Supreme God King

Chapter 3195: Voting certificate

The Avenue Times, the ninth year, June 1st.

Chen Qingyu wrote back for the first time, agreeing to open a small gap in a certain corner of Riyue Peak. The gap may be only a few inches, and it can only be opened for a short time.

Even though Riyue Peak has been cut off from the world, it is after all the most important stronghold in the Infinite Realm. It is still densely covered with various eyeliners and hundreds of thousands of incarnations of the King of Light Brain. Although Chen Qingyu now controls Riyue Peak, he must release people. It is still dangerous to come in, so be extremely cautious.

But in the same way, the arrogant decision to go to the meeting is even more dangerous.

He will step into the Sun Moon Peak alone, as long as this is a trap, Chen Qingyu wants to use his banner, then he will undoubtedly die.

Nowadays, even if the future heavenly king Meng Fan wants to directly break into the Sun Moon Peak, it is still in danger. After all, there are stationed here with the largest army in the infinite field, thousands of prehistoric warships.

But Lonely Heart still decided to go.

Showed enough courage.

Only Gu Xinao and Wang Haicheng were the only ones who knew about this. They didn't even tell the entourage around them, let alone inform the future heaven. Because this matter is of great importance and impact. The less people know, the better. It may not be where the eyes and ears of the King of Light Brain can be found.

On June 2nd, Lonely Heart came to the agreed place.

At the appointed moment, a small gap appeared and disappeared instantly.

Lonely pride also disappeared at the same time.

At the top of Sun Moon Peak, where Chen Qingyu lives, the party leader who now holds the power sits on a white velvet blanket and looks at the lights in front of him. About half an hour later, the lights flickered. Chen Qingyu waved his hands to the place. Layers of restraint are unfolded inside, isolating all outside sight.

Then lonely and proud appeared.

The two Six Tribulations God Kings face each other, one standing and the other sitting upright, both remaining silent, but from the eyes of the two, it can be seen that they both have an appreciation for each other.

Chen Qingyu's face is beautiful and handsome, and his body is slender and tall, giving people a sense of calmness. He really sincerely invites the lonely heart to come here, and he has the courage to carry out the prohibition and isolate him from outside prying eyes. Although he has the highest status in the sun and moon peaks, he will always be known by the king of light brain a few days later. He didn't know how to explain it, but he could see that he had made a lot of determination.

Chen Qingyu's appreciation of loneliness and arrogance is even more from the heart.

Just breaking into the Riyue Peak, this courage is really amazing.

There are avatars of the **** soldiers, kings, and the king of light brain everywhere here, although these avatars have become very weak, and the connection between them is very weak, which makes the infinity relying on the king of light brain connected as one. The connection between the various gods and soldiers in the domain is also weak.

People in the Infinite Realm have a strong dependence on the King of Light Brain, because the King of Light Brain provides them with great convenience, which makes them do not know how to communicate once they leave the King of Light Brain. It's like a child who has been fed and grown up since he was a child. He doesn't need to do anything. One day the person who feeds is gone. This child doesn't even know how to eat. As for the more difficult things, such as how to get food, or how Children are not clear about hunting, and they have almost no ability in this area.

Dependence is also a powerful weapon for the King of Light Brain to rule the infinite realm. The more convenience the King of Light Brain provides, the more people in the Infinite Realm rely on the King of Light Brain.

But even so, arrogantly daring to enter without being found, it is quite powerful.

Chen Qingyu stretched out a hand and motioned for Lonely Heart to sit down.

Lonely and proud, he was a guest, and sat down in front of Chen Qingyu.

"This meeting is extremely dangerous. It shouldn't be nonsense. I should point to the subject, but I still want to say something. The Lord of the Law is so proud and proud to be able to meet. It is quite fortunate to be able to meet." Chen Qingyu bowed slightly, expressing etiquette. .

Lonely and proudly said: "One of the leaders of the Infinite Domain, the leader of the Chen family, and the leader of the Sun Moon Peak, I am truly lucky to meet Mr. Chen."

Chen Qingyu nodded lightly, no longer politely greeted: "Since the Lord of Law can meet with me in person, in the future, Heavenly Court has analyzed the only weakness in the infinite realm from Chen Yu's knowledge."

Solitary and proudly said: "Yes. Conservatives and radicals are fighting."

Chen Qingyu: "Conservatives and radicals have always existed, but with the prosperity of martial arts-this also thanks to the king of light brain, under his calculation, all martial arts have become clear-the powerful **** king Many, the **** king of the infinite realm and the **** king of monk civilization are essentially the same. Although the **** king of the infinite realm is easier to achieve realm, it also lacks a lot of hardships and twists, and may not be as good as the **** king of the monk civilization. , But we can achieve the realm of the overlord, and there are many tribulations.

Therefore, the **** kings in the infinite realm are like the **** kings of the monk civilization. They have mavericks in their hearts, dominate their own destiny, and expect to change their fate against the heavens. Unlike you, it is this heavenly way that you have to rebel against, and you have already We walk more and more smoothly, getting closer and closer to the end of our "Tao". Only when the "Decisive Battle of Heaven" is over, everything will be known, and before we change our fate, there is still a sky above our head, which is the light brain. king. "

The Battle of Heaven is the name of Infinite Realm for the upcoming duel between Meng Fan and Heavenly Emperor.

"The King of Light Brain doesn't understand the human heart, so he doesn't know that over 70% of the kings of the infinite realm are radicals."

As soon as he said this, his arrogant eyes flickered unnoticeably.

More than 70% of the gods are radicals!

Want to abandon technology and embrace martial arts!

In other words, the hope is to destroy the King of Light Brain.

It fully confirmed what Wang Haicheng said. The stronger the existence, the less able to accept a supreme ruler, all hoping to control their own destiny and decide their own situation by themselves.

Change your fate against the sky.

For the **** king of the infinite realm, the king of light brain is this "heaven".

Chen Qingyu did not observe any expressions of loneliness and arrogance. Now it is indeed dangerous for him, so he counts every second and says: "The real fear of the King of Light Brain is that he cannot be eliminated. He does have 500 million incarnations, and every day More avatars are being added. As long as the avatar of the King of Light Brain still exists, he can control more than 90% of the soldiers and warships in the Infinite Domain, as well as more than 70% of the city buildings and facilities, and almost every resident of the Infinite Domain. With the help of our own power, the eyes and ears of ours cannot overthrow the King of Light Brain, but in the future, Heavenly Court may be able to.

The existence of anything is not infinite, endless, and so is the King of Light Brain. No matter how many incarnations he has, he himself is a system.

The word system, you can search through Chen Yu's knowledge and find the answer.

As for the final result, it depends on you.

I met with you today not only to tell you this, but also to express my demands. I hope to join the future heaven, break away from the infinite realm, get your protection, and assist you to liberate my compatriots together. I have been thinking about it for a few days. This is my condition.

And my nomination certificate and meeting ceremony are the entire Riyuefeng. "

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