, such as the lonely heart of the future heaven, the giant of war, the old man of Mingyi The ancestors, such as the Taiyi people who are making a big fuss in the Evil God Dynasty, the Quartet Dragons of the Dragon Realm, and so on, the **** kings of the infinite realm seem quite mediocre.

At least before the establishment of the Sun Moon Peak Alliance, when the worlds mentioned the Infinite Realm, they only knew the King of Light Brain, and could not pronounce any other name.

After the establishment of the Sun Moon Peak Alliance, the world knew that there was Chen Qingyu, but Chen Qingyu was also one of the thirty-two party leaders, and he was only the nominal leader. His strength was not worth it in the eyes of the fireworks world. mention.

This time the King of Light Brain convened the Supreme Council, which puzzled every party leader, because before that, the last Supreme Council convened was more than 30 million years ago.

Even among the party leaders present here, many have never participated in the Supreme Council at all, because it was in these 30 million years that they inherited the mantle of their predecessors and became the new party leader.

The Infinite Realm is a world that does not need any ruler, as long as there is the King of Light Brain, it can function normally. The existence of the Supreme Council is equivalent to a decoration. At the same time, because of the existence of the King of Light Brain, even if the party leaders are far apart, They can communicate with each other. Therefore, the convening of the Supreme Council seems unnecessary.

So at this time, the 22 party leaders are all in the clouds and mists, and they are not clear. They just looked at the incarnation of the king of light brains standing in front of the huge French windows.

"I know, everyone has doubts." The King of Light Brain said, "The last time the Supreme Council was held, it was 3233 and 61 days ago. It was held because of the establishment of the Dragon Elephant Valley of the monk civilization. , It seems to be so powerful, but I didn't expect that it would only exist for a short million years and then perish.

As for the convening of this parliament, I think you should also have an answer in your mind. Eight years have passed since the Great Dao era. In the future, the heavenly king will conquer the world, and only one year will be left before the heavenly emperor awakens.

On January 2nd, the first year of the Dao era, I assisted the central emperor in launching a battle to subvert the human world. After the war, I miscalculated and the Infinite Realm was forced to leave the human world. Our plan to control the human world failed. Since then, I have recognized two things. First, what I want to fight for is not humanity, but heaven. The infinite realm is not a humane world, but a world that will evolve into heaven.

Second, I don't know anything about the human heart, human nature, and the power of beings.

Since then, my contact with you has become more frequent and close because of my two major weaknesses. I can calculate everything, but I don't know anything about the mysterious and mysterious road, and I don't understand it. In addition, I don't understand the human heart and human nature.

To this day, I don't understand why a rebellion broke out in Infinite Realm many years ago. It is clear that everyone is safe and prosperous, but why they want to destroy me and treat me as an enemy.

So after leaving the human world, you are equivalent to a part of me, instead of thinking about things I can't think about, and helping me manage the world.

Now I still don’t know a lot, but I know the power of human nature and creatures.

The most powerful force is that creatures can evolve and evolve, but I cannot. This is also the power that heaven has always longed for, so heaven must be transformed into living beings. "

The party leaders were stunned, and they vaguely guessed what the King of Light Brain wanted to say.

And the King of Light Brain also guessed what they wanted to say.

So he said: "I don't want to become a creature. Although I admit that creatures are far beyond me in some aspects, in my opinion, the weaknesses of creatures are far more than the shortcomings of creatures, and the emperor turns into creatures. Being sealed, the rise of the king of heaven in the future and the translocation of the heavens are all lessons for the past.

What I hope is evolution, evolution. "

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