Supreme God King

Chapter 3171: sentinel

Chen Yu and Longting Captain Creed traveled for two days.

Creed showed sufficient courtesy to Chen Yu, but no one knows whether he is sincerely willing to walk with Chen Yu. It may also be due to Chen Yu's strength that he dared not make mistakes.

But the two-day walk is still peaceful. Apart from the usual meditation and enlightenment rules, Chen Yu is chatting with Creed about all the future heaven.

On this day, Captain Creed stood outside the cabin, and his chief mate looked at the distant sea of ​​stars, comparing the star chart.

"At this speed, there are about forty-five days to go to heaven in the future," the chief officer said.

Creed nodded: "We have been out for sixty days, and we have had too much time. When we arrive in the future heaven, we still have to borrow the future heaven and take their trade routes. It only takes a few days to return to Austria. Technological civilization, it would be great if we can follow the trade route in the future, our trade cost will be greatly reduced."

"Since the battle of the Demon God Mansion, the relationship between the heavens and the infinite realm in the future has become more and more tense. Now the Aolong clan has dominated the arcane civilization, and the dragon king Zhuogen has even been named the'Arctic Dragon King' by the future heaven. The empire signed a series of treaties to cede the land, and also withdrew from the hegemony. It seems that in the future, the Arcane civilization will be the Aolong clan to dominate, and will take refuge in the future heaven. It is true that the relationship is good now, but you must be careful to guard against infinity. Domain, beware of the King of Light Brain. If the King of Light Brain is unwilling to give up on the arcane civilization, it will definitely be fine. We will also be one of the goals."

"This is a big gamble." Creed murmured: "President, I, and Lao Sa, we have been talking for a long time, do we want to gamble once? Once the situation is clear, it is impossible to go back and forth and you must stand in line. Either follow the Aolong clan desperately and connect with the future heaven, or help the infinite realm to regain the dominance of the arcane civilization, you must make a choice. From now on, the future heaven will definitely have the upper hand."

The first officer was silent for a moment, and then said, "Have you ever seen the king of the future?"

"No such honor."

"Is the future king really like the legend? Or is it a bit false?"

"When a person becomes a legend, his story is indistinguishable. Although we have tried to collect a lot of information about the future king, it is useless. What can be determined now is that the future king is indeed in ten thousand. Rising between the years, walking from a declining world to the top of the wild, all the legendary figures of the last era have inextricably linked with him, such as the Great Chaos, the Baibuxian, and the mother of Qinglin. The founders of this era, the leaders of the world, and the ethics of various avenues. All these made him stand in the center of the vortex of the new era. A person standing in the center of the vortex can easily be swallowed by the vortex, but he stands still. Today, he has defeated all powerful enemies and became the number one giant.

Legend has it that his battle with the Qinglin mother emperor almost destroyed the entire old artisan land, so that tens of thousands of divine kings could only shrink up, so as not to be affected by the power of the two. In the Demon God's Mansion, it is said that he easily destroyed forty prehistoric warships alone. We have not witnessed these two things with our own eyes. From my point of view, there should be more false elements, deliberate exaggeration, but there must be real parts, even if the true elements are only 20% to 30%, this person can already be called Make a legend. "

The first officer and Creed talked about this and fell silent.

However, their spirits are communicating.

The content of the exchange is about Chen Yu.

Chen Yu stayed on the ship for two days and did not tell the other crew members about this. After all, a God King of Six Tribulations is a rare giant of heaven and earth. Looking at the entire arcane civilization, there is only Dragon King Zhuo Gen, the God King of Six Tribulations, so A Six Tribulations God King appeared on the ship, I am afraid that it will frighten others and make people panic.

But the first officer knew it.

The chief mate is the Five Tribulations God King and one of the four Five Tribulations God Kings in the Dragon Court. He is a strong leader, but with relatively low qualifications. He was once the apprentice of Captain Creed. Therefore, he could not participate in many things and left. Long Ting, he is just Creed's deputy.

But after all, he was the King of Five Tribulations, and Creed didn't hide this matter from him.

The exchange between the two souls was to guess Chen Yu’s identity. Creed concluded that he was a humane **** king, because Chen Yu is indeed a good human race, and he opened his mouth for the ancient humanity chapters, language, and knowledge. Insight.

It is not surprising that the King of Humanity will appear here. Although it is far away from the monk civilization here, the human race is the greatest race in the universe, except for the Kun tribe, it is not surprising to see it anywhere. Moreover, compared with the Kun, the Human race is the farthest and most widespread race. The Kun is only concentrated in the Western Origin Dynasty, but the Human race is everywhere.

Therefore, Creed came to talk with Chen Yu for two days, hoping to guess some of Chen Yu's origins and intentions from the content of the conversation, but he was very cautious, after all, a king of six tribulations is not so easy to guess.

In Creed’s view, Chen Yu just wanted to reach the future heaven, just like many **** kings in other worlds, including Creed himself, went to the future heaven. He had a pilgrimage mentality and wanted to see the future heaven. This is not surprising, this is a longing for everyone.

In addition to the pilgrimage mentality, there are also many **** kings who hope to join the heaven in the future. In the future, the heavenly court still has a tolerant and open mind. For any **** king who wants to join, generally open his arms, so the number of **** kings in the heavenly court will grow so fast in the future. On the one hand, the **** kings of all worlds want to join. On the one hand, the heavenly court welcomes all kings to join in the future.

"Bringing him to the future heaven is not a big deal for us, just be careful along the way. If he has other intentions, we must be prepared, even if he is a **** of six calamities, This is on our merchant ship, we always have the power to fight, but on weekdays, we still have to treat him courteously. This is the way of hospitality and the wisdom of our Longting to get along with people."


The two ended up communicating with each other.

Suddenly, Creed frowned.

He was in the distance, vaguely saw something.

There was a greyish hue on the route of the merchant ship.

Creed immediately closed his right eye, and his left eye emitted a brilliant light, piercing the darkness of the void, locked on the gray figure.

It seems, is a statue?

A statue made of steel.

It is more than three feet high, with two huge wings extending behind it. This statue looks quite hideous, like some kind of evil spirit, with huge fangs sticking out of its mouth.


Creed was a little surprised.

This statue is the appearance of a gargoyle that can be seen in many places in Arcane civilization.

In ancient arcane civilization legends, gargoyles are a kind of patron saint who guards the house. It is said that in very remote years, gargoyles are real creatures and are pets of some great masters. Millions of years ago, the dean of the Winter Academy of the Arcane Empire created a lively gargoyle for the first time. The arcane array was placed in the body, filled with the blood of beasts, turned into blood vessels, and given Its soul.

The Gargoyle Legion of the Arcane Empire used to be a guardian legion and it is also a powerful combat force. However, the Gargoyle created by the Arcane Empire has a huge weakness. Being a stone monster, it is easy to wear and tear, and once the body is rough If the arcane array of the squad is destroyed, even a little bit, there will be huge problems, and it will even run out of control.

So the Arcane Empire later abandoned the Gargoyle Legion.

Creed’s first reaction was to meet someone from the Arcane Empire, but then he realized that this gargoyle is actually quite different from the gargoyle of the Arcane Empire. In addition to many details, the gargoyle in front of him It didn't show any characteristics of a creature, there was no breathing, no vitality, and the size was much larger than the gargoyle of the Arcane Empire, and the whole body was forged with metal that had never been seen before.

"That's..." the first officer asked.

Creed's gaze became more solemn, and his brows frowned.


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