Supreme God King

Chapter 3188: Brutal plunder

The Infinite Realm is the world farthest from the monk civilization among the several major civilizations, and the distance is equivalent to three times the distance from the Heavenly Court to the Siyuan Dynasty in the future.

Migrating to such a long distance is because the infinite realm is the reason of technological civilization. When Chen Yu told all kinds of knowledge and information to the future heaven, many problems of scientific and technological civilization also appeared.

First of all, one of the biggest weaknesses of technological civilization is that it must be constantly plundered.

There is no civilization that needs to rely on a lot of plunder to expand like a technological civilization.

Plundering is also very common in monk civilization, and it is a manifestation of the law of the jungle. The monks have to plunder all kinds of martial arts books, all kinds of heavenly treasures, all kinds of secrets, and among the sects, they have to plunder huge spiritual veins, Yuanquan, Taoism, etc.

But when a monk is strong enough, there is no need to eat anymore. For example, the **** king, except for things like dragon bone marrow, phoenix liver, and spleen, nothing is worth eating. Moreover, powerful **** kings have the ability to create creatures. A barren world has become a source of peach blossoms. You can use your vitality to turn stones into gold, or you can use laws to create things in the void without the help of anything.

In general, the monk civilization can effectively use various resources, various powers, and consume a lot of resources, but it can also create resources. So a major feature of monk civilization is balance.

Another example is the arcane civilization. Arcane civilization has actually just started. It has only been tens of thousands of years since the emergence of the Austrians. Meng Fan once said that if arcane civilization is given enough time, it is impossible to imagine what it will develop in the future. It will even become the overlord of the universe.

The root of arcane is the mystery. As for the mystery of mystery, the heavenly court is now working hard in the future. What is already known is that the mystery can create all kinds of things without the help of any force, but relying on his own spirit and strength. Therefore, the arcane civilization is not a predatory civilization, nor a balanced civilization, but a derived civilization that constantly creates more things.

In contrast, the entire development process of Infinite Realm is accompanied by plunder.

The source of history in the infinite realm is a great world. Like many great worlds, this great world has a huge sun and many small stars. One of these stars has evolved life, but because of this great The world's vitality is thin, it is the era of the end of the law, there is no condition for cultivation, so there are no monks, monsters, animals and humans are in a barbaric and backward state, and their wisdom is not high.

These stories are now known to everyone.

And the worlds of the end of Dharma with such thin vitality are countless in every corner of the universe, millions.

Because there is no monk, this kind of world cannot derive a particularly brilliant and powerful civilization. A small natural and man-made disaster can destroy such a world, such as the turbulent flow of the law of space, such as a **** king passing by and need to rest, and Swallowing the last little bit of vitality, or even a trace of law fluctuations, can make all the creatures in such a great world die.

Therefore, in the universe, civilizations born from this kind of world can only exist for hundreds of thousands of years, and the longest ones are millions of years. They have to go through some catastrophes, even if it is lucky, they have not existed for millions of years. There will be disasters that can exterminate living beings, but one day there will be disasters.

Moreover, even if it is due to various coincidences, there has been no catastrophe for tens of millions of years, so what? In such a thin world of Dharma, there is no way out for the creatures in it, and there is no ladder to climb up. It can't even fly, it's never possible to leave the earth, and it's never possible to get out of this great world. Civilization will stop. .

But humans in this vast world have gradually evolved technology.

This unprecedented power quickly changed their world.

In the early history of the Infinite Realm, the human race lived like a beast for hundreds of thousands of years, because there was no communication with the outside world, no civilization flowed in, and it took a long time to learn to use fire and cultivate.

Then it took several thousand years before the Human Race began to establish some small kingdoms.

With the passage of time, the human race in the Dharma Doom Era gradually mastered the knack of civilization, which also reflects the strength of the human race, that is, in the Dharma Doom Era, the human race’s wisdom is slightly higher than that of other creatures, even if not. The vitality can also create civilization.

Then some relatively large countries appeared, but these so-called "empires" were still incomparable with the monastic civilization. The largest empire, at its peak, had only a few hundred million people.

Without mentioning the worlds today, it can be said that the Ten Thousand Territories that gave birth to Meng Fan is the same big world, of the same size, but one of the real empires has a population of more than one billion, and even more than two billion at its peak. Population, and there is more than one such empire.

Originally, in accordance with the conventions of the universe, the world of the end of the world has reached its peak when it has developed to such a degree. It is impossible to move forward. At most, some people have vaguely touched the threshold of martial arts because of their talents. Can't step in, but mastered some very rough tricks that are almost as dust and mountains as compared to the monk civilization, but they are called "wonderful skills", or "ghosts and snakes", "witches", etc. .

But at this moment, the power of technology emerged.

About a few hundred years after the power of science and technology emerged, these humans in the world of doomsday began to develop rapidly, and the total population has rapidly increased from one billion to several billion, and the power of science and technology is developing faster and faster, and gradually formed a huge The system has also forged huge iron birds, allowing these human races who were destined to remain trapped in the doomsday world forever until disaster strikes, and have the ability to leave this world.

Just like martial arts.

It's just that what martial arts seek is the "Dao", the method, the xinxing, and the power of the individual.

And technology seeks truth, technology, concepts, and so on.

But the nature of predation, at this moment, began to show in this great world.

The consumption of resources by technology far exceeds the consumption of resources by monks.

This is because the cost of using technology is too great. A monk can fly as long as he reaches a sufficient level and relies on his vitality. However, scientific and technological civilization cannot do it. There must be people who are very specialized in this way, gather all kinds of power, and then consume all kinds of resources to build a Iron bird.

Because there is no vitality, the power of technology is derived.

Also because there is no vitality, massive resources are needed to replace vitality.

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