Supreme God King

Chapter 3172: Science and Technology

After the mysterious death of the old emperor Augustus of the Arcane Empire, the power of the Arcane Empire fell into the hands of Akdor. As the Knight Commander of the Guard, she controlled the entire Arcane Civilization, even the little emperor was her. It was fostered by the heirs of relatives far away from Augustus in blood.

After that, the Arcane Empire could continue to dominate the Arcane Civilization, at least maintaining its superficial status as the hegemon, for several years, relying on the power of the infinite domain.

Hundreds of prehistoric warships in the Infinite Domain entered the territory of the Arcane Empire, and successively destroyed more than a dozen legions that had assembled against the Arcane Empire, and then guarded the Quartet, so that the kingdoms did not dare to act rashly.

Immediately afterwards, a group of members of the infinite field, as well as many incarnations of the King of Light Brain, entered the Arcane Empire.

In this process, the Infinite Domain not only helped the Arcane Empire maintain a basic dominance, but also began to delve into arcane arts.

Arcane civilization is different from several major civilizations. Arcane civilization is a variant of monk civilization, and arcane is also a variant of martial arts.

Other civilizations did not change martial arts or the methods of cultivation. The craftsman civilization is just a forging method that focuses on supernatural craftsmanship, while the infinite field is where the power of science and technology emerges outside the martial arts. The Kun civilization is still composed of monks, but they pursue a chaotic and disorderly future world.

Only the arcane civilization is fundamentally separated from the monk civilization.

The basic theories of arcane magic are completely different from martial arts.

In the eyes of monk civilization, martial arts is a kind of power, but oneself, the id, is the most important, and martial arts is only a means for oneself to achieve an end.

For example, Qin Taichuan pursues immortality, the Central Emperor pursues the ultimate pinnacle of humanity, Baibuxian seeks to become a benevolent person, and the champion Hou pursues only dance.

Martial arts is only a means for them to achieve their goals.

But martial arts can indeed solve most problems.

But in the arcane civilization, everything is turned upside down. They think that they are not important. The important thing is dedication. It is to devote themselves to the powerful arcane. Arcane is the main body, and it is only the ship that carries the arcane. So the Austrians appeared.

Even Meng Fan said that the Austrian people have just appeared, and if the Arcane Empire is given thousands of years to develop, what kind of world will emerge, and how powerful an empire will emerge, he doesn't know.

When all the **** kings of the Arcane Empire have transformed into the Austrian race and dedicated themselves to the only god-Arcane, thousands of years later, this will be an unimaginable powerful force.

But history did not give the Arcane Empire this opportunity.

The first characteristic of arcane civilization is the pursuit of knowledge.

The Austrians first discovered that the more knowledge they acquire, the greater their sea of ​​consciousness will be expanded, and they will have more souls, thoughts, and spiritual powers. In this way, they can try harder things. Arcane, and fight longer.

Therefore, Arcane civilization is very keen on knowledge.

These are places that interest infinite fields.

So the king of light brain began to study.

During the few years when the Arcane Empire barely maintained its supremacy, small-scale wars continued to break out. Rebels continued to attack the Arcane Empire, and the Aolong clan had been secretly using various methods.

In these small-scale wars, some magic weapons that have never been seen before often appear in the standing army of the Arcane Empire.

For example, the huge "skeletal armor" is an armor pieced together with the bones of wild beasts and various machinery, often as high as ten feet. Any **** king can wear it, and then sweep the battlefield as a giant.

There is also the "magister's elixir", a potion in a small bottle, which contains an inextinguishable flame. The capital of a small rebel kingdom was burned to ashes by this elixir.

And the "Austrian Iron Bird" is a huge metal bird with its wings spread out for about eight feet, serving as a scout and surprise army in the air.

There are many similar magic weapons.

They are all weapons of terror war created by relying on the technology of the infinite field and the profound meaning of the Arcane Empire.

In the last few months of the Arcane Empire’s dominance, a new kind of magic weapon appeared. It is said that this is the most perfect weapon that combines technology and arcane arts. Many weapons created before are actually just studied. A by-product of new weapons.

This weapon, called the Sentry, is a perfect weapon based on the Gargoyle Legion.

The toughness of each sentinel's body is comparable to the Four Tribulations God King, and the movement speed surpasses the Four Tribulations God King and is equivalent to the Five Tribulations God King. Although sentinels are not creatures and do not know how to think, all sentries are implanted with some spirits and thoughts. This gives the sentries a certain ability to judge and can perform some magic, martial arts, and arcane arts.

However, before the large-scale application of the sentinel, the last civil war of the Arcane Civilization broke out, Akdor was assassinated, the Arcane Empire lost its dominance, and the Infinite Domain withdrew from the Arcane Civilization.

Creed looked at the metal gargoyle in the distance.

He vaguely remembered this legend.

Then, he saw the tall metal gargoyle, spread its wings, and flew towards the merchant ship.

"It's... a sentry." Creed shook his palm, and an arcane whip condensed from purple thunder appeared in his hand, his face tense: "One of the **** soldiers in the infinite field."

The first officer also clenched his fists, a vague brilliance wrapped around his arms.

"The sentinel is not a creature. Your spiritual arcane is useless to it. You hold the merchant ship. It seems that the Infinite Realm is starting to work on the arcane civilization again. This is to prevent us from establishing a relationship with the future heaven."

After saying this, Creed immediately jumped out of the merchant ship and went straight to the sentry.

The first officer watched Creed collide with the sentinel, making a harsh metal rubbing sound, the whip was flying in the air, the sentinel spread out its wings and wandered back and forth, constantly fighting against Creed, about a dozen rounds later, the sentry's One wing was torn off by the whip, and the speed of movement slowed down. Creed punched through the head of the sentry, and then shredded it little by little.

The first deputy exhaled.

But the heart that just let go of it came up again.

In the distance, a few more sentinels appeared.

The first officer couldn't help but clenched the railing with both hands.

At this time, other crew members on the merchant ship, many **** kings, also noticed the presence of the sentry, were awakened, and appeared outside the cabin one after another.

"Set up a heavy artillery!" The first officer issued an order. "Ready to fight! This is a sentry in the infinite field, a very powerful soldier. You can't take it lightly, aim all the guns at them, and wait for my order to fire when they are close enough!"

Inside the cabin.

Chen Yu walked out step by step.

Walked to the side of the first officer.

"It's not for you."

Chen Yu said coldly.

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