Supreme God King

Chapter 3189: Partisanship

In the early days of the Infinite Realm, the human race had just mastered the mystery of flight, and had not enough ability to fly to a world that was too far away, and it was even difficult to even leave its own stars.

But on this small star, the power of science and technology is developing at an astonishing speed, and the number of human races also begins to soar with the power of science and technology.

What’s even more ridiculous is that on such a small planet, there are billions of human races, which are very dense, making the originally very thin vitality even thinner. Far unlike the monk civilization, in a vast mountain and river, there is often only one. Two monks.

The vitality is also regarded as a resource by the power of technology.

The rapid development of science and technology and the gathering of a large number of human races have caused more and more consumption of resources.

Not only that, there are hundreds of kingdoms on this small star. According to the ancient classics of the Heavenly Palace Fuxue, the more countries and powers a civilization is divided into, the more primitive it is, and the stronger the civilization, the more unified. For example, all the worlds today are very powerful. Many supreme dynasties unified.

Therefore, an important plan for the Heavenly Court against the Siyuan Dynasty in the future is to make the Siyuan Dynasty fall into division and civil strife, which is tantamount to making the Siyuan Dynasty more primitive.

In the early days, the infinite realm was split and because of the demand for resources, leading to large-scale wars time after time. The core purpose was to plunder resources.

This situation has lasted for nearly a thousand years, during which the power of science and technology has developed to a peak, and the rapid development of science and technology has not only reduced resources, but also nearly destroyed this unique civilization several times. , Because the human race in this civilization is still very weak, very immature, like a young child, it is difficult to master powerful technological power.

For example, at a certain stage, scientific and technological forces created a powerful magic weapon. After the outbreak, the sea of ​​fire and impact was enough to destroy more than a dozen cities. At that time, various countries warned with each other and plundered resources, and jointly created tens of thousands. This kind of magic weapon can completely destroy their stars hundreds of times.

And this kind of problem is not a problem in the monk civilization, because this kind of magic weapon erupts on a **** king, and at most it can only hurt a little hair of the **** king, and it is still in the state of the **** king being unguarded and lethargic. under.

The Huo De Famen released by a **** king is many times more powerful than such a **** soldier.

But this kind of divine weapon can cause damage to the realm of the gods, and it can also obliterate a monk in the realm of the gods.

At that time, the human race of the infinite realm had no threshold for entering the martial arts. This kind of human race was no different from the ants in the eyes of the monks.

The immaturity of the individual forms a strong contrast with the powerful technological power, which is very unbalanced.

Resources are scarce. In order to compete for resources, wars broke out, and countless times have passed the disaster of extinction. The infinite realm can survive to this day, which is completely coincidence one after another.

One coincidence is easy, and a hundred coincidences are very rare.

So the universe is so vast, the number of worlds of the doomsday far exceeds the number of monks, but there is only one in the infinite field, which is only one in a million.

After experiencing crises again and again, the light brain began to develop rapidly, and finally the king of light brain was born. Using his terrible calculation ability, he solved one problem after another for the human race, and finally brought together hundreds of human nations. Get up, relying on the terrifying communication power of the King of Light Brain, people who have never met can also become friends. The barriers are gradually broken, little by little become a whole, and in order to obtain more resources, start to the universe Greatly strides forward.

In this process, the immature technological civilization had many names, and in pursuit of resources, they arrived in one world after another, and when one world was exhausted by their plunder, they had no choice but to leave.

At that time, the way to obtain resources in the Infinite Realm, if it were reversed, in fact, the Infinite Realm met the monk civilization many years ago.

But it just so happens that the path of plundering resources in the Infinite Realm is another direction, so it is getting farther and farther away from the monk civilization, and after first encountering a small monk world, the Infinite Realm begins to change and revolution.

Relying on the power of science and technology, the Infinite Realm quickly accepted it as soon as it came into contact with monks and martial arts, and in just a few hundred years, some monks in the realm of the gods have emerged.

As early as the infinite realm had not mastered the secrets of martial arts, relying on the power of science and technology, the lifespan of the human race in the infinite realm has reached 70 or 80 years, which is one more than the lifespan of other human races in the final world, which is only 20 or 30 years. Times, and gradually reached one or two hundred years later, and the power of science and technology can change the structure of the physical body, making the ordinary human race in the infinite field stronger and stronger.

So after contacting martial arts, you can get twice the result with half the effort, and the mystery of martial arts is simple and clear by the scientific and technological forces of the infinite field, and anyone can practice.

Therefore, the speed of martial arts development in the infinite realm is the only way for latecomers to live and have so many gods.

In the beginning, in the eyes of Infinite Realm, the most important meaning of martial arts was to contain the power of science and technology.

Just like the kind of magic weapon that can destroy many cities, in front of this kind of magic weapon, the human race is too weak and vulnerable to a single blow, but once it steps into the martial art, it is different.

That’s why the “conservatives” and “radicals” emerge from the Infinite Realm. One side believes that it is necessary to return to the power of science and technology, while the other believes that science and technology should be abandoned and pursue martial arts. This kind of controversy has also erupted in civil strife. The bill was ended.

After that, technology and martial arts reached a perfect balance in the infinite field.

But in the future, Heavenly Court will come up with an answer after analyzing Chen Yu's various knowledge and information.

Conservatives and radicals still exist.

Just because of the bill and countless years of precipitation, they can't show their identity.

But in the infinite realm, the discussion about the choice between martial arts and technology has never stopped, but it has become more moderate, and the people in the infinite realm have different views from above and below.

At the top of the infinite field, that is, among parliamentarians and various parties, such differences are also obvious.

Almost every parliamentarian is ideologically inclined to conservative parties or radical parties. Only a very small number of parliamentarians remain neutral and truly believe that martial arts and technology are the two legs of an infinite field, and neither of them can be abandoned.

When he discovered this, Wang Haicheng was extremely excited and did not close his eyes for several days and nights.

In the end, Wang Haicheng came up with a result and informed the master Zhuge and other master gods, as well as the Heavenly Mansion.

The result is.

From the first day when the King of Light Brain dominated the Infinite Realm, there was a trend of thought among the people of the Infinite Realm to destroy the King of Light Brain. The King of Light Brain cannot understand this kind of view, but any creature can understand it.

But with the passage of time, the King of Light Brain completely controls the entire infinite field, and the power of technology, to put it plainly, is the power of the King of Light Brain.

Until martial arts appeared.

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